Time for us Moms! Group



  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm waiting for the day my daughter can buckle her own seatbelt. Shoot, she can't even climb into her own carseat, and we haven't even looked at potty training. She's only 14 months. I love all of the milestones, but I'm also not in any hurry to have her grow up. We're not sure if we're going to have any more, so I'm happy to take this one slow. :o) Plus, she's just so awesome, I'm glad I get so focus all of my time on just the one.

    I'm EXHAUSTED you guys! This isn't the kind of tired that can be fixed with an hour nap. This is the deep in your bones, throughout your soul exhaustion that can only be fixed by an entire week on a tropical island with a scantily clad cabana boy. hahaha! Ah, but life goes on.

    Went over my calories today. Only slightly, but still over. The school served a really crappy (calorically) lunch today, and since it was my only option, it really screwed me. It's okay. I even out throughout the week. OH! But they served chocolate covered bananas on a stick for dessert... how inappropriate for a treatment center full of teenagers! Most of whom went immediately to the phallic references. It was amusing, if nothing else.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - LOL at the phallic reference. I don't feel bad about going over my calories if it's less than 50 calories. You are right, you even out throughout the week. I know what you mean about being exhausted. Take some time to listen to your body and get to bed early tonight.

    I hate days where I am up and running 5:30 am to 10 pm. That was my day yesterday and it followed a night when I was up every hour with the little one who for some reason could not sleep. Ugh! I am still feeling it today too even though I got a lot more sleep last night. Still doing my double workouts every day. I overdid some bicep curls in P90X yesterday though (I was trying to be buff and curl 15s. My right arm was fine, but my left arm is too sore today) and am sore today. I like the Slim in 6, it's a fast sweat still for me and I like helping some ladies from church get in better shape. Also got a sunburn talking to my friend while the boys played at the park. I think yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. LOL At least today is day 60 and I only have 30 more to go! Yay!

    C - ya never picked the challenge! How are you doing?

    Heather - I could only homeschool the twins because they are in the same grade and pretty similar in learning and ability. I have had some of their friend's parents ask, jokingly, if I would teach their children too and I just couldn't imagine it. I do give major kudos to teachers who have to deal with a classroom full of 30 different learning styles. They are going through a stage right now of sibling rivalry, bossiness, etc. and it is driving me crazy. I have 12 more days until school starts and all of the neighborhood kids went back today. Need to find something productive for my boys to do!

    Have an awesome day, mamas!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I didn't pick a challenge...hmmm. What about trying to hit 25g of fiber each day? That's a good one to make sure you're getting your fruits and veggies!

    I did Week 1/Day 1 of C25K last night - and it lead to a scary experience. There were some bulls loose on the trail we were jogging on and one started pawing the ground and grunting (or whatever mean noise it is they make) about 3 feet from us. I was terrified! I didn't want to run in case that just pissed 'em off! Definitely calling the city today, it's a city maintained walking trail, people shouldn't have to dodge grazing bulls while spending time with the family!

    Lisa - with your day yesterday, it can only go up from there :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi ladies,
    We got a wii last weekend , bought a couple games for the kids and got wii fit plus for me. I have been doing it all but one night since we got it. It is a pretty good workout and fun. Me and my hubby did it last night together it was alot of fun. The kids go back to school on monday and they are driving me crazy. I can not wait until monday. LOL. I plan on starting to walk in the mornings 3xs a week after I drop the kids off at school. It should still be cool and crisp outside , so it will be nice. Glad to see all you ladies hanging in there and getting your exercise in
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Lisa - I taught pucblic school for 6 years in Stockton, and you're dead on with the classroom full of different learning styles. I wish I only had 30 kids, but with budget cuts it was more like 45 per class, 6 periods a day. It can be really challenging. I like to try different methods, and fit more than one into every lesson to reach as many kids as possible. I really miss teaching. Since I've been at the treatment center (in Utah), I'm still a teacher, but everyone's on independent study so it's not nearly the same thing.

    Mommie - I love the Wii! Try the tennis game, I always work up a sweat with that one.

    CG - YES! Fiber is always an issue for me. Good choice!

    I'll report back later with my numbers :o)
  • I would love to join this group!
    I am a new mother to 5 month old twins. I just went back to work 3 weeks ago, and just joined myfitnesspal this week.

    My biggest struggle is finding the time to run (no surprise there, right?). My second biggest struggle is dealing with my new postpartum body! My body shape is sooo different now. I have never weight trained before and am a little intimidated by it.

    Finally - I am still breastfeeding. Any good tips/resources for breastfeeding and working out?
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I would love to join this group. I have a 4 year old daughter and I work full time. I find it hard to schedule in my workouts but even if I only get 20-30 minutes I try to take advantage.

    I gained 50 pounds with my pregnancy and lost 30 right away. The rest of it just stayed there. I have slowly been able to take off another 10. I need to lose about 20 pounds to get back to my prepregnancy weight.

    Thanks for the motivation!

    You look great!
  • HaesMom
    HaesMom Posts: 11
    Hi, I'd really like to join your group. I'm finding it harder and harder to get workouts in. My daughter who just turned one last month has changed her sleep schedule and I can't seem to make it work for me. I usually like to workout in the morning before I begin the rest of my day. This way I don't have to think about it and I can feel good the entire day.

    As I'm writing this I'm sitting in my workout gear, waiting for my daughter to either take a nap or my hubby to get home so I can get at LEAST 30 minutes on the treadmill. I did 25 minutes of the Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD this morning, but I actually have the urge to walk on the treadmill for a bit.

    It's taking me forever to loose the weight I gained while I was pregnant because I'm not putting myself first at all. I haven't done so in a long time, and I think its time for that to change!

    I hope by joining this group I can gain the motivation to put myself and my health needs first at least once a day.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome aro and klm!

    aro - First off - congrats! There quite a bunch of twins in this group (I've got 2 sets and Lisa, BOGO, has a set as well). My advice on the time would be to incoporate things you can do with your little ones, a good jog with them in the stroller will be a workout for you and a relaxing outting for them. I don't know what kind of lunch breaks you get, but maybe sneak in a short walk on your lunch break? Try not to be intimidated by strength training, it's a pretty easy way to boost your muscles and leave you with a more toned look. You can start small, weights on ankles or wrists when out walking is an easy first step. I'd imagine your milk supply is doing okay this far into it - you just need to be sure you're drinking enough water so you don't get dehydrated and effect your supply. Some babies get a little fussy when mom starts an exercise plan, milk tastes different, but like anything your body and babies will adjust.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I would like to join as well. I work full time and have a 3 year old daughter. I find it hard to make time for excercise. Recently I started working out about 20 minutes a day because it seems thats all I have time for. Hopefully with the support from everyone here I can start making more time for me.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome, everyone! Looks like all of you have very small babies. We range here from newborns to teens. I have a 14 month old and am still trying to lose all of my pregnancy weight, or any of it for that matter! haha!

    This week's challenge is to see if you're meeting your fiber goal. I was two grams over my goal today! Nice.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome haes and tanya!

    British you go on the fiber!! I ended up with 26 grams of fiber today - woohoo!

    I'm off for my exercise - hoping I'm not attacked by any livestock tonight:laugh:
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone! I just found this website yesterday and would love to join your group! I have a 3 year old daughter, work full time and go to school full time. With all of this its very hard to find time and motivation to work out. I think this group will really help me. I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone and hearing of your success to keep me motivated!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I would like to join. My kids are teenagers 19 & 17, but i still feel so guilty if I take time out for myself. I am always there "just in case" they may need me - it is so hard takikng time out for me.....I'm always last on the list, if I make it to the list at all.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Welcome to te newbies!

    So, my youngest ending up getting stitches yesterday!:sad: She fell and cut up her bottom lip and knocked her 2 front teeth loose. My dentist came in on his day off to stitch her up and bond her teeth so hopefully they'll stay in. She work up this morning and looked like Mick Jagger :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great day - don't forget to make sure you're hitting your fiber goal!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Newbies, kinda funny saying that since I'm pretty new too :)

    Sorry I've been missing for a few days life happened! Things have been pretty hectic, and then yesterday my sweet great grandmother passed away. She was 96 and lead a long and happy life, so while I'm sad for me, I'm happy she'll finally be with grandpa again. She died at home, she was still mobile, and pretty with it right up to the end. I hope I'm as fortunate :)

    Other than that I went and worked out at the zoo workout this morning but I had a knot in my leg that just wouldn't quit, so I left a bit early. I needed to anyhow for a chat date with the hubs.

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll keep an eye on my fiber and let ya know how I do! Gotta jet battery is dying!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    C - and it did only go up from there! I'll take your challenge. I got 24 g in today. :D Oh, I think I would have been yelling at the bull and running away quickly. Oh no about your daughter! How is she feeling?

    Mommie - I loved the Wii Fit when we borrowed it from our neighbors. In fact, every time I'm doing the balance positions in our Yoga DVD I think about how it would tell me that I am wobbling too much. LOL

    Kaitlyn - I could not imagine 45 kids! The boys' class always had about 21 or 22 - they were supposed to be at 20 with the legislation for K-3, but often were over. It kills me that the teachers in 4-6 at the boys' old school agreed to the larger class sizes (~30) only if they didn't have to have a parent-teacher conference for each child - only those at risk. They are so rushed before and after school that you barely get to talk to them as it is. Independent studiers would be a lot different!

    Heather - sorry about your loss. 96 is amazing and unheard of in my family!

    Hi Arobert! Enjoy those little ones. They grow so fast! I don't have any great resources for you for breastfeeding. I think I would eat at least your BMR + 500 calories and exercise when you can. How are they sleeping?

    Hi Kim! Welcome. Great job losing that weight. What is your time goal for the 20 lbs? What exercise do you like to do?

    Hi HaesMom! What is your daughter's sleep schedule like now? Good job doing the DVD, did you ever make it on the treadmill? For so long, I put myself last and I realized that I needed to take care of myself too! You've taken the first steps by joining here. :D

    Hi Tanya! When do you workout now?

    Wow Chas! You are one busy mama! Welcome. I hope that you find the motivation that you need here. :)

    Baker - welcome! You are worth the time and you will feel so much better if you do it. After a while, it becomes habit. Your kids need you to be a happy and healthy mama.

    If you have a FB account, feel free to friend me. My profile is here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1236360927

    Yesterday was nice. The boys and I walked to the dry cleaners while I carried a big bag of shirts for my husband and pushed the stroller. LOL We went to the pool too, but for me that meant sitting in the baby pool and chatting with adults while the boys swam in the big pool and my littlest one played in the pool I was in. Not much exercise there, but it sure did feel nice! I'm really getting into the groove of double workouts, I just find I'm a bit hungrier. Yoga this morning was fabulous! Truly love that DVD even though some moves kick my butt still. I never thought I would sweat so much.

    Hope you mamas have a great rest of the day!

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    It's Friday ladies!!

    Heather - I'm sorry to hear about your great grandmother. It's hard letting go even when you know they'll be in a better place. And at 96 - she's certainly lived a very full life. :flowerforyou:

    My daughter that go stitches is doing better, the swelling is finally starting to come down a little. She was a Mick Jagger look alike for a couple days there! :laugh: My hubby and older boys are going hunting this weekend, so it'll just be me and the little ones. We're shopping with my mom and grandma tomorrow and then I think we'll walk down to the pool for a couple hours. I always like signs that I'm losing weight other the scale, and I got a great one last night. I was doing my second day of C25K and was jogging and felt what I though was sweat rolling down my back :blushing: Realized when I stopped jogging my underwear had slid completely off my butt :laugh: To top it off, this morning I was down 5.4 lbs from last Friday :bigsmile: My "official" weigh in is Sunday so we'll see where I end up. I ended up with 22 g of fiber yesterday, so right on track there.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! For me it's the last weekend before kids and me are back in school so I'm gonna take full advantage of it!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I can so relate to the underwear falling down. I was doing the wii last night and I had to come change into my shorts because my pants kept falling down. My hubby said you could just do it in your underwear, I was like no , they would fall completely off. They keep sliding down. I guess I need to go through my clothes and start getting rid of the bigger ones and getting the size smallers easy to get too, What a good feeling. yesterday I took the kids to the park and walked around the perimeter while they played in the playground. It is the last weekend before school starts. YEAH. Then I will have more time for me and more time to work out. I think I will start walking in the mornings at least 3xs a week after dropping the last one off at school . Hope everyone is doing good, have a good weekend
  • It would help me so much to goin this group! I have my first child who is 2 yrs old and my life since I am a stay at home wife. My life revolves around him almost every second of the day. My husband has an awesome job that is located in our town actually only 4 blocks from our house. But if they get work out of town they send him. He just got back from being in Loisianna for 4 months talk about sucking. I was a single mom for 4 months and I hated it. I know that others go for long and I give props to them cause I almost had a break down every day!! Any ways when I was pregnant I gained 60 lbs and actually lost it. Not right away though it took me forever to relize I was sick of being the 5'11 and 225 lbs wife and mom. I have always been tall but very active and so was having a hard time. My sister challenged me to run in a 5 k with her and I really don't think she expected me to do it but I said yes and that next morning we got up early and headed for the starting line. When we got there I keep thinking what am I doing I haven't ran in at least a yr and everyone there was fit and ready to go. So they said go and off we went I made it about 4 blocks and was dying. I was pushing my son in his stroller and I had to stop and walk. I felt bad cause my sister is a health coach and is in amazing shape. She runs up to 7 miles on her tredmil probably everyother day. So she took the stroller from me and we ran 3 block and then I would have to walk a block. Lets just say I made it but cried through half of the race cause of how out of shape I had become. Well a yr later I went back to that 5 K and ran the whole thing. I was so proud of my self. So after the 5 K the first time I had a goal to get down to my goal weight which is 180 and I got close I got to 190 and then I kiinda relaxed and started eating the bad stuff again. So here I am almost a yr after I got to 190 and weight 205 which kills me. But I am back on the horse and going to do this there is no stopping I am going to get rid of this extra waist and get rid of my mommy pouch that I never thought would go away but I have seen it happen and I can do this.
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