Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    British - I hear you about the town being dangerous. That is how Salinas is now and hubby works in the East side which is the worst. What do you teach? Regarding your eating yesterday, it's all a learning experience. The journey is what's important, not the goal. If it takes you one more day to complete your goal, so be it, as long as you learned something about yourself. TOM sucks!

    C - LOL still 5 kids in 4 months is nutso too. Where do you vacation in Cali? When we lived in Arizona when I was growing up, every summer we would hit either SeaWorld or Disneyland. My kids have been to SeaWorld once and never to Disneyland, I'm still a bit burnt out on them!

    Off to go finish my workouts for the week. Kenpo and Ab Ripper X. Tomorrow is my rest day and I am so looking forward to it!

    Have a great night!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    British - I live in Famington, which is about 25 miles north of Salt Lake. One thing I like is we're only about a 15 minute drive from being up in the mountains, and a good 10-15 degrees cooler! The downside is we're in a new development so there are almost no shade trees, which makes exercising during the day a bit toasty. Sometimes we'll drive over to the older side of town just so we have shade to walk in. :laugh: It always makes me thankful when I read posts on here about TOM that mine only comes around every 4-6 months. Course it wasn't so great when we were trying to have kids, but now that I'm done with that it's wonderful!

    Lisa - We alternate between San Diego and Anaheim. I never did Disneyland as a kid, so it's still a new experience for me. We did San Diego this year. 10 days of going to the beach and seeing the sites, it was great. A little cold, we went at the end of May rather than in August when we usually go. I had to buy the kids jackets to wear on our whale watching tour in Newport. :laugh:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I just had to share my great news! Sunday is my weigh in day when I update MFP. I was disappointed by the slow loss this week so I really pushed myself the last few days to make up for it. It must have worked, I was down 3.2 lbs this week - total loss of 16 lbs! The 230's are now in my sights :smile:

    I'd love to be under 200 by the end of the year, it'd be the first time in 10+ years I could say that! If not the end of the year, maybe by my 32nd birthday in mid-January - but I will get there.

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Awww, CG! That's awesome! Great work... your goal is in sight! Keep up the good work.

    So I'm really upset with peanut butter. I had an English muffin with PB on it for breakfast, and when I went to log it the beezy was almost 900 calories! I didn't eat half the jar! What a rip off. I thought it would be a better choice than butter, since it has protein and such in it. From a caloric standpoint, I would have been better off with the butter. Lame.
  • ByTheBeach
    Count me in!
    I'm a Special Educataion Teacher, mom of a 22 month old girl, a wife, and a grad student! I'm busy but definitely need help to stay motivated! Being a mom and trying to work plus go to school makes it hard to find time to work out...I love the idea of talking to other moms to find out how you all do it all!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    British - I hate it when you try to make a good choice, and the calories end up biting you in the butt!

    Jenn - welcome! It's a challenge making time for everything, but worth it in the end. I like o do activites (bike rides and walks) that the kids can participate in. My three youngest ones can't really keep up, so they end up in a stroller or bike trailer, but they're out with me so I can still get a good workout in. The bonus is it teaches them a great lesson in being healthy while they're still young.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Jenn! Welcome! It is challenging, but I agree with C. Taking them with you is a great way. Another way that I have found rocks is doing DVDs at home. That way my husband and I can do it before the boys wake up.

    C - awesome! Woohoo!!!! 10 days? Wow - our vacays were never that long. Even in July I think we still packed a sweatshirt. Nights get cool in San Diego.

    British - that stinks. I'm a PB lover too and have gone down to a tsp of it every other day or two. :oP Gives me just enough of that taste. When I was doing Weight Watchers, I used to buy PB2. You can check out the site at bellplantation.com. It's an interesting product, but really helped me lose the weight and keep the PB. LOL

    Had Yoga this morning. We are in our 2nd recovery week. I love Yoga. Went to church where they had an International Vegetarian Food Lunch Fundraiser for our women's ministry. Unfortunately, there was a lot of Pancet, Lumpia, and other not too healthy foods. I didn't even eat. I was outside giving people samples of Shakeology. I'm starting a fitness group at our church next Sunday. We'll be working out Sunday through Friday doing Slim in 6. I've tried through cooking classes to show a better way to eat, but they still have so many carbs! So, now I am going to focus on the fitness side. Can't wait! Lots of excited women in our church.

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Oh, ladies... the past two days have been horrendous! I've been sick. I've been drinking OJ like it's going out of style, and the whole time all I can think about is how many empty calories that will turn out to be! LOL! Oh, goodness. What is wrong with me?

    Tonight I'm having some sweet potato soup that my mom made. My dad gave me a few frozen bags of it the other week and I've forgotten about them until now.

    How has everyone else's start to the week been?
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    British - sorry you've been sick! Hope you getting feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    The week has started out pretty good here. We went to my company summer party yesterday - and I am happy to report I fit comfortably in all the rides at the amusement park :laugh: Now that it's cooling off I'm about to head out for a bike ride, found a new trail over the weekend while we were walking, it should be a good bike ride.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    British - I'm sure that you are not eating full meals along with OJ, so don't worry about it for now. Get better soon!

    C - so happy you had a good time at the amusement park and I love finding new trails. It's nice to change things up.

    Start of the week is going well. This is recovery week and I am so happy to say that we have 37 days left of this round. Our big box of videos came yesterday, so even though today was just a nice easy stretch day in P90X, I am going to do the first DVD of Slim in 6 so that I at least know the moves before we start our exercise class on Sunday.

    My challenge for this week has been water - so how many glasses of water did you drink today?

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks, ladies. I'm feeling better, but now the baby's getting the sniffles. :o(

    CG - I am hoping one day I'll fit on amusement park rides again. I can remember when we went on the 8th grade field trip at the end of the year a few years back. There was one ride that I actually had to get off of. The restraint wouldn't close over my boobs, and everyone made comments about my rack, but I think they were just being too nice to say I was too fat. It was embarrassing though. I don't want to go through that again! (Let me clarify - I was the teacher chaperone, not an 8th grader)

    Water is sometimes no problem, and sometimes a huge struggle. I've been getting about 4 servings a day, although sometimes I have 12, and some days I have 2. Today was 4.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Water is one thing that I get in pretty easily - I average about 12 cups a day. Today was a big water day, I had 23 cups of water. I had quite a bit more sodium that usual so I was trying to offset that, plus I worked out more than usual today and didn't want to get dehydrated.

    British - hopefully your little one makes a quick recovery, nothing worse than sick kids. Only a week and a half until the kids are back in school, which always means plenty of bugs making the rounds through all my kids.
  • dd55
    dd55 Posts: 3

    I have been on here a week and lost 5lb:happy: I have two children who are 5 and 8 and would love to join your group for help and support. I am in Manchester England but work nights so will often be online @ a similar time to you all. Hope to speak to you all soon xxxx :wink:
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Hello:) Do ya'll have room for one more? I'm Heather, a mom of 5. My husband is active duty Air Force, and is currently deployed to Afghanistan. He left a little over 4 months ago now. Just before he left I was gaining and not fitting in anything I owned anymore. So I decided I'd try to lose weight while he was gone so I could look good when he came home. Here I am 4 months later and down almost 22 lbs and 5 pants sizes. My goal now is for a 22 BMI, so somewhere between 132-135ish. I'd really like to be there before he comes home and need more MFP friends to motivate me. Most of my friends on here I talked into joining from real-life but all but one have bailed on me, and having her support has been amazing. So I'd love to support others and have others cheering me on too. I'm almost there but it seems it's much harder now than it was in the beginning!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Heather! First off, a big thank you to your husband and you and your family for supporting him. That is an awesome weight loss and I bet he will be surprised and happy! What have you been doing to lose it?

    Hi Donna! Welcome! Congrats on your 5 lb weight loss. Feels great, doesn't it?

    C - 23 glasses of water?! :faint: be careful with so much. Wow! I bet you spent a good amount of time in the restroom. LOL Why don't you choose the next challenge?

    British - sorry that your little one is feeling sick now. I hate it when they don't feel well. Clingy and I can't get a thing done! I have faith that you will make your goal. 4 cups of water? That ain't too much now, girl!

    So, I popped in Slim in 6 yesterday and got a really good sweat! I was telling my hubby that I had some old negative thinking through it, especially when she started the squats portion. I was thinking, squats, I can't do these. And, then I had to remind myself, you have been doing P90X, of course you can do these! I think it will be an interesting next 5 weeks as I practically double up on exercise and I am going to have to be extra vigilent to get ALL of my calories and maybe eat my Si6 workout calories too. We had Cardio X this morning, but I am thinking about popping the Si6 DVD in again. That, or hubby wants to do Cardio X again tonight. Gah! Have an awesome Thursday everyone!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome Donna & Ferdie!

    Ferdie - Thanks to your hubby (and your family of course) for his service!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Awe ya'll are to sweet!

    I started out with the Turbo Jam program and diet. I was ok for awhile but then the limited diet choices got to me so I found MFP. I love food and sweets WAY to much so at least now I can kind of eat them in moderation and know where I am. So it's mostly been diet and exercise. I also really lucked out because our local zoo has a zooxercise program so I can workout and take the kids to the zoo:) That has helped a lot. It gets me out of the house with adult interaction AND the kids get to see the zoo. We workout by some of the kids favorite animals, and they know most of them by name now because the trainer also works at the zoo. The last month I went kind of off track because we went to visit family in Michigan so I'm ready to get back on track and to my goal before Matt gets home.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Ok, totally jealous of the zooxercise program. That just rocks! Where do you live?

    How did you like Turbo Jam? In our big box of DVDs we have that one, but I haven't tried it yet. I try to treat treats as just that, a once in a while thing. Sometimes it is hard though and a battle. I have been advocating getting enough protein lately because I think that that really helps to curb a sweet tooth.

    Just finished my 2nd Slim in 6. I can say that if it was just me doing the program, I would move on in a week (maybe sooner) from the first DVD. Still sweat today, but now that I know the routine, it was a lot easier. Oh well, still counts as good calorie burn!

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Lisa- I liked Turbo Jam, it got my heart pumping and some of it is almost like dancing. If I really concentrated on doing the moves properly I could feel it, but it was really easy to just do it, and not do it right. I did get bored with it quickly though because I kind of got the caged tiger feeling working out at home all of the time.

    I live in Alamogordo New Mexico. It's kind of a small town. I guess the lady at our zoo started getting fit for herself, and thought "Hey this would be a great place for moms to work out." So she went to classes to become an instructor, and right now she's taking personal training courses. The best part is that it's free with my $25 yearly zoo membership. She offers 8 classes a week. T-F 8:30 am and then again at 1:30 in the afternoon. It's my favorite thing about our new home town:)
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - that is awesome! I don't know that I could do the workouts by myself. It definitely helps to have hubby drag me out of bed some mornings (this week it seems to be vice versa though). I could see Slim in 6 getting a little redundant because it is just the 3 DVDs. That's what I like about P90X and Insanity, there are 12 different DVDS and so, in P90X, at most you are doing 1 workout twice in a week and that is just during the Recovery Week every 4th week. I can always make it through a workout I hate reminding myself that I only have to do it 5 more times and then we are done with P90X. LOL

    Not too familiar with Alamogordo. I have family in ABQ and Las Cruces though. That sounds so neat. And, I love that your small town has a zoo. Nearest one for us is about an hour and a half away. Have a good night!
