BrianSharpe Member


  • Do you have a Planet Fitness close to you? As much as everybody loves to hate them if they'd been around when I bought my treadmill (A PaceMaster - company no longer exists) I probably would have saved my $$ and the space in the basement. Don't get me wrong my treadmill has served me very well and it is very convenient…
  • I usually aim for 3 to 4 runs per week (depending on whether I'm training for a race or not). Times and distances will vary, again depending on if there's an upcoming race. Running 5 or 6 times per week wouldn't leave me enough recovery time so I tend to alternate with low impact x-training like rowing, cycling or (not so…
  • Walking is brilliant, we evolved to walk long distances and it's something that you can do 7 days a week, 365 days a year and it requires nothing more than a comfortable pair of shoes and weather appropriate clothing. Pretty much the only days I don't walk between 5 and 10km (with my dogs) is if there's freezing rain or…
  • Is there a reason to drink a day's worth of water so early?
  • I'm lucky enough to have the space at home for my rowing machine, bike mounted on a trainer, treadmill and power rack/free weights. Typically I try to get in at least 30 to 45 minutes of cardio (rowing/cycling/running) daily or more if I'm training for a race and strength training 3 x weekly (push/pull/legs).
  • When I first started playing in an old-timers league the thought of playing the full 90 minutes seemed like a pipe dream. (I started a little older than you) The solution was gradually building up steady state runs for endurance and fartleks/hills/intervals for speed. Get out and run 3 or 4 times a week, at first almost…
  • Going to my first yoga class tomorrow, my favourite will be the least painful!
    in Yoga Comment by BrianSharpe October 2022
  • Exercise is for health and fitness. The occasional treat while lacking in nutritional merit is good for the soul. The idea is to develop healthy exercise and eating habit rather than practicing asceticism.
  • Exercise is for health and fitness, weight loss is the result of consuming fewer calories or KJs than you consume. To me maintaining a level of fitness that will allow me to participate in triathlons and running races is more important than the number on a scale (yes, I'm definitely a chubby runner but I suppose the extra…
  • A lot depends on the time of year, where I am in a training cycle etc. but typically I'll run 4 days a week (Tue, Thu, Sat & Sun) with Sunday being my long run day, I do indoor rowing 2 or 3 weekly (Mon, Wed, Fri) and ride my bike (indoors on a trainer in winter or if the weather is foul) 2 or 3 times a week. As in-person…
  • It's a good thing that not everyone is a morning person. Imagine how crowded the gyms would be or how busy bike paths would be? I am a morning person and it sounds like you're not. Don't worry about it, we each have our own rhythms. Workout when it suits you, contrary to what Benjamin Franklin may have said there's no…
  • As someone who has both a rower and treadmill (and uses both) if I could only get one it would be my Concept 2 rower. It's primarily a cardio workout but also give you a resistance workout. A word of caution though, rowing requires good form. Luckily there are great videos out there that can help you develop it. Do you…
  • Zombie thread back from the dead......
  • Google "EPOC overrated?" Don't log it .....
  • "I am currently run/walking 6 days a week. "....that may be overdoing it a bit if you're incorporating running that frequently. By all means walk 6 or 7 days a week but to allow for adequate recovery / adaptation limit the days that you run to maybe 4 a week. (Typically I run Tue - Thu - Sat -Sun with Sunday being my…
  • I trained mostly on the treadmill before my first 5k too and had horrible shin splints by about the 3rd km. Agreed running outside is different. If you really want to see improvements you should be running 3 or 4 times per week. For the moment you're only interested in getting fitter, not faster (that will come over time).…
  • It sounds like you're the victim of your own enthusiasm. It's not unusual to really overdo things when embarking on a new fitness program. That's one of the reasons that many new runners end up quitting; too much, too fast too soon resulting in an injury. No matter what exercises you end up doing start slowly and build…
  • Here's a nice primer on lane etiquette, and don't worry about being slow etc. We all started somewhere.
  • Define effective. Sounds like it's probably an unsustainable crash diet.
  • Thanks! It's been a couple of years since I've done this one.
  • I didn't use the app but I used a very similar method. When I started running I literally couldn't run around the block with feeling like I was going to die. Started off with very short run (really more like shuffle) run intervals and added a minute or so each week until I could actually run 5KM / 3.1 miles. My first 5K…
  • A little late to the game but...... these purportedly HIIT / Crossfit type classes are very fashionable at the moment but IMO are largely a recipe for injuries. My vote would be returning to what you were doing previously, separate cardio & strength and focusing on good form & slow but steady gains.
  • Did they do the gait analysis for you? (Running Room is generally pretty good for this) Have you been running in the same shoes for 7 months? Depending on how far you're running each week they may just be due for replacement as the cushioning breaks down over time. If you've run 500 mi / 800 km they're probably due (having…
  • Unless you've had your wheel rebuilt it's most likely installed by the manufacturer.
  • Assuming that you're eating a reasonably balanced diet you probably have enough stored glycogen to get you through 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise without needing to eat anything. It's all a matter of trial and error. As your workouts get longer or more intense you may find you need to eat something before working…
  • I'd be going with the bike's computer. When I installed a power meter on my road bike a few years ago I was surprised with how much less energy I was expending compared to what my Garmin had estimated without wattage.
  • I was right, we're the same age. Looks like you've got a beautiful spot to row. I need to get more organized and try to sign up earlier next year (my brother & SIL rowed for quite a few years and loved it)
  • Lots of us grew up hating running. Psycho gym teachers, sadistic coaches and sadistic drill instructors love to use it as a form of punishment. No one was more surprised than me when I found I enjoyed running when I stared again in my early 50s. Best advice I can offer is to temper your enthusiasm and build up very…