Time for us Moms! Group

Hi all,

I am looking to start a group for moms who have to find the time to take care of themselves. My husband and I do P90X most mornings at 5:30 so that he can get off to work and I can take care of our 2 year old and 8 year old twins. I am 28 years old and am on my second round of the X after not working out for a very long time. Any workout is welcome and I hope that this will be a place to encourage and share workout and eating tips with each other.



  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I would love to join your group! I am a first time mom who works full time and also takes classes at night to earn my nursing degree. I'm still trying to lose my baby weight, and cannot seem to find the time to do everything I want as far as exercise.
  • Cissy92
    Cissy92 Posts: 63 Member
    :happy: I would love 2 join.........Im a single parent my daughter is leaving 4 college this fall an now im starting to do things 4 ME now!!!!
  • jpjh504
    jpjh504 Posts: 13
    I would love to join the group! I work full time, my hubby has his own business and works ALL THE TIME. We have an almost 5 year old. Most days it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. :wink:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I too want to join the group.

    I am a single mom, active duty navy, part time student, My daughter will be 5 in Sept and my son, who has ADHD just turned 3, luckily the navy requires me to work out 3X a week so I get time off of work for that, but I would still love to be a part of the group.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi british, atlantic, jp, and sassy! So nice to meet you moms!

    Sassy - wow, thank you for your service. My husband's mom was a single mom raising 3 kids while being in the Army (in fact, she's still in the Army!) and I know from his stories that it was rough. You and I can share in the miseries of the 3s, as my son hit that attitude a couple of months ago.

    JP - never enough hours in the day. Although I could probably find some if I didn't do FB. LOL My dad owned his own business and you are right, they work all the time. Is your 5 year old going to Kinder next month?

    Atlantic - it's never too late to start! Where is your daughter going to college?

    British - way to go on going to school and working! Your avatar pic is too cute! How old is your daughter? I had great success getting my baby weight off watching what I was eating, but then had a miscarriage and gained it all back and then some! How frustrating!

    So, when do you gals like to workout? I find that having a set time is so key to getting it done. Hubby and I did our workout today at 3 pm and it was such a change from our 5:30 workouts. It was a lot harder and kind of difficult to focus. Although I don't enjoy waking up so early, I will enjoy getting my day started with it! What are all of you doing for workouts too?

    Have a great night!
  • Cissy92
    Cissy92 Posts: 63 Member
    i workout some mornings an some evenings depends on wat hours i am working.......my job hours vary so i go to the gym when i can get it in usually 5 days a week...........my daughter will attend tyler tx, junior college
  • aubreynbrown
    I would love to join your group!! I am married to a truck driver and my son will be 2 August 15th. I just recently had to quit my job due to a lack of a babysitter. It's very hard to get a workout in with a 1 year old that wants your undivided attention no one to help me. A friend and I try to meet up about every other day or so to walk on a local track in the evening for about an hour. And when I don't go walking, I do workouts on my Wii Active, but I have to wait till little man is down for a nap.

    I'm in the middle of doing a super cleaning and gathering up stuff for a garage sale next weekend and the weekend after. But at the same time packing to move back to my home town in Florida. That right there is a workout in itself!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Atlantic - I think JC is a great start. Good luck to your daughter. It would be hard having a changing shift to schedule in a workout. Good for you though!

    Aubrey - welcome! Our boys wake up way too early (especially since it is summer!), like 6 - 6:30, and my hubby and I are not done with our workout at all. The twins go and play in their room quietly, but there are several times when our 2 year old is knocking on the door and calling for us when we are working out. It is difficult to find the time (and aren't we tired at the end of a long day?), but good for you for trying to find the time. Working out with a partner is the only way I can do it. I tried the Wii Fit, but I wasn't vey consistent with it. I did like the Yoga in it though. Good luck with your move. I agree, that is a big workout right there!

    Well, our workout is done for the morning. It was day 120 for us on P90X and so today we took our pictures. I will post some so you can see the transformation. It has been a journey for sure!

    Have a great day!

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Well here our pictures!

    Hubby and I this morning:


    Day 1:



    Day 120:


  • aubreynbrown
    Awesome job!! I love the transformation!!!!!!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks Aubrey!

    Good morning all! Had an ok workout this morning doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and we'll do Ab ripper tonight. I hate it when hubby gets so frustrated during a workout. He makes it take longer than it should and today was so negative (nothing with me, all on himself). He gets this way when we do a workout we haven't done in a while, but grrrrrr. Ok, that's my rant. On my positive note, yesterday evening he challenged me to do a real, unassisted pull-up and I did 2! Yay!

    How are you all doing? Do any of you enter in your food for the day ahead of time? I have been doing that and planning what I am going to eat. Then, when I am hungry, I just go to my log and see what I have planned. It takes the last minute "what to eat?" when I am hungry out of the question. Sometimes I differ from what I thought, so I go in and change it. But for the most part, I try to stick with what I eat.

    Hope you have a great day!

  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Thanks Aubrey!

    Good morning all! Had an ok workout this morning doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and we'll do Ab ripper tonight. I hate it when hubby gets so frustrated during a workout. He makes it take longer than it should and today was so negative (nothing with me, all on himself). He gets this way when we do a workout we haven't done in a while, but grrrrrr. Ok, that's my rant. On my positive note, yesterday evening he challenged me to do a real, unassisted pull-up and I did 2! Yay!

    How are you all doing? Do any of you enter in your food for the day ahead of time? I have been doing that and planning what I am going to eat. Then, when I am hungry, I just go to my log and see what I have planned. It takes the last minute "what to eat?" when I am hungry out of the question. Sometimes I differ from what I thought, so I go in and change it. But for the most part, I try to stick with what I eat.

    Hope you have a great day!


    Most of the time I do plan ahead wither its the day beofore or the morning, I have to take everything to work anyway, so i plug it in first to make sure its within range. Today i was kinda off got a headache-- i think cause i haven't gotten enough sleep the last two nights. I had dark choc. resses PB cups- I don't feel bad though- DC is good for you, and I don't eat candy- not real candy hardly ever. I'm still working out today so i'm sure i'll be with in cals, I m playing around with my cals to see whats best for me to loose 1200 I just dont think was enough. I still have the gulites though for eating 14-1600 cals......something I have to work through. I plan on going to crossfit today, and then have to do 50 squats and 100 crunches as apart of another challenge.
  • aubreynbrown
    I honestly never thought of pre-planning my meals by putting them in ahead of time. That's a very good suggestion and I think I'm going to try that. I walked for an hour today...about 2 miles. And sweat my butt off!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    As long as it's not an everyday thing, then a treat is just fine. Nice challenge, but I couldn't do that daily. My legs and abs need a rest! That being said, I do have Ab Ripper tonight! 16 minutes long and I still dread it beforehand. Hahaha. I think 1200 is crazy, especially if you are working out. I aim for 1800 and I modified the ratio so that it is 40/40/20. A lot of people have it set with really high carbs and I know that I feel lethargic when I eat like that. Protein really helps my sugar cravings to stay away. But, I also know that not everyone is the same too. So, kudos to those who can survive on 1200! Just not me. :o)

    Have a great night. I'll see you in the AM!

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey guys... not much to report. I lost the first 16 pounds really quickly in the last month or so. I think most of it was water weight. haha! Then a gained a pound back, which sucked and kind of killed my motivation. However, I am not detered. The Hubs recently caught a glimps of himself in a glass window while at work. He came home really upset about it, and since he's always been so supportive of me and my weightloss efforts, he decided to join the bandwagon. We've been going on two days now (gotta start somewhere, right?) or evening workouts after the baby goes to bed. The first night we did kettlebell, and yesterday we each walked a mile on the treadmill. I can hardly walk today, I'm so sore!

    BOG - The baby is 14 months. She's our first, and I'm loving every second of it! Thanks for the work/school kudos. It's my second degree and for some reason seems a lot harder than the first!

    How was everyone's day today?
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hey British - thanks for getting the thread jumping again. Felt like I was talking to myself! Hubby wants to go for his 2nd degree soon. It does seem like it takes a lot more motivation to get through. I cannot say enough good things about working out with your spouse. It just makes your marriage so much stronger and sexier too. :o) Great job getting him on board and using the treadmill and kettlebells. We had an elliptical in our room for about a year that barely got used because it would squeak and wake up our 2 year old. I actually need to sell that on Craigslist and get some money back!

    She is adorable! I love that age, before they can talk back! LOL And, I am such a morning person that I applaud people who can do it later in the day. Even doing 16 minutes of Ab Ripper X at night is pushing it for me (maybe because I still sweat so much during those 16 minutes?).

    My day is going well. A great talk with my friend, a great yoga workout this morning, and hopefully going for a swim very soon with my sons.

    Take care!!!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    HI, I am Amanda and would like to join this group also. I put myself last on a regular basis. I have homeschooled our oldest two the last two years and they will be going to public school this fall. That will be different, LOL. They are 15 and 9. We have a 6 year old who has Rett Syndrome and is very much like a baby so that is constant care. My days are filled with taking her to therapy which is quite a drive as we live in the country. My dh is disabled due to a back injury so he is home with me but is not suppose to be lifting the 6 year old so that is hard. I am the caretaker for lots of animals: chickens, geese, ducks, goats, sheep and a pig. We also have a big garden and I sell at the Farmer's Market. I work outside the home on Mondays. The reason for telling you all this is because I can ALWAYS find a reason to put myself last and not work out or eat right. I am hoping this group will help keep me accountable.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks Aubrey!

    Good morning all! Had an ok workout this morning doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps and we'll do Ab ripper tonight. I hate it when hubby gets so frustrated during a workout. He makes it take longer than it should and today was so negative (nothing with me, all on himself). He gets this way when we do a workout we haven't done in a while, but grrrrrr. Ok, that's my rant. On my positive note, yesterday evening he challenged me to do a real, unassisted pull-up and I did 2! Yay!

    How are you all doing? Do any of you enter in your food for the day ahead of time? I have been doing that and planning what I am going to eat. Then, when I am hungry, I just go to my log and see what I have planned. It takes the last minute "what to eat?" when I am hungry out of the question. Sometimes I differ from what I thought, so I go in and change it. But for the most part, I try to stick with what I eat.

    Hope you have a great day!


    Most of the time I do plan ahead wither its the day beofore or the morning, I have to take everything to work anyway, so i plug it in first to make sure its within range. Today i was kinda off got a headache-- i think cause i haven't gotten enough sleep the last two nights. I had dark choc. resses PB cups- I don't feel bad though- DC is good for you, and I don't eat candy- not real candy hardly ever. I'm still working out today so i'm sure i'll be with in cals, I m playing around with my cals to see whats best for me to loose 1200 I just dont think was enough. I still have the gulites though for eating 14-1600 cals......something I have to work through. I plan on going to crossfit today, and then have to do 50 squats and 100 crunches as apart of another challenge.

    Sassy, 1200 is not enough for me either, I bumped my calories to 1400. The tool on here says I need 1370 just to stay alive in bed all day and I defnitely do more than that! LOL
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Wow, Amanda! What a full plate you have. Bless you. Definitely take care of yourself, with all that you have going on, I would think some exercise would be a nice respite and a time to just take a break. You can add me as a friend and I will help you to work on taking care of you as well. Have a great night!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Wow, Amanda! What a full plate you have. Bless you. Definitely take care of yourself, with all that you have going on, I would think some exercise would be a nice respite and a time to just take a break. You can add me as a friend and I will help you to work on taking care of you as well. Have a great night!

    Thanks I can use all the help I can get! LOL! By the way your pics look awesome!