

  • Thanks guys. I've just gotten so disgusted with this!! I am trying to push myself to walk a little at lunch time...cause it's best to get away from my desk sometimes. I am using your words of encouragement to help me!! I can do this...I need to develop a new patience.
  • I think in general, everything in moderation is good....sometimes I'm not so great at that with cheese for example...if I was allowed to be on a cheese only diet, I would so do it...all kinds of cheese...I'm on a goat cheese kick right now. I think I read somewhere once though that the hard cheeses are better for you…
    in CHEESE? Comment by erica1649 July 2014
  • Crap and there were not two people before me when I posted that...spent too much time trying to spell papparatzi haha
  • Basing on the profile picture, I'm going to say either Photograph by Nikelback or Papparatzi (sp, sorry) but Gaga
  • Wow, this one is much more detail oriented then others I've searched for thank you very much!
  • I unfortuately am at my desk quite often. I am the office manager and biller so while I do try and get up and move around a little throught the day, it seems as if my fingers are the only thing getting excercise lol....
  • Thanks a lot for the encouragement..."you have a lot to lose" I don't intend to be 109 lbs like the charts intend me to be. I'm unsure if this is even how this comment was intended to come out, and I apologize if I am overreacting, just wasn't the response I was expecting. I'll play around with MFP for that, thank you.
  • Wow, are you sure I didn't post this myself? Cause I'm having the same dillema. Working in a doctors office, you would think my eating habits would be healthier, but we get lunch from drug reps just about EVERYDAY. I've been lately taking a lean cuisine or a smart ones and having some salad, but that doesn't seem to be…
  • Thanks guys. Good to hear I'm not the only one who does this. I apprecite the tips. I did start dancing around in my office cleaning up last night to music, but was really nothing excessive and worth logging haha.
  • Unfortunately when you lose weight, you lose everywhere....thats how it is for me too....
  • Hi Kenall, Do you happen to have a Whole Foods Market around you?? There is an all natural dressing its called Tessames (and I buy it sparingly because it is six dollars a bottle) but it is delicious. I use just one tablespoon (the ranch is 110 cal and the sesame ginger is 100) and put it over baby spinach, arugula, or the…
  • Hey Jess, I LIVE by drinking iced tea (always unsweetened) I even drink that more than water sometime. I love making all different kinds, especially green... Good luck... Also if you are tired of just plain water, get that true lemon or lime stuff...not sure if many supermarkets have it (it gets moved around alot) but they…
    in Ice Tea Comment by erica1649 August 2012