jammallnyte Member


  • I am in no way an expert but I had a conversation this morning with my doctor about calories. He has told "me" (talk to your doctor for you) not to be concerned about calories. He wants me at this point to be under 100 carbs a day. There have been days I have struggled to get to 1200 calories and as you know MFP will warn…
  • Depending on the type of meals you are looking for (Low-fat, Low Carb. etc) I would suggest E-Meals. My family has used it for years and the past few months have switched to the low-bard (worst meal so far was around 20 carbs total) but most are lower. Since doing that and starting to exercise I have (as of today) lost…
  • Sunday is my weigh day. No more than that. Also, I measure once a month(the last sunday of each month)
  • $10 a month.... $10 sign up fee.... I have enjoyed it so far. They are talking about moving to a larger location in March. Somewhere in Cary. FOr $10 a month how can you go wrong!!!
  • I am struggling with this. Yesterday I logged my workout between MFP and Fitbit. I usually have anywhere betwwen 1200-1500 calories a day. According to MFP by noon I had a 900 calories deficit. I ate and I ate (nearly 1600 calories) but ended with a net calorie of 366. I could not eat enough calories to make it up. I am…
  • At a business lunch at PF Chang's, got the appetizer lettuce wraps thinking, no bread should be low carb. I left my iPhone in the car and boy was I upset after. There is NOTHING worth eating at PF Chang's anymore. Flip side,this weekend my son was at a birthday party so my Wife, and I took our 7 year daughter out for…
  • None of my real life friends are doing anything here(except for 1) so anyone who wants to get serious about a new you... add me.
  • I bought them milled (Bad idea for freshness) and thought that would be good enough. Maybe I need to grind them down further then. Thanks
  • 177 here myself and down 20 so far (not including the extra holiday weight I added). Add me if you want or know you are NOT alone in this battle and you can do it. Know it is NOT going to happen quick and do not beat yourself up if you have a bad meal or bad day. It is a marathon not a sprint. Pace yourself and you will…
  • OK.... I am looking at adding a Wahoo HR Monitor to log my bike riding and my DDP Yoga. AND I use the Fitbit force. SO which would be better to hook the Wahoo to my Fitbit account or to MFP account? Obviously I would remove the Fitbit during these activities.
  • I have my coffee everyday, 16 oz everyday. I even still use my Hazelnut creamer (only 5 carbs a day). And it is built into my day. Even with those addition 5 carbs I average between 90 and 110 carbs a day. Make your coffee your way, watch the sugar(spelnda is good) and just make sure it is apart of your day and you will be…
  • Awesome!! You look great and I am sure you are feeling great. Loved the pic is fuels me with inspiration!!
  • Not true. They actually studied specific details of nutrition. Kept him on a set amount of calories, fat, carbs, etc. The proof here is if you study nutrition and stay within guidelines for your body and health you can treat yourself to fact food and still maintain a health weight and lifestyle. For me it was very…
  • I have disconnected it from my fitbit and left it on MFP. I think that should work. If I see otherwise I will report back!
  • No but you are the reason people do!