Help! New and need friends

Hi guys ... I'm Diane ... I want to lose weight and get in the best shape of my life. I don't have much support, so having some friends on here to keep me accountable and to encourage me would be great!! Today is the beginning ...


  • Lpaduano17
    Lpaduano17 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! I used this site previously and it was really helpful for me. Now I'm back using it and I too could use new friends. Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • missrvromans
    missrvromans Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Diane,
    I'm Robin and i want to get into the best shape of my life also! and i've also used this site before and found it to be a great place to find support!
  • Robin1600
    Robin1600 Posts: 5 Member
    I will be your friend if you want. I would love to be friends with anyone who wants. Thanks! We can all use the help with losing weight. I love this program it is awesome!
  • Hi All. I am brand new too and looking for some support. Feel free to add me! I am hoping this site helps me to stay a little more motivated and accountable. Looking forward to a change :)
  • aaf2014
    aaf2014 Posts: 11
    Welcome! I'm Nina...Feel free to add :)
  • Hi I'm Adela. I am trying this site again as well. Motivation for and from others would be great. I would love having more friends on this site.
  • patriciaw1227
    patriciaw1227 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm patty from Ohio. i am just over 40 and finding it so much harder to drop pounds! I am at a place where I feel good about getting healthy. I don't have any major health issues but I ache and hurt and I don't feel good about the way I look. I am at the heaviest of my life right now. I am enjoying this app. I like seeing other stories and helpful tips! If you would like more friends please add me!
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I sent you a friend request. You can do it :)
  • Hi Diane, I am new also 16 days today. I only have 5 friends and would like more. feel free to add me if you like. You are going to like it here :smile:
  • Hi Diane,

    You can add me :) I would love to give support along your journey and receive some along mine as well!!!!

    Anyone else can feel free to add me :)
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Welcome to MFP... you came to the right place!!!! Your more than welcome to add me. :smile:

    Good luck on your journey
  • Snutter73
    Snutter73 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, please feel free to friend me. I try to log in every day with my food and track my weight. :)
  • Hi Diane, I am on Day 22 so far. This is usually the point I give up and revert back to my "old self". I'd love to be your friend and we can encourage each to keep going. So far, so good.
  • Hi Diane,
    I'm doing the same so feel free to add me as a friend too.
    I find the more encouragment we can get the better!
  • I just started using the site last week. I will take all the friends and support I can get. Anyone can feel free to add me! Hope you achieve your goals! :)
  • Hi would love to be your weight lost buddy.
  • jmurff2005
    jmurff2005 Posts: 4 Member
    Diane, I am trying to lose 80 pounds by the end of this year. So far, I have lost 14 since 12/27/13. I love the MyFitnessPal program. Let's be friends.
  • Been doing it a week .... I fell off last night and thought I could eat a grilled chic filet sandwich and it would be less calories bout fell out after finding out it was almost as much as the real deal ... Ate the real deal with the waffle fries and had lost .02 this morning so I'm motivated now.... over 100 to go...
  • total of 5 pounds gone in a week...
  • jammallnyte
    jammallnyte Posts: 26 Member
    None of my real life friends are doing anything here(except for 1) so anyone who wants to get serious about a new you... add me.