Time for us Moms! Group



  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    OOPPS!!! My kids got dropped off from school and I guess I didn't re-read where I left off! I like sneaking a low cal fudge pop. 60 calories and chocolatey goodness.

    I basically broke us going home to Michigan and de-pleated what little savings we had. It cost WAY more than I budgeted for. Once Matt is home it's much easier to save and get back on track because if his pay gets messed up he can have it fixed immediately:) I just need to hang in there for a bit. My sis also sent some grocery $ to help me out until it gets figured out. I planned on charging, and she told me that was ridiculous and lent me enough to get by until it all gets figured out.

    Hope you all have a good night! Oh I finally figured out why my wii fit wasn't working and fixed it. I hadn't logged in, in ages, so it was nice to see my mii go from overweight to healthy. YAY Mii!!! LOL!!

    I'm hoping I can go and workout in the morning, so keep your fingers crossed for me that my oldest is better. I lent out all of my DVD workouts to a lady who is working towards being a personal trainer. Night

    Night ladies!
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! I woke up early, cleaned the house, then worked out!! It makes me feel absolutely wonderful the rest of the day!!

    BOGmama-Well I had cut back at dinner to sneak one of the desserts in lol, I also had a freind over that ate one as well. It is getting much easier for me to look over the unhealthy choices and make better ones. A bike ride sounds really nice!! I need to get a bike first though lol.

    Ferdiebirdy-Those 60 calorie fudge pops sound good. I know you can't wait till your hubby is home, bless your heart. The Wii fit I heard is great!! As soon as I can afford one, I am definitely getting one!! It is awesome to have something change your health from overweight to healthy!! It keeps me motivated!! Even though I am still overweight, watching the scale slowly dwindle down is so awesome!!

    CGerman- Mmmm, healthy choice steamers are good, haven't had the orange chicken one yet but will now. I try to mix my lunch up with frozen meals so I don't get burned out on turkey on wheat with lettuce and 1000 island. The 1000 island gives a better flavor and something besides plain old mustard. Yes, I really do need to make mommy time to get healthier. And I am going to miss the nice days as well with fall and winter coming on soon. Bundle up and still get those workouts in!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I may take the little one swimming after work today, if it doesn't rain!! This TN weather can be so darn tricky and misleading!!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Chas- I actually don't use my wii fit near as often as I thought I would. I wasn't all the impressed with the first disk that came with it. I'm thinking about picking up the updated version eventually :)

    I am going to have to force feed myself today. I haven't heard from Matt like I normally do. I'm sure all is fine, but things have been bad in Afghanistan over the last few days. SO SO many casualties. Makes me sick, quite literally. I'm betting that the power went down at work so he couldn't shoot me an email, but when you are used to it, it always makes you nervous when it doesn't come. Normally I can pray and find peace and know he's alright, but it's not working as well today. I'm still a nervous wreck.

    Anyhow I think I'm going to hunt down something to eat. I just wish SOMETHING sounded good. I'm trying to avoid my old school comfort foods, lol. MMMMMM potato chips and coke and throw in some chocolate for good measure. I'm so bad!! Thank goodness it's not in the house. I do have to go get milk, bread, shampoo and garbage bags though..... UGH NO NO NO!! I'm so close to the 130's I can almost taste them, and I don't think they taste like junk food. Boo.
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone! Well last night the church ladies and I decided to walk. We did pretty good, pretty brisk pace for about 50 minutes. I think we're going to switch it up every week, that way we don't get tired of doing the same things. The plan is to walk and do DVD's at the church. I'm just glad to get started doing something, and I can see already it's paying off. I had gone up the last couple of days, but today I'm down all of that plus another pound! I'm so excited! Today I'll probably try to get some strength training in. Does anyone have any suggestions of excercises I could do at home for strength training? I don't belong to a gym, I don't have money to join a gym, and I live in the country so it's kind of hard to do alot of walking unless I go with the church ladies into town. I do have 3lb handweights at home, but I just don't know what kind of things to do. I really would like to work alot on my abs, hips and triceps, but I'm just not sure what all to do. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    Well I hope all of you have a very productive and great day!!

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Kim- It's always nice to have workout buddies!! I hope you and all the ladies at your church meet all your weight loss goals! You don't happen to have netflix do you? You can do workouts from their instant playlist. I used it today cause I was in a pinch!!

    So we are broke but Papa Johns owes me a free pizza, so I guess that is dinner :) I have a feeling the scale won't like all those carbs in the morning. So much for seeing the 130's this week, lol!!
  • Hello everyone I am new here I am Mary, I am 26, and I am a mother of 4! I am Motivated to be healthy for my kids!!!

    Ferdiebirdy- man I know what you mean my hubby wanted a thick burger last night temptation city I am telling you but I op-ed out of it and came home and ate me a PB&J on wheat with a cup of milk! yeah it was about 400cal but better then 480 for there smallest mini thick burger and me still be hungry
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    I would like to join your group. I am SAHM for my 2 yr old and mo, and tryng to lose 20 lbs. Any support and advice is welcome!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to the group Leslie and Mary :)

    I was so looking forward to September, but it's not been all that nice to me yet! The USAF paid us today and our check was indeed short a fortune, Matt hasn't emailed in days which is unusual, and my service engine soon light came on. The scale went down though and I'm now in the 130's so YAY for that. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful 1st of September :)
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to the group ladies! You'll get alot of great advice here.

    Well I actually just cancelled my Netflix subscription today, I just am trying to cut costs right now, with having a new baby and all, any money is helpful!! We've done good with the ladies at church so far, we're exercising again tonight. It's nice to have someone help me be accountable for what I'm doing. I know I'm doing the right thing, it's just so hard somedays to do it!! Well hope all of you have had a great day, now I'm off to walk!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hello everyone! Well last night the church ladies and I decided to walk. We did pretty good, pretty brisk pace for about 50 minutes. I think we're going to switch it up every week, that way we don't get tired of doing the same things. The plan is to walk and do DVD's at the church. I'm just glad to get started doing something, and I can see already it's paying off. I had gone up the last couple of days, but today I'm down all of that plus another pound! I'm so excited! Today I'll probably try to get some strength training in. Does anyone have any suggestions of excercises I could do at home for strength training? I don't belong to a gym, I don't have money to join a gym, and I live in the country so it's kind of hard to do alot of walking unless I go with the church ladies into town. I do have 3lb handweights at home, but I just don't know what kind of things to do. I really would like to work alot on my abs, hips and triceps, but I'm just not sure what all to do. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    Well I hope all of you have a very productive and great day!!


    Kim - The Slim in 6 DVD that I do at church with my ladies blasts my triceps, hips, and abs in the Ramp it Up DVD. She uses bands and 3 lb weights. Tricep extensions, squats, lunges (with tons of variety), push-ups (you use your tricep to push back up), and a lot of different ab exercises. You might be able to google exercises, but I find that I always do better with a trainer on TV telling me what I need to do. Nice job on the weight loss. I love the accountability of working out with other people. You have it exactly right. The fellowship with the other ladies at our church is nice too since I get to know them better than just seeing them once a week for a brief period of time.

    Chas - :) You accommodated the dessert. Well done! How are you today?

    Heather - {hugs} I know that you are worried and I hope that you have heard from Matt. I would be having a hard time if I were in your shoes. Thank you again for the sacrifice that you and your family make in keeping me and mine safe. I agree about the Wii Fit. I tried our neighbor's before I decided whether or not I wanted to buy it and I just wasn't on it that much. Sometimes when I am doing Yoga balance poses now, I'll think about trying to keep that dot in the center and not dancing all over the place. But, otherwise, it just wasn't worth it to me. My neighbors even traded it in for some different games (which is sad, since they NEED exercise and lifestyle changes). Oh, and sometimes our bodies surprise us when we have a little treat and lose some weight. Great job. It's only the 1st day of September - I hope that the next 29 days are much better!

    Hi Mary and Lesley! Welcome! This is a great bunch of ladies. My advice would be to really take some time out of your day to get your exercise. Don't put it off. It's diet AND exercise that help with long-term weight loss.

    Cori and Kaitlyn - how are you mamas?

    I just sold my elliptical to some ex-neighbors. We don't use it anymore and really only used it about 25 times in the past 2 years since it squeaked when I rode it (so I couldn't use it during a nap) and when the baby was awake, I was always worried he would crush his fingers in it. We are certainly devoted to our DVD sets now. LOL The warm weather is making an appearance again for the rest of this week, so I think we will hop in the pool a bit later. On a non-fitness note, I am having such a hard time fitting in going to work this week to do billing and payroll, homeschooling since it started Monday, and exercising in the evening. I know I could go to work if I didn't exercise, but I can't do that. I'm leading the ladies. I can't go to work with the kids because, well, it just doesn't work. And, I can't go after working out because it is so late (7:30ish) and in a not so good area of town. Can I quit my job yet? LOL
  • I would love to join this group. I'm a mom of a 14 month old little boy, work full-time overnight, and go to school full-time. Now I've decided that it's time to work on getting back into shape and back down as close as I can to the size I was pre-pregnancy. I've figured it would take a goal of losing about 50lbs to get down to where I was. I'm new to this website and was introduced by a good friend of mine, so I'm looking for any ideas of exercise that can be incorporated into my busy schedule, motivation and support.

    Thanks :)
  • Welcome Megan!! I am new here are well but this is a good group of ladies!!!

    Today I have been going non-stop started morning paying bills, nice lunch at Pizza Hut (salad bar and 1 thin crust veggie) after that I went for a walk ((1/2 mile brisk with double stroller))... Took my Nephew Swimming for about 30min at the creek,, dropped him off and went walking at a leisure pace (1/2 mile) then home to eat dinner! I am still 285 under goal and stuffed lol!!! for some reason after doing all that I am still full of energy and been thinking about doing something else exercise wise!:tongue:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome to all the new mom!

    Heather - hope you hear from Matt soon, you've got to be a nervous wreck. :flowerforyou: Look at it this way, with the start you've had to September it can only get better from here, right?

    Lisa - At least you've got some flexibility with your schedule. Anyway you could do it from home? Then you could do it at night without being worried about the area?

    It's been a long day here. I've been battling a migraine since I got up this morning, and it's just not getting better. I know I should workout, just can't drag my butt outside. I know I haven't eaten enough the last couple days, but my stomach has been quesy and I don't want to make it worse. Started a challenge for September, 2000 crunches and 900 minutes of planks - should be interesting! Figure my stomach can use all the help it can get :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a good week - I'm already looking forward to the long holiday weekend!
  • It's been a long day here. I've been battling a migraine since I got up this morning, and it's just not getting better. I know I should workout, just can't drag my butt outside.

    CGerman- I had this same problem yesterday I made a half mile walk all day... I woke up with a sinus migraine and kept it all day!! I felt this way as well but today I had a good day and still have lots of energy and as for the queasiness at least it will help with the weight loss goal lol I know I know don't joke you feel like crap but I do hope you feel better!!!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey ladies. Sorry I've been so MIA. My night classes have started up again, and I'm swamped. Plus I do freelance magazine writing on the side, and I've had deadlines all week. EEK! Things are well overall. I've been reading with you guys, just haven't had time to write a proper post. I'll get back here soon!

    Keep up the good work!

  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Morning everyone. I am so freaking sick. SOOOOO not fun. I'm hoping to get the kids off school and have the TV babysit the little one, while I crash on the couch. Parenting at it's finest I tell you ;) I did finally hear from my husband. They were blacked out(no communication) for the last 3 days. So that made me feel a little better at least. I have a feeling my sodium intake is going to be high today. I'm planning a day of chicken soup and crackers. Probably lots of sprite too. I'm not a Ginger Ale kind of gal. Hope you all have a good day :)
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I would love to join your group! I am a SAHM with 2 young children...so "time to myself" is rare. My husband is so supportive of my goals to become more fit (he is Active Duty Air Force and works out 5 days/week). We have set a schedule for me to go for a run and he will watch the kids. Just a little challenging because by the time he gets home its, dinner, baths, books, and bed...then it is 8:15p. I am doing the C25K program....started my first day yesterday...doing ok today...tomorrow is when I will feel it :)
  • Kaitlyn- Welcome back I am Mary Mother of 4, Homeschooling, SAHM!!

    Heather- sorry to here you are so sick!! Hope you feel better!! I am glad to here hubby is just in black out hun its never fun when you aren't getting something from them! One of my Best Friends was over there and every time they where on lock down or had black outs I freaked out and swore I was going to get word that he wasn't going to make it home!!! So I kinda know what your going through I don't know if I could do it being my hubby!!

    JPotvin- Welcome to the group!!!
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone!! Well I"ve been doing good sticking with my exercise and being within my calorie goals, and finally it's paying off!! Down 8 lbs!!!! WaaaaHoooo!!! Well, then I came home today, and thought, "oh I've done so good, I'll splurge a little bit." Now all I have left for the rest of the day is 110 calories! Well I guess I'll be having...water...for dinner :wink:

    But I know that I just need to keep going! I don't feel as bad about my lunch as I have in the past, I just know that I've eaten too much and now I'm going to have to exercise and adjust my meal to stay in my goals!

    It's a beautiful day here, so hoping to get outside and do something!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    K - find a non-food reward for doing so well! Just sayin'. :D Great job on your weight loss though.

    JP - welcome! It's great to have you. That is late to start exercising. Is there anyway you can do it in the morning? I just find that if I have to wait until nighttime I can think of so many great excuses not to do it. Morning time though, while I am tired and still make some excuses, I still get my butt out of bed and do it because I know I will just be kicking myself all day if I don't.

    Heather - hope you feel better soon. I think we have all been there. PBS is my friend for my 2 year old when I don't feel well - even in the morning when I need to listen to all of the boys arguing while hubby takes a shower and I am cooking. So glad you heard from Matt. How long until he gets home?

    Kaitlyn - glad to know you are just lurking!

    Mary - nice job! I have played in creeks, but never swam in one.

    Megan - welcome. I am a big fan of the Beachbody DVDs; I think they work well and give you a complete system to follow, I don't have to drive to the gym, and some of them take no additional equipment to do (Insanity is one). If you can, I suggest working out in the morning. See my post to JP above for more.

    Cori - I wish! My boss is #1 anal about his paperwork leaving the office and #2 still barely using a computer to do his business. We do use Quickbooks for billing, but I don't have it on my laptop so I have to do it there. Our payroll is all done by hand and we have a stack of worklogs by the drivers about 8 inches tall every year, because they hand write all of their jobs. I vented to my hubby last night, wrote an e-mail to my boss telling him that I have obligations keeping me busy until 7:30 pm each night for the next 3 weeks, and have come to the fact that it might be time for the job that I hate to finally be gone. We'll see. Is your head feeling any better today? 2000 crunches? 900 minutes of planks, that's 30 minutes each day! Wow! I love plank and I love how my core feels doing it, but my wrists are too weak to stay in plank for that long.

    I realized last night just how much I have been stressing. I didn't eat all of my food yesterday that I had planned and sometimes I get so frustrated because I know I need to eat to lose this weight. I'm at almost 2000 calories a day though and at times it takes all I have to eat it. Yesterday was one of those days where it was just too hot in the house and I was not cooking at 8 pm. Shakeology with ice it is! LOL Today has been better.

    I also decided that I am changing my ratio for the rest of this round of P90X. I have been eating 40/40/20 for 64 days now and I am working my butt off in my workouts, morning and night. So, according to the nutrition guide, I can change it to 60% carbs/20% protein/20% fat - but you have to earn that one! I am eager to see how it influences my workouts and of course my weight loss as well. I'm trying to keep away from bread and tortillas and pasta and eat whole grains. So, today I've had a big bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of puffed brown rice cereal (no sugar is in it), and tonight I will have some short grain brown rice. I think the hardest part for me is actually keeping my protein down since I am so used to having to supplement to get it up there. Helps that hubby drank the last of the protein powder so I can't have my protein shake anyway. LOL

    Have a great day, ladies. Remember to do your best.
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