ChasTnchick Member


  • Cori, the format looks great! Sorry I am just now catching onto your name well. Bogmama, I really want to try a cleanse but I don't want to put you out of your way. YAY!! I'm excited to try this challenge!! Okay, that means I need to burn 3980 calories!! I'm super excited now, it's my first MFP challenge!!
  • Thank you guys for the kind words. It will all work out :) Eating healthy and working out to Zumba as often as possible have been easier than I thought! I finally hit 199!!! I gained over 100 with my daughter and this is my first time back in the 100's since I have given birth!! She will be 3 in December! Mini-goals make…
  • Hi guys!! I thought school work would tone down a bit but really hasn't! Our family also found out we have an 18 year old brother we never knew about until now. Long story short back in the day blood tests REALLY were not accurate. With DNA now, we have a new family member, we are so sad to of missed out on so much but…
  • Hey guys! Sorry I havent posted very well here lately. I have had a massive amount of school work to do along with everyday life of work and mommy hood! Hope everyone is doing well! Hello to the new peeps! Looking forward to all of us getting closer to our goals!! Good luck everyone! Talk to you soon!!
  • Good morning ladies!!! I woke up early, cleaned the house, then worked out!! It makes me feel absolutely wonderful the rest of the day!! BOGmama-Well I had cut back at dinner to sneak one of the desserts in lol, I also had a freind over that ate one as well. It is getting much easier for me to look over the unhealthy…
  • Hello!! Stayed on track again, just really got in a bit of a slump when I was running around trying to do too much. Smart One's fruit inspiration orange sesame chicken is so tasty and fills me up so much better than most of the low fat frozen meals!! I accidentally bought an unhealthy dessert for myself instead of the 100…
  • Bogmoma, yes ma'am!! I have gotten back on my routine and already shed those two pounds!! It is hard when you rush straight from work to go to a fair that has nothing but greasy food!! But it is back to the grind in which I love!! It makes you feel sooo much better after working out!! Thank you all for the support!!!
  • Hello Mommies!!! Sorry I haven't been in the forums for a few days. We had the fair in town so I had to take my daughter! The walking helped but the fair food did not. I gained back 2 pounds!! But, that won't get me down, gotta get back on track and keep pushing!! One hard thing for myself are the family get togethers with…
  • How well do you like the biggest loser work out so far?
  • Thanks!! I have started doing my own thing from looking at different workouts on tv including the turbo jam until I have the extra cash to buy a new dvd. It really does help me by getting up earlier and working out. I'm so worn out by her bed time and have so many other things at home to do in the evenings. That 30 minutes…
  • Thank you all!! These are great suggestions! I am giong to check into them immediately. I am a beginner as far as the work outs, plus I really need to stop smoking! I was afraid to stop because I feared I would put more weight on but it is going to affect my work out! I really appreciate all of your help!
  • Hello everyone! I just found this website yesterday and would love to join your group! I have a 3 year old daughter, work full time and go to school full time. With all of this its very hard to find time and motivation to work out. I think this group will really help me. I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone and…
  • That is a great idea raennefowler. I always restart my diet after looking at pictures of myself that I do not like, so I thought about putting a few around so I could keep myself on track as well. Thinking of how you are going to feel after the weightloss is an excellent motivator. If you continue to feel hungry, drink…