Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kimi - did you buy the whole set for Turbo Fire? :o) I have heard awesome things about it. I just got Turbo Jam (along with 6 other BB programs!) but haven't looked at it yet.

    Heather - that is great. I had my calories at 1800 an tried to stick with that, which was fine. But, now that I've added more exercise, I decided to go with the 1200 calories that MFP gave me and then I make sure to add all of my exercise in and eat all of those calories. There is a calorie need calculator at team beachbody (I think it's free too, not part of the club membership) and it has me set at 2000. They don't list all types of exercises (like running, but not walking) but I think it is a pretty good estimate. Especially if you are using Turbo Jam or one of the other programs they sell. Your hubby is going to be nice and surprised! Great job!

    Kaitlyn - Motivation is the key and it is hard when you have to do it by yourself. I can't have any of the junk in my house because I have no willpower. I eat all of it until it is gone. I will say again though that eating enough protein has helped me not to crave the sugar and crap. Cutting calories will get you weight loss, but it won't be sustainable without exercise. I learned that when I lost the weight with Weight Watchers. Can you go for a walk early in the morning with your daughter before it gets too hot out? I know you are busy with work and going to school. {Hugs}

    Today is my birthday and I got a great birthday present. Since I have upped my calories, I lost another 1.2 lbs. I'm thrilled. I was bummed when I went to weigh-in on Saturday and had gained 2 lbs. So, I've been focusing on getting plenty of water too. I wanted to repost what I put on facebook this morning as well:

    We are halfway through week 10 of P90X and I just wanted to share some stats: I started at 30% body fat this round; I am now at 23% and have lost 16 lbs of body fat and gained a pound of muscle (hey! that muscle was a lot of work!) according to a pretty crude calculator. I will take it though. I can see the results ...and once again, my favorite jeans that used to be to tight are becoming diaper pants. :D

    Fiber is at 36 g. :D That is if I get my Chocolate Shakeology in today too. Here is the recipe I am trying today: http://carldaikeler.blogspot.com/2010/08/chocolate-panshakes.html That will be my birthday dinner/dessert!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Kaitlyn - The important thing is thateven if you want to binge, you aren't. You should feel proud of that. Have you tried any of the walk at home dvd's? If you get into them they are a great calorie burner, with easy to follow moves, and can be done inside where it's nice and air conditioned. Do you have any friends in the neighborhood who would like to walk with you? I know having my hubby walk with me pushed me to go even when I'd rather put on my sweats and lounge around. Hang in there, we all lose motivation once in awhile :flowerforyou:

    KCampbell - Welcome! Congrats on your daughter! I miss having babies in the house! Since you're nursing you'll probably have to take it slow. Nursing itself burns about 500 calories and day so you can only cut down so much. You could definitley start walking or other workouts to start toning and builiding muscle, which will help burn more calories in the long run.

    Lisa - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Any exciting plans to celebrate? You are the fiber queen lady, I've been hitting 28-30 but haven't ever been over 30. Does Shakeology have alot of fiber in it?

    Heather - your hubby is gonna be so excited to come home to his hottie of of wife (not that he wound't be excited to see you regardless :laugh: ) You're doing great - keep up all the awesome work.

    If I've missed any other newcomers - welcome!!

    School started yesterday (for me and the kids) and I'm already stressed about having time to workout. I'm glad I have a little time behind me so I feel more motivated to keep at it, I don't want to gain back what I've managed to lose. My daughter was supposed to get her stitches out yesterday, but doc said they didn't look quite ready. I feel so sorry for her. They are in the most akward place and between that and knockingh her teeth losse she has to eat and drink from the side of her mouth :cry:
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kaitlyn- He knows. I can't keep a secret for the life of me. I've been wanting to binge lately too. Nothing healthy sounds good. You are doing so much better than me though. I totally had a reeses peanut butter cup yesterday. I was bummed cause it wasn't near as good as I remembered it. But I have been CRAVING sweets like CRAZY. I'm wondering if my favorite Aunt is coming to visit soon or something.... I seem to get worse about binging around then. But I'm proud of you for not caving. Awesome will power!

    Lisa- I have a team beachbody membership but I haven't really used it. I don't know if I even remember the info and I'm not sure how long of a membership I got with the DVD set. I lent out my dvds but I plan on kicking it into high gear next month and doing double workouts in September. Are those Shakes any good. My team beachbody coach keeps spamming me with info about them.

    C- for the life of me I can't remember your real name or if I ever even knew it, lol. It was a little tough for me getting into the swing of things with the kids going back to school last week. I'm still a little tired this week truth be told, but I'm sure it will come for both of us :)

    Oh and do you all remember me telling you about my pin up photo idea. I got the bathing suit yesterday and it is ADORABLE. Totally retro, and I love the high waist it covers just above my belly button and covers EVERY belly stretch mark! So YAY! I pasted the link in below just in case anyone is curious!

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - that is cute! It would cover my stretch marks from carrying the twins! LOL The greenberry took some time for me to get used to. Hubby loves it though and the boys do too. I love the chocolate. Tastes like a liquid Ghiradelli brownie to me. Boys say it tastes like the chocolate brownie Clif Z bar (which taste fantastic!). Sorry that your coach is spamming you. I do coach, but I don't like to spam. I mention it because I love it. If you want a sample of it, I send them out all the time too (hence why I went so long without it!) The membership is free by the way to team beachbody. You could have signed up for a club membership which has a few more perks, but I think you might recognize that charge every few months on your bill. Phew! Double workouts! Like I said, make sure to eat enough - lesson learned over here!

    C - thank you! It doesn't have that much actually. I think 2 g in a packet. My protein shake has 5 g in one packet to give you an idea and my chocolate soymilk I have after my workout has 3 g. Great advice to Kaitlyn. That would be awkward for your daughter. Hope those stitches come out soon. LOL I have no plans to celebrate except to decide between a Polar FT7F and a BodyBugg for my gift. Not sure which one I want. The cheapskate in me leans towards the Polar. Even being able to do 10 minutes at a time will get your exercise in.

    My boys cleaned their room for me for my birthday. They are so proud of it. Got the broken and not played with toys out of there without me even asking. <3 Now that is a GOOD present.

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Heather - Come to think of it, I've never put my name on here. It's Cori by the way :happy:
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Lisa- I don't really mind her sending the emails, I just didn't know how else to describe the frequency without using the word spam. She always adds helpful tips in her emails as well, most of the time anyhow. So that is nice! Oh and I forgot last time HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have you heard better things about one vs the other for the HRM's? I say splurge if you have to, you don't want to be disappointed :) Plus you have earned it! YAY for the boys. That would make my day, so I totally get why you'd be thrilled!

    Cory- Thanks I felt silly typing C, especially if I should have picked up your name along the way ;)
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Mommies!!!

    Sorry I haven't been in the forums for a few days. We had the fair in town so I had to take my daughter! The walking helped but the fair food did not. I gained back 2 pounds!! But, that won't get me down, gotta get back on track and keep pushing!! One hard thing for myself are the family get togethers with nothing but unhealthy food. Does anyone else have this problem?? I think I'm going to try to eat a small salad before so I'm not so hungry and won't go over my calories. I haven't exercised in 4 days either!! I did go to the fair and walk a total of 16 hours in two of those days though. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and keep motivated!!! We can and will do this hot mommas!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - oh, but there are some that do just spam. LOL Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have heard great things about both of them, which is why it's a tough decision. But, the Bodybugg is not a true heart rate monitor. It's a calorie monitor. I would love to know how much I burn a day (it would be easier to configure my diary to it) and I know that I get my heart rate up during the cardio exercises. I may just splurge and get it. Indecisive would describe me right now. LOL

    Chas - get back on track! It's too easy to fall off the good habits wagon. Glad you enjoyed the fair though!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    HAPPY Birthday, Lisa! I'm glad your boys did something nice.

    You guys, this is why I love this group. I felt totally craptastic this afternoon, and you guys really made me feel like I could get back on track. I made salmon, broccoli and rice (for the hubs) for dinner, and I felt really good about it. And thank you for giving me kudos for not actually binging. I think that's motivational for me. I'm feeling much better.

    First class back for fall semester starts tonight: Organic chemistry. UGH!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Ok, Kaitlyn. I hate O Chem! Wanted to do nutrition for a second degree and realized I would have to take O Chem over. No thanks! I am so happy that you made good choices today! Well done. I'm proud of you. <3
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well this morning! Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing! Was so excited to get on the scale this morning and see it go down one more pound!! I'm on my way! Just gotta keep on moving! Yesterday was a tough day, I just felt hungry, but today's a new day and I started it out with some yoga! What a great way to balance your day out! Going to the fair tonight, hopefully I can control myself!! Well have a good day everyone!!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kaitlyn- I'm glad that you feel back on track! YAY!! I love this group too. It so nice having other mama's to go through it with!

    KCampbell- Hey girl CONGRATS on the lb! That is fantastic, fabulous, freaking awesome, and I think I'm out of F words for ya, lol! Enjoy the fair, and mmmmmm I would so fall off what little of a wagon I'm on if I went there. I'm pretty bad when it comes to eating healthy as it is.....

    So I had a good day. Today I went to the zoo workout I do and Kathy the lady who runs it, asked when the last time I did weight and measurements with her. I told her not since we took the originals. She said we need to do them I see a big difference. Since I started there back in May I'm down 10 lbs and almost 9 inches. She only measures in 4 spots, but still not to shabby. I have less fat and more muscle too, but my favorite part is that she noticed the difference and wanted to measure. YAY. It was nice after seeing the scale go back up a few ounces after eating way to darn much sodium yesterday. Dinner was worth it though, lol. Well I'm off to cook dinner and drink some water. Have a great day everyone!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Heather - pretty impressive change, not that much time either. You are doing a great job!

    My little girl is sick, she's had a fever for 3 days (105+) - I'm finishing dinner and heading to Instacare. Poor thing has had a rough week; first stitches and now she ends up sick. We've had some strange weather (wind storms and big drops in temps, then back up in 90's) so I'm hoping it's just a change of season cold.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    KCampbell - nice job! Have fun at the fair. Good job with that lb.

    Heather - it's nice when others notice, isn't it? Great job. That is impressive!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Cory- those high fevers are SCARY! I have 2 that run really high fevers and it freaks me out every time they are sick! Then stitches to boot is just terrible. Poor poor kiddo. Hang in there Mama!

    Lisa- Hello :) and thanks. I've lost more inches than she tracks, but I was happy. She doesn't do chest and that is where I've lost the most, lol. I'd already dropped about 14lbs when I started working out with her and I was eating clean. I was losing a lot faster that way..... Oh well :) Hope you have a great night!
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys! Well, I tried not to be too bad at the fair last night, I did have a couple of things I shouldn't have, and I won't mention what they were so we don't all start craving them :) but I figured I may as well have what I want while I'm there, it's only once a year, and today is a new day! I walked alot, so I keep telling myself that helped! Don't actually know if it did or not but the good news is I didn't gain anything! The bad news, I'm so tired today I could just lay my head down on my desk and go back to sleep! I just hope I have enough energy to get me through the day. Thanks again to all of you for being so encouraging! Have a great day!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cory - hope your little one is feeling better. What did they say she has?

    Heather - That is awesome! Great job. :o) So what four parts did she measure?

    KCampbell - good job! Yes, the walking probably did help some. Today is a new day - you are right. No need to dwell on what you did and let yourself go. Great attitude. There are things that I used to always want when I went to the Boardwalk or even at potluck when the Filipinos would bring the sweet rice balls. But, I found that whenever I ate those things the oily aftertaste just killed it. So, even if you mentioned what you had, I would probably think about that and be ok. :D

    I was dreading getting up this morning and waking up. I had a headache when I woke up and I have been congested the past couple of days. Took some Excedrin and some Benadryl and pressed play with hubby. Even though I really wanted to crawl back in bed in the beginning of the DVD, I was happy that I did it. I don't have to worry about getting it done now, my nose feels clearer, my headache is gone, and my day is ready to start.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Lisa - nice job pushing through this morning! Isn't it amazing how good it feels after you do? Now you can conquer the day without the shoulda, coulda, woulda of not working out.

    Kcampbell - Glad you enjoyed the fair! Our state fair is next month and the kids are trying to talk me into going. Luckily there's only be one thing there I always ate - the cinnamon almonds! If I avoid that booth I think I'll be okay.

    Well, after I posted I gave my daughter some motrin, gave her a cool bath and some extra compresses on her head while we ate. Her fever was down (102ish) so we decided to play it by ear. After she ate she pepped up quite a bit and even asked to go for a walk with us. She was up all night (chills and throwing up) but this morning she is running around and playing and fever is down to 99. I felt guilty for not taking her, but apparently it worked out. I swear every time I get to the doctor my kids are always fine and running around like normal.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Lisa, I was doing the Turbo Jam for about 3 weeks, and I felt I needed more. I bought the regular set (not the advanced) You can purchase the Advanced DVDs seperate when you are ready... I was having a hard enough time spending the $140 on that set! LOL I'm very cheap and have the Mommy guilt that I'm spending too much money on myself! I know, I need to get over it! =) But I am so in love with it. I just got it yesterday and I already LOVE it! Today I did the HIT 15, and thought geez only 15 minutes, that's not going to do anything... LOL I WAS WAY WRONG. I am more sore today than doing Turbo Jam Cardio Party! I also added the Brazil Butt Lift High and Tight today too... I just love that work out since I have a lot of junk in the trunk! =)

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!! Keep on moving!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kimi - ah, I gotcha. That is awesome! I know, sometimes it is hard to imagine just how hard of a workout you can get in 15 minutes. But, those always end up being the most intense workouts! Insane Cardio Abs in 17 minutes long and nonstop all the way through.

    C - glad she is feeling better. We double dose Motrin and Tylenol when fevers get too high. And yes, no shoulda could woulda over here!
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