Oh my, Kids!!!

I need to rant for a min! I'm about to lose my ever loving mind!!! My kids have only taken 1 nap all week and instead of just laying in their beds they are in their room screaming at the top of their lungs. I don't know why I feel this way!!! I usually do my workouts while they are napping to avoid distractions. I'm also a little upset with hubby because I asked him to take the afternoon off and help and he said no. I don't like feeling this way!!! I've done the breathing in and out thing and its' not working. I know Hubby can't just take off work like that I just wish sometimes I had a little help. I mean on weekends he is known as the "Fun parent" My kids are 23 months and 10 months. Again I'm just ranting!!


  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    its ok to rant every once in awhile!! Its actually good for you!!

    I know how you feel bc when I lived at my mom and dads (only 3 short months ago) my baby sister (32 months old) and my nephew (25 months old) went crazy in the afternoons (esp since my sister does not always take a nap any more)

    What I would do is either work out first thing in the morning when they are still sleeping (depending on when they wake up) or at night after they go to bed and before you do.

  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    My kids are 28 months and 9 months- I know what you are going through! I love my kids but it definitely puts me in a bad mood if they don't nap. Do you find yourself counting down the hours until their bedtime, cuz I do! :) Afternoons are the worst for me- especially around 5:00 when my 2 year old starts whining about wanting dinner. Then we get to play the "lets figure out ways to stall until dinner time!" for about 30 minutes.

    It was beautiful here yesterday so we spent the afternoon at the park. Today it is snowing so we will be stuck inside. (I don't have proper snow attire for the kids yet....whoops!) They will be waking up from their nap any minute now and all I can think is "ok- I can make it through 3 hours of entertaining the kids..."

    EXHAUSTING! (but totally rewarding at the same time....parenting is weird.)

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • katwj76
    katwj76 Posts: 60 Member
    I totally understand! My kids are 6 and 9 and it DOES get better, but over Christmas break they drove me NUTS! Now that they are back in schoolo we're all happier!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I need to rant for a min! I'm about to lose my ever loving mind!!! My kids have only taken 1 nap all week and instead of just laying in their beds they are in their room screaming at the top of their lungs. I don't know why I feel this way!!! I usually do my workouts while they are napping to avoid distractions. I'm also a little upset with hubby because I asked him to take the afternoon off and help and he said no. I don't like feeling this way!!! I've done the breathing in and out thing and its' not working. I know Hubby can't just take off work like that I just wish sometimes I had a little help. I mean on weekends he is known as the "Fun parent" My kids are 23 months and 10 months. Again I'm just ranting!!
    I used to put mine in the room, turn up the music and IGNORE!
    Nap time means you nap, scream or just lay there, but that's my time to exercise.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I totally feel you! My grandkids moved in with me in October and I went from being super active, burning tons of calories to missing workout days, or just squeezing in a quick one. I'm an avid cyclist and I rode for the first time in three months, yesterday! Mine are 3 and 4. Fortunately I have a gym where I can put them in the daycare, but there are only certain hours and those don't always work out.
    All I can suggest is involving them in your workouts. If you're doing DVD's, ask if they would like to do them with you, make it fun for them. I also bench press both kids, among other things. I use them for weights in several different exercises. I took them jogging with me the other day and was surprised how far the little buzzards could run! On the plus side, if you wear them out with exercise, they may start napping again.
  • Malani2010
    My kids are 28 months and 9 months- I know what you are going through! I love my kids but it definitely puts me in a bad mood if they don't nap. Do you find yourself counting down the hours until their bedtime, cuz I do! :) Afternoons are the worst for me- especially around 5:00 when my 2 year old starts whining about wanting dinner. Then we get to play the "lets figure out ways to stall until dinner time!" for about 30 minutes.

    It was beautiful here yesterday so we spent the afternoon at the park. Today it is snowing so we will be stuck inside. (I don't have proper snow attire for the kids yet....whoops!) They will be waking up from their nap any minute now and all I can think is "ok- I can make it through 3 hours of entertaining the kids..."

    EXHAUSTING! (but totally rewarding at the same time....parenting is weird.)

    Good luck and hang in there!

    I love my kids with all my heart!!! It's just a little rough sometime being the sole caretaker of them. I mean I love hubby and he is here and loves his kids he just doesn't know where to stand with them because he is only home with them 2 days a week and during the rest of the week he gets about 2 to 3 hours after work with them so it's hard.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I totally understand what you're going through. I have 4 children (3 boys & 1 girl). They seem perfectly capable of entertaining themselves while I'm cooking, but all hell breaks loose & they all need me for something whenever I go to push play to workout.
  • flabwillbefab
    boy, i remembered been there,,,,,, my kids grew,,now youngest at 6 , but then, it was the exact same way youretelling it,,, it will get better,, i know that for the now" it dont matther if it gets better " later" but i mean it,,,,

    and we are women,, dont fart, dont burp, dont lay on couch grabbing our,,brain,,,,haha, if we didnt b!tch once a while, we would explose,,,,,lol

    I know how important that time is for you, specially 2 youngs kids so close in age,,, youre a busy woman!
    hope they sleep more for you!!! do they sleep in the am for you? maybe just move youre work-out time ,,,hope things work out for you!!!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    My kids are 28 months and 9 months- I know what you are going through! I love my kids but it definitely puts me in a bad mood if they don't nap. Do you find yourself counting down the hours until their bedtime, cuz I do! :) Afternoons are the worst for me- especially around 5:00 when my 2 year old starts whining about wanting dinner. Then we get to play the "lets figure out ways to stall until dinner time!" for about 30 minutes.

    It was beautiful here yesterday so we spent the afternoon at the park. Today it is snowing so we will be stuck inside. (I don't have proper snow attire for the kids yet....whoops!) They will be waking up from their nap any minute now and all I can think is "ok- I can make it through 3 hours of entertaining the kids..."

    EXHAUSTING! (but totally rewarding at the same time....parenting is weird.)

    Good luck and hang in there!

    I love my kids with all my heart!!! It's just a little rough sometime being the sole caretaker of them. I mean I love hubby and he is here and loves his kids he just doesn't know where to stand with them because he is only home with them 2 days a week and during the rest of the week he gets about 2 to 3 hours after work with them so it's hard.

    It could be worse... my husband sees out kids for about an hour a day, and Sat and Sunday afternoons, if we are lucky. He works long hours and has a commute and works most weekend mornings. :-)
    I agree with pp.... have the kids workout with you, that's what I do. Or I find a neighbor and trade babysitting hours with her... I watch her kids for an hour so she can work out, and she watches mine for an hour so I can workout. It's rough for the hour with 4 cranky kids, but it's worth it when I can workout in peace.
  • MsRaeJ
    MsRaeJ Posts: 16
    I bet it must be challenging to have two little ones so close together in age! Don't be too hard on yourself. I think with kids that young a workout routine needs to be a little flexible or you'll just drive yourself batty. Maybe take a walk later, or spend 30 min having a dance party in the kitchen (we just did that today and let me tell you my heart rate was up!). If you don't get a workout in just let it go....days like that happen for everyone, but especially for mothers. My hubby works a lot too, I call myself a "single-married-parent", it's easy to get burned out. Take a deep breath, fix yourself a hot cup of herbal tea and try to get a few minutes of relaxation in.

    On another note, my 4 year old nephew has been in the hospital fighting a very serious form of leukemia for the past 8 months and watching him has helped me to realize that when my kids are at their most hyper-active, loud, obnoxious behavior....I need to remember to be grateful that they have the health to run around, play, and get on my nerves :).

    I hope things get better!
  • flabwillbefab
    amen to this,,, its hard to do sometimes, but you NEED to!!!! good for you, and good for them,,,,
    maximallife his right .
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I need to rant for a min! I'm about to lose my ever loving mind!!! My kids have only taken 1 nap all week and instead of just laying in their beds they are in their room screaming at the top of their lungs. I don't know why I feel this way!!! I usually do my workouts while they are napping to avoid distractions. I'm also a little upset with hubby because I asked him to take the afternoon off and help and he said no. I don't like feeling this way!!! I've done the breathing in and out thing and its' not working. I know Hubby can't just take off work like that I just wish sometimes I had a little help. I mean on weekends he is known as the "Fun parent" My kids are 23 months and 10 months. Again I'm just ranting!!
    I used to put mine in the room, turn up the music and IGNORE!
    Nap time means you nap, scream or just lay there, but that's my time to exercise.

    LOL!! This is exactly what I posted! As long as they are fed, clean and not sick, crying isn't gonna hurt them.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Oh, I actually posted about how I lost weight with 3 children under 35 months apart altogether (13 months apart and 22 months apart) while I was a single mom. I made a mistake in the initial post, I actually lost 50 pounds, not 40..I mostly just got flamed for posting, but if there's anything you can take from it that might encourage you or give you some helpful ideas, here's the link:


    *dodges tomatoes* :laugh: