Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Sarah - that's exactly why I get it done in the morning! If I waited until nighttime, I would be too tired.

    Chas - nice to see you!

    K - sorry about your hubby's surgery. Hope your knee feels better too. Getting old sucks!

    JP - Your boys will enjoy that walk too! Have a fantastic run tonight. Those endorphins are great!

    Had a later start this morning, 6:15 pressing play. It was just X-Stretch (which I love and needed) but it didn't give me that energy boost that I needed today. I've just been...mellow. I can see it on my Bodybugg and I just feel it as well. Excited to see the scale this weekend. Yesterday was an intense calorie burn day and I was not hungry at night, so I didn't eat close to my 1000 calorie deficit. I'm planning on starting a 3 day cleanse with Shakeology on Monday since I will be on my week off (still doing Slim in 6 though). My friend lost 4 lbs in 3 days - that's a nice side benefit. I just like doing cleanses, weird, no? I've done the Master Cleanse a handful of times, but thank goodness this one is shorter and tastier! I'm ready to feel refreshed, these past 4.5 weeks of working out twice a day, 6 days a week are starting to take its toll. :) Have a great day, ladies! I hope that each and every one of you is having a great Wednesday.

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow, guys. No one's posted in 3 days? I'm shocked.

    Doing well here. I went way over my calories yesterday; Jeremy took me out to dinner at Outback. But you have to splurge now and again, right? I'm not beating myself up over it. Back on the wagon today!

    My new pants came in the mail. They're almost too big! What a horrible problem to have :o) haha!

    We're going to a birthday party this afternoon, so I'm hoping to avoid any food pitfalls there. It's a two-year old party: a teddy bear picnic. Should be cute!

    How is everyone else?
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    As an update: I did not eat any of the food that was sitting out in the triple digit weather. I did, however, split a cupcake with my daughter.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Sorry I've been a little MIA, it's been a crazy week! We did the state fair Friday, which turned out to be a total disaster! I'm one of those mean moms who won't let my kids ride on the rides, I'm paranoid about the fact they are put up and taken down so quickly. So they were cranky and whiny and it was a chore to even get through everyting else. But, we got in some great walking. Saturday we tried our hand at geocaching - wasn't too successful but we're going to borrow a better GPS from my FIL next week and try again. Today we decided to do some hiking - it was so fun! The leaves are starting to change in the higher elevations and it was a nice escape from the heat today. Good news - I aced my test, in fact I had the high score of the class. Whew, 1 down 3 to go lol

    Kaitlyn - Yeah, it's awful when you're pants are too big, lol. I keep waiting to go down a size, I've come to conclusion I just used to stuff myself into my pants like a sausage since I'm down 8" in the waist and still in the same size :laugh: Hope your dinner out was tasty!! A teddy bear picnic is such a cute idea! I wish I was one of those creative types lol.

    Kcampbell - hope your hubby is recovering well from surgery! Hope your knee is feeling better so you can get back to the exercise.

    JPotvin - It really is amazing what those endorphins can do! Even when the last thing I want to do is workout, I always feel better after I do. I was just starting to enjoy the cooler weather here and then the heat decided to come back. I'm ready for a little bit of fall (course then I'll just want to warm weather back again lol)

    Lisa - You'll have to keep us posted on your 3 day cleanse coming up. You must be stoked to have finished round 2 - that's so impressive! Did you see the same results after round 2 as you did round 1?
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Urgh - I posted a reply last night and I don't see it this morning.

    Kaitlyn - awesome job with the weight loss! You survived the birthday party, I am impressed!

    Cori - highest grade? You rock! I have been wanting to go geocaching. I think it sounds like a fun thing to do with the boys Sounded like you had a good weekend. I am the same way about the fair. I just don't like those rides. My results were even better the 2nd round. I lost 20lbs in the past 3 months, whereas I only lost 5 the first 3 months. :) It helped being on MFP and counting my calories for sure.

    I hit 25 lbs lost since March! Yay! I am almost out of the overweight range for BMI. I drank my green tea this morning and chocolate Shakeology. So ready to see what these 3 days hold. I have great expectations for them. :) Slept in this morning until about 7 and got to "play" with my hubby. LOL Been a long time since we have had time to do that on a weekday.

    5 more days of Slim in 6! Hubby gets to choose the next round. When I asked him last night, he said Turbo Jam. LOL I don't know if that will change by the end of the week.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Just checking in. I didn't expect to be so "cleansed" from this. LOL Yes, I know it's called a cleanse. Yesterday went well. Made a homemade salad dressing I haven't made in a long time (Dilly Cucumber) to go with my salad and chicken. Delish! I had plenty of energy for my workout last night too. I'm not wearing my Bodybugg right now since I am not focusing on my calories. I know I will want to get up and move even more. :D Best news though, I woke up this morning and had lost 2 lbs. So, for the first time in about 2 years I am back under 160. I am 3 lbs away from my lowest weight that I have been since I younger than 12 (and I only hit this weight for about a week in Weight Watchers and then started to stall and gain). Hope you mamas are having a great day!

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Lisa! That's amazing! I would love to do a cleanse. Which one did you do? I know you named it before, but I'm too lazy to search back :o)

    Cori - WOOHOO! Congrats on your test! So proud of you...

    Doing great today. I've been stalled on my weight loss for a few weeks now. Not losing, but not gaining either. I've lost all of the weight up until now by cutting calories with no exercise. Now I know I need to do some cardio to keep it going. I got a new kettlebell DVD because the other one only has one routine on it, and I'm bored of it. Now I just need to find the time and the energy to actually do it. I planned to last night, but I went to bed at 8.45 instead. That's crazy for me! I'm usually up until after midnight. I've been so tired lately. Like, pregnant tired. I know I'm not (Just had TOM a week ago), but my energy level feels like I am! lol!

    Waiting for acceptance into the RN program is driving me crazy. I've never been good at waiting.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - you sure you're not?! That is crazy early. I'm doing the Shakeology 3-day cleanse. http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/fitness-at-home/2010/04/detoxing-at-home-and-the-shakeology-cleanse.html

    Oh, I hear you on the waiting. You still have until the end of October, right? DId your DVD come? Which one did you get? Yeah, I think cardio is going to be most helpful in getting you past that plateau. That is great that you dropped that much weight just through exercise though! Have a great day! Is the weather getting cooler?
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies its been a while for since I have logged on. the hubby came in to town last wednesday for his birthday and a Thursday interview. Interview went well hoping to hear something soon. He put his two weeks notice in already so he will be here October 1 regardless. It will have been exactly a year and 3 days that we have been living in 2 separate states. I have faith that everything will work out.
    Last week was not the best eating and exercise wise but I did manage to lose about 1 lb. I can't complain because I am actually ahead of my goal. I only have to lose <1 lb by October 1st and I joined a gym this week. burned 853 calories in the gym today!!! and its been a lot easier to keep mycalorie intake down. I found my boots online today can't wait to order them.
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    how do you encouraage your SO's to get healthier. My DH took a physical a few weeks ago for a job interview. We had just started keeping track and I asked him to do his BMI. We both came in the obese range even though we dont look like it. So at the physical which I dontthink was done by a Dr or actual nurse. So according to them he lost 8 lbs, hadn't been doing anything so I think our scale was just wrong. And they tell him he's very healthy and can do trhings physically like touch his toes that most people smaller than him can't do. So now he thinks he's really healthy which I'm happy if true but don't think is true. He suffers from recurring headaches and we both have a history of dabetes, heart disease etc. in our families. He thinks this is healthy but I know if things stay the same we will end up with some of the stuff our parents have. I don't want to push cause it won't help, but the light needs to turn on for him.
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys!! I thought school work would tone down a bit but really hasn't! Our family also found out we have an 18 year old brother we never knew about until now. Long story short back in the day blood tests REALLY were not accurate. With DNA now, we have a new family member, we are so sad to of missed out on so much but everyday is a new beginning and I cannot wait to meet him!! With all of this stress, I couldn't make myself eat and have lost more than expected. But now I am back on routine and gained a pound!! I really ate very healthy those days but I guess after sending your body in starvation mode it does crazy things. Oh well :( I am atleast a few pounds lighter than I thought I would be yet. Enough about me....

    Hello to everyone!! I hope you are all doing well with your fitness goals!! I am going to do better with keeping up with the forum and cheer everyone on!! I know all of you have helped me by reading your stories. Like Joe Dirt says, " Keep on, keeping on!!!" lol
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Faith - nice job being so close to your goal! Woohoo for new boots. So happy that you and hubby won't be together again. As far as getting a SO to exercise, my hubby was the one who thought that I wouldn't exercise. He would make comments about wanting to go on a bike ride, etc. It was finally when I got to my low point that I wanted to change. I never thought he would eat healthy (he always went out for lunch to a fast food place) but once I started to take the time to pack him a bag full of food for the day, he doesn't go out anymore. I also stopped buying most of the processed foods that we were eating. He still misses some of them, but he knows why I don't buy them. Check out this short video by Chalene Johnson (Turbo Jam, Turbo Kick, ChaLean Extreme, Turbo Fire instructor): http://www.turbokick.com/wblog/?p=813 I think she has some great points about it.

    Chas - wow! That would be a curveball thrown into the mix. Don't worry about that pound. Just focus on eating healthy and getting your calories in. Love the quote!

    Good morning! Last day of my cleanse. I love a short one. I will never go back to the Master Cleanse after doing the Shakeology cleanse. I was down another pound this morning and have lost an inch in my waist. Yay! I can see the bloat is gone. Thinking about how I am going to change my eating when I start back to eating all of my calories tomorrow. I'm going to focus on eating from the top 2 tiers of Michi's Ladder. http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder

    So, Sunday marks 90 days until Christmas Eve or 60 days until about Thanksgiving. Anyone interested in doing a longer challenge?
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Lisa - That's great you got even better results after reound 2 - and sounds like your cleanse has been successful as well! You're all over it, lol

    Chas - Wow, that'd be a shock for sure! Hope things work out for the best.

    Faith - Hope your hubby gets good news from his interview, that's gotta be stressful living in different states. Hats off to you! As far as encouraging him to get healthier, I'd try and talk him into getting a physical at a doctor's office with all the blood work and everything. If everything checks out you can put your mind at ease, and if not he'll have the truth in black and white. You could try getting him to workout with you when he's around, or working on healthier recipes that are still tasty so he doesn't even realize it, lol

    I'm up for a longer challenge - did you have something in mind? My first mini-goal is to be under 200 by Christmas so anything that will push me in that direction would be great!
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you guys for the kind words. It will all work out :)

    Eating healthy and working out to Zumba as often as possible have been easier than I thought! I finally hit 199!!! I gained over 100 with my daughter and this is my first time back in the 100's since I have given birth!! She will be 3 in December! Mini-goals make the ultimate goal seem so much closer in your grasp! Now that I'm a single mom, I would like to get my sexy back?!? Lol, if I ever had any! I'm just kidding. I like to keep a good attitude at all times if you can't tell lol.

    Bogmama I have read up on the Master Cleanse and wasn't to sure. I may try the shakeology cleanse you are talking about.

    I'm up for a challenge that you and CGerman are referring to! Its always a great way to get motivated!!

    Hope everyone is doing well with their goals!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - thank you. If I do something, I try to do it the right way. Gets me in trouble sometimes since I am more of an all or nothing girl, but it also helps when I have my mind focused on my willpower is strong.

    Heather - thinking of you and hope you are doing well tonight.

    Chas - this one tasted a billion times better than the Master Cleanse. I also like that the Shakeology has so many vitamins and minerals in it, that I knew taking it 3 times a day I was getting all of my calcium and other vitamins that I needed. No salt water flush on this (oh my goodness, it's so hard to gag down) or senna tea to get things moving or hot lemonade. Let me know if you want to try it, I can sell you the packets for it if you don't want to buy an entire bag of it or you can order it and if you don't like it, return it for a full refund.

    Challenge - hmmmm, take your weight and multiply it by 20. This is the amount of calories to shoot for burning during exercise for the week. So, for me that would be 3170 calories which would mean I need to realistically work out 5 or 6 days a week to hit it. Every week when we weigh-in, we will post our new number to burn and also post our amount that we burned the week prior. We can pick Sunday as a new start of the week. Hopefully this will get the weight dropping off and keep us motivated. How does it sound?
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Sounds like a great challenge idea! My official weigh in day is Sunday so that works out too. Let's see, based on last week's weigh in I'd have to burn 4,496 calories in a week - I can do that. Great idea Lisa - I'm excited!! How about this format for a check-in:

    Prior Week Weight: 224.8
    Calories to Burn: 4,496
    Actual Burn: XXXX

    Current Week Weight: XXX
    Calories to Burn: XXX
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Love the format! I think it will be perfect, Cori!

    Happy to be eating again this morning. :) Lost a total of 4 lbs in 3 days, so I am thrilled. I posted some new pictures that I took this morning on my profile. I never thought I would be in a bikini. This weekend we'll take pics of each other (which always turn out better) but these will have to suffice for now.
  • ChasTnchick
    ChasTnchick Posts: 14 Member
    Cori, the format looks great! Sorry I am just now catching onto your name well.

    Bogmama, I really want to try a cleanse but I don't want to put you out of your way.

    YAY!! I'm excited to try this challenge!! Okay, that means I need to burn 3980 calories!! I'm super excited now, it's my first MFP challenge!!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey girls!

    Oh, geez. I calculated my number for the challenge, and it's daunting! Kind of freaks me out a little... Lisa, i got the Kettlebell Goddess dvd. I like it because it has varying workouts, and the ability to "shuffle" to create new ones. My problem with working out is that I get bored by the same routine. I actually haven't had time to try it out yet. I've literally been busy from the moment I wake up at 7am until 2am when I finally get to go to sleep! This week has been crazy pants. I'm hoping to get it started this weekend.

    Sounds like good things are happening for everyone - husbands, bringing sexy back, kids, etc. So glad to hear that about everyone! Things are good for me too. Still waiting :o( Yes, until the end of October. I finally got my refund checks from my retirement account with the school district in Stockton. Definitely going to use that money to pay some bills! We're swamped.

    Happy Friday!!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Kaitlyn - I hear ya on the daunting number of calories to burn. As a bonus, generally the more you weigh the easier it is to get your heartrate up and burn through the calories quicker. If I do a good walk I can burn 1100-1200 calories in just over an hour.

    I took a look at what I've burned this week already and I think I'll hit it this week!

    Anybody have any fun plans for the weekend? I was looking forward to a fall weekend, maybe doing a corn maze or something - but the weather isn't cooperating. Supposed to be pushing 90 which is a little to warm to be wandering around in a field for hours :laugh: The kids mentioned roller skating - which let me tell you ladies I look ridiculous doing, but it's a great calorie burner.
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