Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    C and mommie - LOL at the underwear! Great job. I love it when our clothes are giving us positive feedback as well. :D C- great job on the weight loss too! Glad your daughter is feeling better.

    Mandy - welcome. That is so awesome that you were able to go back and run the whole 5K. You can lose the pooch - I'm still working on mine right now. That is an incredibly long time that your husband was gone. I would be having a hard time too.

    Well, my plan for today has a whopping 38 g of fiber! That's more like what I am used to. I have one more workout this week and then a wonderful rest day tomorrow. My arms are feeling all of the working out the most. Have a great day with your kiddos and remember to take care of yourselves too!

  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    BOBmama - how do you get 35g of fiber all in one day? What are you eating. I think the most I was able to get in was 25, but I think I am way lower on most days. Have you noticed a difference upping your fiber?
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    BOBmama - how do you get 35g of fiber all in one day? What are you eating. I think the most I was able to get in was 25, but I think I am way lower on most days. Have you noticed a difference upping your fiber?

    Well, this was a big jump from yesterday. I had to adjust some food today, so it went down to 34 g. I ate a lot of fruit and veggies today. I had broccoli this morning for breakfast along with some red grapes that need to be eaten. Then I had spaghetti squash for lunch. Tonight, I cooked some tofu with some peas and onions. I had some meatless beef strips this morning as well as some soymilk. I ate a lot more soy today than I normally do, but since it is plant based it always contributes to my fiber intake. In addition, my protein shake had 5g as well. It just adds up! I find that as long as I drink enough water to keep it all "moving" then I am ok with a large amount of fiber. It's when I forget to drink at least 8 cups a day that I get backed up, so to speak.

    I just started tracking fiber since CG chose it as the challenge. As I looked back, I saw that on days where I wasn't eating much produce, I was averaging about 20 - 25 g. I try to get a fruit or veggie in at every meal or snack, but it doesn't always happen. Hope that answered your questions.
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Morning everyone! I'm so behind on here. I apologize! Things have been busy here. The kids keep me hopping on the weekends and I managed to make myself even busier. I painted my bedroom last night. It's been a LONG time coming. We bought the house a year ago and did the kids rooms first, and then the den was pretty bad, so that came next. I finally got sick of my white primed walls with finger prints everywhere and painted. I LOVE it. It's a light green called olive martini. I also love that I lost darn near a lb yesterday doing it and broke 141 FINALLY. I have been plateaued at anywhere between 142-144 for about a month. So that was nice. I think I'll cry if it goes back up again. AWE shoot I gotta run I think my baby is trying to paint her room green. I love my kids, I love my kids, I love my kids....
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi Ladies, I would love to join your group. I was on MFP a long time ago, and got frustrated with not loosing any weight, and just gave up... BUT I'm here now and I WILL loose weight! =) Have to keep telling myself that! I am a proud Mommy of three kids, my daughter is 6, one son that is 4, and my "baby" is 20 mos... and time just keeps flying by me. I have been feeling negative about my body for long enough, and I am committed to change it! And I'm really tired of feeding junk to my kids, I want them to learn to eat healthy now... that treats are just that.... treats!!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Heather - I am still chuckling about your chant; I love my kis, I love my kids. As much as I love mine they still have the ability to drive me absolutely batty!!

    Welcome Kimi!!

    So this morning was my weigh in day, and drumroll.....I was down 5.4 lbs!! I worked my butt off this week, so I was happy not the have the scale piss me off again :laugh: I've still got a LONG way to go, but I'm making progress. Me and my three littlest walked to the pool yesterday (about 3 miles) and spent a couple hours swimming. Luckily the walk home is easier, mostly downhill because we were all exhausted. It was all I could to do make dinner and drag myself to bed.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends - they go too quickly! I'm off the fold laundry, oddly enough I chore I actually enjoy.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I got on the scale yesterday morning and I had actually gained a pound. I was afraid that was coming. Although I was under my calories all week, I was eating some junk. So now I'm back on track. We went grocery shopping yesterday and I made sure we got all healthy foods.

    I'm starting night classes again this week (trading in my teaching degree for a nursing degree) and it's always hard to get regular, healthy dinners in. Last semester I lost nothing because I was eating dinner at 10pm when I got home. Im planning ahead this time!

    We're going swimming this afternoon. I'm excited. :o)

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - wow! what a trade. Good for you for working on planning your dinners this time. That lb could really be anything. Keep doing what you are doing.

    C - Nice exercise yesterday! And, yay on your weight loss. That is awesome!

    Hi Kimi! Welcome. What exercise are you planning to do? Great job wanting to teach your kids right. That is so important.

    Heather - oh, how I wish I could paint in here. I love that you broke your plateau. Hopefully, it's all down from here. ;o)

    Fiber is 27 g today. My personal challenge this week is to eat a low cal fruit or veggie with every meal or snack.

    Started week 10 of P90X this morning. Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps - such a crazy good workout. I'm looking forward to starting our 2nd week of Slim in 6 too. I didn't really lose anything last week and was disappointed since I am exercising even more. However, I was keeping my calories for most of the week at what I was eating when I was just doing P90X. So, this week I am going to try and up it a bit (the calculator at Beachbody says to lose weight while I am doing these workouts I need to eat 2051 calories a day) and see how that translates. We got done with our workout and then hopped on our bikes to ride a few times in a loop around our neighborhood. My husband told me that it was like I am a new woman, not just in how I look but also in my confidence. And I feel like one! Still a work in progress, but I am looking forward to the end result.

    Have a great rest of the weekend ladies and I will talk to you tomorrow!

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    C- The funny thing is I actually chat that to myself almost daily, at one point or another. When they are being terrible sometimes I need to remind myself. My patience is getting thin, but I'm almost through month 5 of this deployment. Congrats on your weight loss, that is one heck of a week!! How exciting! I hope it's just as nice next week.

    Kaitlyn-Good luck with school and eating, that has to be hard but it sounds like you've got your A game ready!

    Kimi- Hello :) a few of our kiddos are the same age. My littlest 3 are just about the same ages as your 3!

    Lisa- Good for you, and YAY for confidence. Send me some, lol! Oh and if you really want to paint, come on over! I still have 2 bathrooms, laundry room and a dining room. I'll let you pick the color and I'll bank roll the job!

    So I got my fiber goal for the day, yay for raspberries being on sale. Now just to get back into healthy eating. I cheat almost everyday, but YUM. I wish I was the clean eating type, but then I'm a miserable ol' hag who hates life. Guess I'll look at it as a quality of life thing, no sense in living miserable, lol. I'm so bad. Hope you all have a great night and a wonderful weight losing week!
  • minne
    minne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join your group. I'm a 37 yo working mom (mother of 2: ages 6 and soon to be 8). I'm trying to get back to the pre-baby fitness level (if not the body!) Starting p90x in the next 2 weeks once i'm in a bit better shape. The pull-ups scare me! I'm sticking with the Jillian Michaels "shred" tapes during the week and a couple of her longer ones on the weekends for now. I work out between 4 and 5 in the morning in order to get workout reliably in during the week before work and the "shred" tapes are a fast and furious 20 minutes. This is the first blog I've ever joined...and am a bit nervous about it....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • minne
    minne Posts: 2 Member
    arobert 123: I used to nurse in the mornings and then pump to empty right before a morning run. Helped with the bounce!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I figured it out. That pound? All salt retention. I've been really skimping on the water lately. How many cups did I drink today? Oh, no... I can't tell you... I'm too embarrassed. Okay, Okay. Two. TWO CUPS OF WATER! Come on, Kaitlyn. Are you serious right now? You have no one to blame but yourself, my friend. Step up your game. Gosh.

    This is the conversation I just had with myself. So, obviously, my goal this week is to meet the 8 cups of water a day.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Yesterday was a VERY long day. I got up and started getting the house cleaned so it'd be nice when hubby got home. He got home and after we caught up I decided to grab a shower. It was really windy and apparently some power poles got knocked down, our power went out about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. It was still out when I left for work this morning, nothing like putting makeup on with a flashlight. It can only go up from here!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - drink you water!!!! Glad you figured it out. I ate more calories yesterday and drank my water and sure enough, I'm back down to where I need to be.

    C - that stinks! Hope it gets turned on soon.

    Minne - Welcome! I LOVE P90X! Feel free to ask questions. I do pull-ups with my bands, or you can use a chair. I can only do 2 or 3 unassisted. There are plenty of modifications, so don't let that discourage you. Great advice about nursing as well.

    Heather - I might take you up on it. ;o) You know what? I don't always eat clean, I just try to make sure that most of my choices are good. If it turns you into a grumpy mommy, it's not worth it.

    Woke up late this morning (hubby turned off the alarm went it went off) but thankful it was the shortest DVD. Great workout and had 6 other ladies join me last night at church for Slim in 6! Have a great day ladies!

  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Fiber check - 32 g planned for today :o)
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    It is so nice to have you ladies here, going through the same things I am!! =) Thanks for sharing all of your stories! I am recovering from a very bad eating day on Sunday... we had a bridal shower, no cake, but it was a fruit pizza... and yeah I didn't realize how many calories were in that... oops! LOL I thought I was doing good... its fruit!! (Ok that's what I told myself anyway) I pushed myself to work out today, and am so thankful I did. I am so tired and have a headache from being up ALL night with my little guy, but I worked out and have more energy now! I am currently doing Turbo Jam... my Turbo Fire should be here by the end of the week. I found myself needing more than the Turbo Jam... well I only have the two main CD's, I cheated and bought them off of Ebay. But so glad I did, because it is what pushed me to do more!! Hope everyone is having a great start of the week... these are usually the few days that I do great, and then start to slip!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kimi- I have the turbo jam set myself. I haven't done it much lately because I found out our zoo has a workout 4 times a week, so I've been doing that instead. I did the quick slim that came with my set and lost 10 lbs in 10 days. So it does work :)

    Lisa- That is awesome that so many people from church are working out with you! Just think of all the people that you will have helped get trim:) Good for you!

    I decide I think mfp has my calorie intake set to low, so I upped it a bit. I cheated a bit the last few days after I thought I was done for the night and the weight started dropping right off again. So the 1200 they figured I needed just may be a tad low. So I'm going to try this for a bit and hopefully it will work. I have about 5-6 more weeks to meet my mini goal of 134 before Matt gets home. That will be 30lbs lost in the 6 months he has been gone...
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Good job, Heather! Does he know you're doing this, or will it be a surprise for him when he comes home?

    I haven't been doing so well lately. I've lost my motivation and am having a hard time trying to maintain healthy eating. I want to binge on junk - cupcakes, Starbucks, chocolate, etc. I haven't, and I know that if I do I'll just feel worse than I did before I ate it, but I still want to. I'm not working out at all. Just cutting calories. I need to get in to a good routine, but it's so hard for me to do anything in this heat, and I don't have any motivation to work out on my own.

    I'm just really bummed out.
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'd like to join this group too! I work full time and have two kids, a son who is 5, and a daughter who is 12 weeks. I'm here to get rid of my baby fat once and for all!! My son just started Kindergarten and as all of you know, it's so hard to find time for yourself when you've got a husband and two kids pulling at you from every direction. I've been trying reallly hard to stay within my calorie goals, and am finally making some progress, but it's the exercise that I'm struggling with now. I just can't seem to find the time. No matter if I'm up at 4:30 am or up until 11:00 pm I'm always doing something around the house or feeding the baby. I need to get myself organized a little better and maybe that would help. I have learned though over the last few days that if I put in my food items for the day first on the tracker I do much better than if I wait until I eat it. Well good luck to everyone, and hope to chat with alot of you!!
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Oh yeah, and I'm nursing too, so I feel like my calories are a little low, but maybe that will help with the weight loss.