MutterGans Member


  • Thanks @SFergie1974 and @ChangingMe1951 for your weights. It will make a difference sharing our weight and goals with others. 🥰
  • @Darlene_Oregon There's a comment O wrote called Monday weigh in. Has everyone popped their weight there?
  • Remember that the time of day, time of cycle, different set of scales all affects thr weight you see on those scales (mine measure about 3kg less than true...and I'm not changing them 😂. If you've been exercising and have added muscle....that weighs heavier. Keep going, what you see on thr scales today is a long way from…
  • It's so easy to get discouraged. I was on a diet previously that was overseen by dieticians, nurses, counsellors etc, and when my diet didn't shift they just said do more exercise. I don't think they believed that I really was restricted my calories. If I'd had a small group to encourage me to try different things I think…
  • Hey there, I'm Erika and I've been at this weight loss game, on and off, for tooooo long. This is it! I'm prepped and ready for the long haul. I have 46kg to lose and my aim for January is to lose 8kg. The benefits of weight loss are so massive I would be the biggest fool if I don't follow-through this time - being able to…
  • Ha ha, well my 'word for 2023' is NO. No to that 2nd helping, no to endless snacking on cheese, no to lying on the sofa in a stupor, no to saying no to my greyhound when he wants (another) walk. Once I get the 'no's' sorted, that leaves a lot of life to say 'yes' to!
  • Not in India...or from India, but I usually cook many dishes from India and I'm wondering how I can modify these to do without the roti/rice and reduce the pulses. Currently living on plain veg and salad, but thoughts of chole bhature, dahi bhalla and kottu roti are beginning to dance in my head. Would love you to add me…
  • Thanks guys, think I'll go with the egg on toast option.
  • Yup! I'm from Water Orton.....ok, I now live in Sydney, but I'm still a Brummie needing support to lose my flubber!
  • Anyone in the Hills District? I'm rubbish at diets, but I'm trying something new today...well, it is Monday!
  • I'd love to find someone around the HIlls District in Sydney to meet up and do a bit of walking and provide local moral support.
  • I love the 'kill a puppy' pic....laughed probably more than was decent.
  • It's really interesting isn't it. Certainly I'll be doing more reading on it. Thanks for link.
  • Glad some of you good folks out there found this interesting....I'm a bit of a science geek. University research departments have trouble getting their research out there and to us, so I always try to go to the source. If any of you LOVE science research to (all science, not just diet related) then I can recommend…
  • Yes,'s Team UK, but I'm a Brit.....who just happens to be living in Oz. But originally from Water Orton in Warwickshire, which I miss very much. Looking forwards to hearing about Tesco/Sainsbury/Asda specials just to salivate over. Just back from the UK (did you like all the sunshine I brought with me) and filled…
  • Not in the UK, but I'm a Brit and I miss English humour like you wouldn't I'm sending friend requests to you all!!!!!
  • Cripes...nothing in my email box perrinjoshua . Where else could it go...lost in cyberspace perhaps?
  • 5'8" and my daughters are...well, I'd be able to tell you if I could reach that high with the tape measure! Determined to lose the flubber this time and my daughters just have a couple of pounds to lose. What I want to know whilst us tall gals are all together is...where the hell do you buy your shoes. Shoe-buying here in…
  • Sad, but true....I really do hug trees! My beautiful apple gum is riddled with borer and termites and I'm trying to hug her better. Apart from that, I run two environmental websites for kids, daughters do, but I do all the work! Add me to your growing list of tree huggers.
  • No idea where the DFW area is, but what the heck, add me anyway. I'm pretty good at encouraging others...just got to learn to be my own cheerleader.
  • What a difference a bit of support makes. I joined a year ago...didnt want to use the boards etc, and failed miserably. This time, I'm throwing myself in with abandon, losing weight and eating healthily, with the odd minor derailment. Do add me...I've a heap of weight to lose so will be around for a while!
  • got my attention gal! brother introduced me to Dutch pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. But enough of that nonsense, I am now all about lettuce, tomato and baked kale...whatever the frig that is. Befriend me and I'll nag you whenever you waiver on the path to my food, but fed-up of being…
    in Bacon. Comment by MutterGans April 2013
  • Someone please explain what the 'bump for later' is all about...I am so confused!
  • I just saw how much weight you've lost....crikey, that is truly brilliant gal. Well done!
  • What an interesting link between your weight and phobias. Whatever the reason for their demise....well done, you must be feeling much better on many fronts.
  • Cripes! I am SO glad you worked out how to add photos to the site...what an inspiration for me. You look bloody gorgeous...what a difference. I'm also worried about how flabby my bits will be once I lose weight, especially as I'm older.