

  • Hello, This is great that we have a bunch of people starting this challenges group. I think we can really help each other. If you have a challenge you want to add..let us all know. Saunya and I have been at it for almost a week and both of us have lost weight plus these challenges keep us more focused on this path to a…
  • Welcome to MFP! I too am new and love it. My husband is also dieting but not recording what he eats where I am. You have to do what works for you. the support system on here is great..take advantage of it! Lissa
  • Greg, Welcome to MFP. I have only been a member a short time but I can tell you the support system is great. I was very athletic in my 20's and would love to have a small portion of that back. I am planning to do a mini-triathlon in July 2011 so I have my work cut out for me..since right now going from the couch to the…
  • Saunya, I would love to do weekly challenges with you. I have a bunch of weight to lose and could use the motivational push. Lissa
  • Becky, I too would gain weight if I ate what the calories on here said I could eat. I have learned how many calories I can eat, lose, gain and stay the same through alot of time spent dieting. SO I now know what I need to do..just need to do it. I think the calories listed on this site are a general reference based on…
  • Your are completely right! It's all about accountabiity and each of us are accountable for our selfs. Good job on your weight loss... your a inspiration to me!
  • Poirei, I add crystal light to my water...the cherry one..when I am just not in the mood for water I use this. I also take Synthroid daily and get tired. I have to exercise in the mornings or I wont do it because I am too tired by the time I get home. I am excited about this challenge to get me going in the morning!! Lissa
  • I am in too! Thank you for the motivational challenge! Lissa
  • Caroeden, I think you said it "he does not want to change the dynamic of your relationship". I also think many do that unconsciencely too. I have had friends who know I am trying to lose weight and they invite me over and serve only food that will tempt me. I dont think they want to sabatoge me consciencely. I have tried…
  • Thank you for the reply. Yes, I agree about how kids change it all. My youngest son told me i need stop eatting so much because I was fat. That hurt but also made me realize he was right. I need to be able to be the mom my kids deserves. So I am more than determined to change that. Kepp up the good work...19!…
  • Hello Doug, I too just joined this site. I think it will be a great way to help me get on the right path and stay there. I had a bad 2 days with food but am more than determined to get back on the right path again. How are you doing so far? Lissa
  • Thank you dmcgee for your reply. I am seeing that right away that people on this site are great supporters. :smile: Lissa
  • Metizzy, Thank you so much for your reply. I had a bad 2 day in regards to food so am determined to start new and take control. I already see how positive talking to others about this helps. Lissa
  • HI Polly, I too am new to this site but not to dieting. I had a rough 2 days with food and decided I need more support besides just recording food intake. I have a long road ahead so any help is nice. My weakness is eatting when feeling bored or down about myself...which has been coming around alot lately. So I am going to…
    in Hi Comment by Lissa170 August 2010