Time for us Moms! Group



  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Las Cruces is about an hour from here. I have the whole turbo jam series. It wasn't the workouts I got sick of it was the being in the house, lol. I'm an outdoorsy kind of gal :) Once my hubby is home I'm hoping to workout with him. He's currently on a kettle bell kick, so maybe I'll have to order one for myself.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey, new members! Welcome to the fold.

    Today I had 8 cups of water :o) Go me! CG - how the hell do you get over 20 cups of water a day?! Crazy, girl.

    Short update, but it's late and I need to go to bed.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - the kettlebells look interesting. Ah, I see. Well, since we have not seen summer weather yet, it has been easy to work out in the house. Fog in the morning and wind in the afternoon. I get tired of the same scenery too, even if I change my route every few days. Thank God we are all different!

    British - nice job getting your water. I don't know how C gets more than 20!

    Yoga X at 5:30 this morning. I think that was the most peaceful hour and a half I have had doing it. Awesome workout this morning. Looking forward to resting tomorrow though and then starting our last phase of P90X! Pictures are supposed to be on Wednesday, but will probably be on Thursday. I am excited to see how the camera captures the changes.

    Have a great day!
  • pinkmom3
    i would like to join! i've had 3 kids in 2 and a half years, and am desperately trying not to let the weight pile on,,,
  • mzerica
    mzerica Posts: 3
    I'd like to join this group. I work full time and can't seem to find the time to work out. Currently I am about 130lbs over weight. I have tried to go for walks and my legs hurt so bad when I'm done, not to mention my feet swell up. I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday and she suggested I start out slow and work my way up :)
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Lisa- I think I would really like Yoga. Any good starter DVD's you would suggest? I figure I could always learn them then put it in my computer and do it outside. We have a really nice covered patio, maybe I could talk the hubby into a flat screen for out there :)

    Mzerica- I think working your way up is a great idea. I know that is what I did, and I started out only about 30 lbs overweight. But when you are out of shape, you are out of shape. . I couldn't believe how little it took to have me out of breathe and totally spent. In fact I was working out regularly for 3 months and went on vacation recently for a month. I tried to work out there but the humidity kept giving me asthma attacks, so I used it as an excuse. Now I'm home and holy moly my old workout has me SO sore and I could barely finish today. In fact I had to quit using my weights at the end just to finish. I think you will be amazed though with how quickly your body becomes stronger. I know I was :)

    pinkmom3- You have babies like I do :) Lots quickly! It's hard keeping up when they are little! Good for you trying while they are so young. I just kept making excuse, until just recently...
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Mzerica - welcome! I agree that starting slow is a good idea. But, you need to make it consistent and try to do a little more each day.

    Pinkmom - that's why we're here. It's too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the care of everyone else but ourselves. Our kiddos need us to be healthy and happy and exercise is such a great mood-booster.

    Heather - the only 2 yoga DVDs I have are the P90X one and a prenatal yoga one that is not for beginners I learned. LOL There is a nice P90X One on One DVD that is Fountain of Youth Yoga. It's not supposed to be as long as the one in P90X and I have heard great things about it. You can see it here: http://ow.ly/2puGJ - just choose it from the drop down list. It doesn't give much info about the actual DVD though. You can see some of it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO4OvGelO3k&feature=player_embedded

    Have a great night!

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Omg, I LOVE kettlebell! It's my workout of choice. My legs hurt so bad after, but it's the good kind of hurt, you know? Still trying to save up for my beach cruiser :o)

    Tonight I made top ramen stir fry. It was delicious, but didn't keep me full long-term. Now it's 8.45 and I can feel my tummy starting to rumble. I did really well this week overall, and I'm excited to get on the scale tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll have a little snack. I have lot of calories left over, I just need to make a healthy snack choice. I'm addicted to Chex Mix. It's actually kind of a problem. haha!

    Water consumption - I drank 8 cups. YEAH! I love meeting goals.

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Lisa- Thanks for the suggestion :)

    British- What is a good starting size kettlebell for a woman? I wanted to order one before Matt got home and see if I can figure out what it is all about so I don't look like a complete idiot, athough Matt may find it enduring, lol!

    edited to add I was WAY WAY WAY low on my water today and high on sodium. OOPS!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - get your water in! LOL

    British - nice on the kettlebells. What did you decide on for a snack?

    Rest days are so nice. Today was ours. Back to the grind tomorrow, and for some odd reason I am actually looking forward to it! :o) Have a great night!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey! I started with a ten pound bell, but I was actually reading an article about kettlebells in Reader's Digest today (ironic...) and they said most women should start with an eight pounder. The article was about whether or not kettlebell actually burns as many calories an hour as they (and everyone who does it) claims. Survey says: yes. I would highly recommend you pick them up in the store and swing them around. Try to get one that feels light enough to move freely, and remember that they get heavy fast when you're swinging them for real during the workout. Start light and work your way up. Some places, like Walmart, have some that are adjustable so you can add more weight as you go. The one I bought was from Target and came with a DVD.

    Lisa - I decided on Chex Mix for my snack, and a big old glass of water. I told you - I have a problem. :o)

    Tonight I made lasagna from scratch using turkey sausage and spinach. It was pretty low in calories, and my husband said he thought it was the best thing I've ever made in our four years together. MMMM... good.

    Also, the scale was my friend this morning. I lost four pounds this week! Hell yes! And I tried on an old pair of jeans and they FIT! I don't know what's up with the pair I wrote about the other day. They still don't fit any different.

    Night, girls.

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kaitlyn- I'm glad you posted this. On the website I was looking at the suggested women of average fitness start with 15lbs. I may have been dying!! That's almost double what you are saying! I'm almost tempted to just buy a set. I'm sure my hubby would be thrilled and it starts out pretty small too :)

    Lisa- I drank LOTS of water yesterday. I dropped most of the water I was retaining, thank goodness, because after my high sodium low water day I gained almost 2 lbs.

    Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to normal. I normally cook from scratch but my youngest son had surgery last week, so I had picked up a lot of quick fix meals and the sodium is off the charts. He recovered quickly, but taking 5 kids grocery shopping to get better foods, hasn't been high on the agenda. They go back to school tomorrow, so I'll go get better foods, and hopefully that will get me back on track again! My grill will be getting a workout for the rest of the week! Oh and YAY school!! I adore my kids and will probably be bored with them gone all day, but it's so hard for me to keep up all by myself, and by the end of the day I'm so burnt out on them that I just don't parent as well as I should. SO school hopefully will be a blessing for us all!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Ferdie - 5 kids? No kidding, you're burned out. I have one, and I'm exhausted. Although I also work full time, but even on weekends I'm done by the time she's ready for a bath. What I wouldn't give for one Saturday sleep-in.

    My calories were lowered since I lost so much this week. Every ten pounds lost causes my caloric intake to be lessened. I see the science behind it, and I'm all for it, but it seems like that happens just when I've reached the point of figuring out what kind of meals work for that amount of calories. I get everything figured out and start planning in advance, and then more calories are taken away. It's kind of annoying.

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kaitlyn- Sometimes I wish I worked, just to escape it all for a little bit. But then again, my husband joined the military so I could be a stay at home mom, so he might just strangle me. For me I think it's a "the grass is always greener on the other side" kind of thing, if I'm doing one I wish for the other, lol! Once my littlest goes of to preschool I'm going to finish my degree in early childhood education. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, especially with as much as Matt deploys but it will be nice to have :)

    I picked up a few healthier snacks for me today, but didn't all out grocery shop. The kids were nutters so I just got the odds and ends we forgot for school and got the heck out of dodge!

    So my other dilemma is my hubby wants some "pics" of me. But I'm so not the raunchy type(nor does he expect me to be), so I was thinking of doing a 1950's pinup kind of thing. I found a cute high-waisted old school style bikini, black with polka dots, and have been googling makeup and hair and did myself up old school today. It was cute AND tasteful. So yay for that. Now I just need to wait for my bathing suit to arrive and pick up some cute red heels. The joys of being a military wife.
  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    Hi all just found this link and i like. i have three boys, and i am a sahm, my boys are 6,3 and 3months,i have decided that they are not going to grow up like did with a very large mum who i was always embarassed by when she picked me up even though i loved her dearley, my shock point was when i found out i was pregnant last year, and when they weighed me i found out that i was 17 stone i nearly fainted with shock!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Kazren! Welcome! Question - can you explain the "stones" to me? I see a lot of Brits using the term, and don't know what it means.

    Ferdie - I love the pin-up idea! You don't want to send nasty pictures some of the other guys might see, and your husband wants to use his imagination a little anyway, right? ;o) Anyway, I think it's adorable. I'd totally do your hair and makeup if we were closer to each other. I'm good at that stuff. Have fun!

    Today has been emotionally draining for me. We've been really struggling the past year or so, and were just no sure where we're going or what is in store for our future. It's hard on us, and strains our marriage some days. I just wish whomever has control of us (up there, down there, over there, whatever...) would figure things out and point us in the right direction. That being said, I've not eaten much. I lose my appetite when I get upset.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - 5 kids is wow! I homeschool my twins and don't get that break so I take all 3 of them grocery shopping and I HATE it. They are all getting into this annoying each other phase and they all have to sit together across the back of my SUV and they just push each other's buttons. I do work just a little bit outside the home, but I dread actually doing it. So, I think it is the "grass is always greener". I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pin-up idea. In fact, I was thinking of doing something similar for my hubby. Glad that your little on who had surgery is feeling better, but I hear you about the sodium in those meals, it is insane!

    Kaitlyn - sorry that you guys are going through a tough time. Great job with your weight loss. That is awesome! I don't see the calories change because I customize my log and how much I need. I do check my BMR though every time I lose weight to see how much it decreases (not much!).

    Hi Kazryn! Welcome! Are you exercising? How long have you been on the site?

    Gotta go get ready to make sure my area at church is set up for us to work out. A little anxious as I hope it all goes well, but I will chalk it up to having to get all the kinks out if it doesn't. LOL Not sure how many ladies are coming either. Augh!

    Have a great night!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    British - Awesome job on the weight loss front - that's impressive! Sorry for your stress, wouldn't it be nice if things just stayed an even keel. I hear ya on the calories going down, I feel the same way. I get into a rhythym and then they throw me for a loop!

    Welcome Kazren!

    Ferdie - I can relate, I've got five kids also and taking them all the store is usually just an awful experience. Usually it's not me taking them though, my hubby stays home with the kiddos while I work, so he's the lucky one to go grocery shopping most of the time :laugh: Luckily the man has the patience of a saint! I LOVE your picture idea, cute and classy!

    Lisa - Hope your workout went well (and you had enough people show up to make it worth it!)

    We had my oldest twins' birthday party yesterday, they are officially 8!:sad: It's hard watching them get so big when I know we're done with having babies! Although it's nice having them at a stage where they can all buckle their own seat belts and go to the bathroom :laugh: It was a slow workout weekend, I just couldn't get motivated, back on track today though. Hubby will gone all weekend (hunting) so I'm on my own with the three little ones. Hope everyone had a good weekend and is off to a good start this week!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    C - I love that they can buckle their seatbelts now and go with each other to a public restroom if I am the only parent. Happy birthday to them! You know, even if only 1 person shows up, it was worth my time. I would even press play if it were just me. I did have 3 ladies though and 3 kids. So it was all good. LOL I wish I cold trust my hubby to go grocery shopping, and actually now that we have been eating healthier I might be able to now. In the past, I would have trusted him to come home with crap and forget about what was on the list! Oh, and sometimes life does get in the way of working out - but I have found that it makes me less stressed so even if it's right before bed, I try to get my DVD done.

    Have a great day! Sun is finally out before noon, my to-do list is getting done, and I am gearing up for another workout tonight. Just finished doing Cardio X this morning. I have got to make sure that I eat a few more calories so I have my energy for this round of "doubles".

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kazren- Hey girl! Welcome to the group:)

    Kaitlyn- Awe girl, I'm sorry! I really hope that everything figures itself out quickly for you.

    C- Happy Birthday to your twins! My oldest turned 10 over the weekend. The whole double digits thing was hard on me. It probably didn't help that she now needs bras....

    Lisa- I wish I had the patience to home school. I've considered it but I don't think I could with the different grades and more than that personalities of my kids. If Brynn and Bryson were in a class(or home schooled) together I am pretty sure they would either kill each other, or push me over the edge. Ever since they were little they have clashed. I think it's cause they are both so strong willed. I'm sure if I had to figure it out I could though :)

    I'm glad ya'll think the pin up thing is ok. Last time, I took sexy pics in his coveralls. I'm to conservative for much more than that, lol. But he liked them and I guess that's all that matters. I've got WAY to many body issues to do naked pics. I would absolutely DIE if anyone saw them, lol. But Matt knows me well enough not to expect it anyhow. Hell getting nekked when he comes home, is hard on me, it's THAT bad. Funny thing is I was this way pre-kids, pre-stretch marks. I'm the smallest I've ever been since he's known me, but I absolutely hate the way I look. Well mostly my stomach. If you've ever looked at pre-tummy tuck photos THAT IS MY STOMACH! Anyhow enough of my complaining. I hope you all have a fantastic and fabulous Monday!