

  • haha this reminds me of a poetry professor that I had in college who said he bought a plant to put on his dining room table. one night he made his own salad with a "head of lettuce" and as he sat down to eat it, he couldn't because his table plant was staring him in the face. He apologized and "buried" the head of lettuce…
  • oh! and also capers. what is going on with those things? they taste like the potpourri of vegetables gross
  • i cant at sour cream and onion potato chips...actually I don't like eating most things that I feel are going to make my breath smell bad but I absolutely won't eat those things (which really isn't so bad because they're not very good for you anyways). also, maple syrup bugs me out.
  • mmmmm cottage cheese with pineapple SO GOOD. also those choban(sp?) greek yogurts are awesome and they have 14 grams of protein in them. the texture is like yoplait yogurt, like kind of thick.
  • ^^^ granted "I can't believe it's not butter" isn't all that great for you either and begins to accumulate fat content if you eat it in excess, it's still wayyy better than butter.
  • omg my mom and I used to bring our own bottle of "I can't believe it's not butter" to seafood restaurants and poor it into a plastic condiment container. Then you can dip away and, because it's liquid, it makes a nice substitute for melted butter. Lobster, crab, clams, shrimp, they're all mega low cal. yay seafood!
  • "When you look forward to weigh-in days, because even if you aren't losing, you've come so far!" ^THIS and also when people comment on how little you ate when you feel like you couldn't possibly eat another bite.
  • Ok, thank you so much for your help :)
  • yeah, I reluctantly tried fire hooping once but I don't think I'll do it again. Too afraid I'll singe my hair off lol. I've always looked on in awe at the people who can do it though that's awesome.
  • haha it's easy once you get it I promise. also when you're making your own you can choose how heavy it is and how big. the bigger the hoop the easier it is to keep around your waist because the rotation is slower :)