

  • Exactly! This is your life. A lifestyle change means for the long run. And you can't go in with the mentality that you'll never overindulge, that you'll always eat perfectly, that you'll even control your cheat meals. Sometimes we eat more than we intended. Sometimes we eat food with way more calories than we thought. It's…
  • Sounds like you did lose weight- in fat, water, etc.- but then gained it back in muscle! I did a similar thing a while back. I went to work on a month-long, very physically intense excavation. When I got back, I weighed myself and my weight hadn't changed a pound, but my clothes sure fit differently! Remember, it's not the…
  • Height: 5'7.5" SW: 217 CW:180 GW:140 (but variable) Calories/day: ~1500-1700 burn per day: variable, but usually between 250-500 Exercise really depends. Usually cardio, with the occasional strength workout, though I'm trying to do more. I'm usually on the elliptical, stairmaster, adaptive motion trainer, recumbent bike,…
  • I'd trust the doctor. To me, the picture looks like fat, which won't go away no matter how many crunches you do. That's where diet comes in and is so important. It's like that saying, abs are made in the gym but revealed in the kitchen. You do what's right for you. If you have excess skin, fat, etc. and you feel that lipo…
  • I'm nervous about how I will look, because I've been overweight my whole life so I don't have any idea what skinny me even remotely looks like. I'm also nervous about people treating me differently. I'm not saying I'll suddenly turn into Beyonce and everyone will love me, but I'm used to getting zero attention from people-…
  • Don't worry- unless you start lifting really heavy and going all out you won't bulk up. And if you're really concerned about it, go for lighter weights but more sets and reps- that will help you tone and lean out, and give you definition, but won't turn you into a body builder. And make sure you get plenty of protein,…
  • I tried going a whole week eating as little sugar as possible, and it ended up teaching me a lot about nutrition. I have a sugar problem just like you- can't get enough! But trying to go without it taught me that some sugar is good, some is bad, and it's in almost everything! It's all about moderation. The longer I go…
  • Same here! Going to buy the HOTTEST outfit that I could never wear now and just work it! I'm going to buy one of those tight dresses I always see other girls wear and just let everyone stare lol. Right now, I'd hate all that attention, but once I'm feeling strong, healthy, and confident about the way I look, I'm going to…
  • What a huge achievement! Isn't it ONE-derful??
  • Amazing job! I've been meaning to get back into swimming, but the idea of people seeing me in a suit and out of shape has been holding me back. But you're absolutely right- don't pay attention to anyone else, and do what you want to do!
  • Up to 27 so far... moving on to 28 of each later today! And I decided to add inner leg lifts just as something easy to add on. This is really working for me, and I'm glad I'm able to make a small change that will make a big difference!
  • I don't count the everyday things I do like walking around my college campus, or going up and down stairs. I only add stuff that my body's not used to, or that is specifically exercise. I log the walking I do when I work because I only work one or two days a week and so my body doesn't get used to it. I'll log if I go to…
  • He probably thinks it is compared to whatever workout he does, but really whatever gets you moving, gets your HR up, and gets you sweating a little is good for you. I've done some bike exercises that left me covered in sweat and had my quads burning from effort. When it comes to ANY exercise, it's all about how much effort…
  • I hate my calves... 17 inches! And the muscles have developed really unusually due to the way I walk (high arches, so my weight is on the outside of my leg instead of inside where most people's is). It's the worst. My calves never fit into any boots, even the wide calf ones, so I've never been able to buy a pair. That…
  • It sounds like you got some dysfunctional relationships in your life- with food, with your parents, and most importantly with yourself. I personally would recommend talking to a therapist, because all the dieting in the world isn't going to work until you're really ready for it, and it doesn't sound like you are yet. I…
  • Oh no! The bottom pic is gigantic! How do I make it smaller? ---- nvm got it!
  • My sister always tries to tell me I'm not fat- which would be nice if it wasn't so insulting. Even at my highest (when I was in the OBESE category) she would say "you're not fat. You could wear a bikini if you wanted. I'M the one who's fat." when she's thin as a rod and I practically look pregnant my stomach is so huge. It…
  • What an amazing and inspiring transformation! You look so happy and healthy. You have definitely given me a reason to keep working and pushing toward my goal! The best of luck to you with those last few pounds. You look awesome!
  • I had the same problem over the summer- worked a desk job and ate constantly, but I always seemed to be hungry! I tried adding a lot of protein, fiber, and fruit. Have you tried greek yogurt? It tastes really good (even though it looks weird at first- you just have to mix it up) and it has a ton of protein. You could…
  • Amazing job! It takes so much dedication to lose that HUGE amount of weight!! Don't undervalue your accomplishment! I can definitely see a difference, especially from 380 to now. You're doing great, and you're an inspiration to me- i want to lose as much as you've lost, and I'm slowly working towards that halfway point.…
  • You could try getting him involved in a team sport that will add some sort of accountability to his routine. Even if he wants to give up after a week he will have other people counting on him to stick it out. You could even start with a sport that doesn't require as much movement (like baseball) and work up to more active…
  • Lost and gained the whole time growing up. I think the most lost was about 20 pounds when I was put on a diet as a kid, gained it all back plus some. Then, of course my most recent was a few years ago losing about 15 pounds walking around Europe and starting college- gained it all back plus 30 pounds. Now I'm down 29, with…
  • I don't drink, and I've even tried it on two different occasions just so people would stop telling me I'd like it if I tried it. It seems that, even though everyone around me could get fall-down drunk and I wouldn't care, they think I'm judging them for it. It seems like it's definitely more of a perception problem on…
  • I've had a rough couple weeks lately too- so don't worry, one or two bad days won't be the end of you unless you let it! One day I just told myself I have to stop the behavior that's sending me in the wrong direction. I told myself I have to start getting back under my calorie goal and start going to the gym. And then,…
  • I love eating, I eat when I'm bored, I always ate a ton of junk food (especially sweets). I always ate way too much as a kid, and have been overweight my whole life, but at least I was always active and doing some kind of sport. After I graduated high school, I kept eating like I was still an athlete. Kept the freshman 15…
  • eminem's 'till i collapse' gets me pumped, and gives me that extra boost when i feel like giving up. 'bombs over baghdad' by outkast is also good, and 'ante up' by MOP is good (these are if you like rap music...)
  • I think you look awesome! It really shows off your curves (in a good way lol)! I'd say go for it. Wish I looked that good, but I'm still working towards that!
  • I don't think you're supposed to count the activity you do at work every day. If it's only occasionally that you're active at work, then your body is used to it and it becomes part of your BMR. If you have an active job, like a nurse or waitress, update your MFP account settings to reflect that and it will give you more…
  • I put spinach in lasagna. It's a great way to add some color and some vegetables- and you honestly can't even taste it! (good for kids...) I recommend frozen because it cooks up better, but I've made it with fresh before and it tastes great too. Just be prepared for the first couple pieces of lasagna to leave a bit of a…