AmoureInfinity Member


  • I'd eat just what I eat now which is mostly everything that was mention. I just use portion control and I make it slightly different than how other people may make it.
  • Yes that's what it stands for.
  • Thank you so much because I was wondering if I should count the cool down as calories burned. I do count my warm up though because I do the warm up twice and more aggressively than the instructor (on the dvd).
  • I still drink but mainly frozen drinks. Cordina To Go cocktails has a Classic Lime Margarita that's only 80 calories plus as someone stated you can find light/lite beer or wine. Just be mindful of your empty calories.
  • Beans, tofu and veggies.
  • Beans and tofu.
  • Hello I'm Amoure. I rushed to put in the Group search "plus size" and when I found this group i jumped at the chance to join (almost literally lol). I'm always excited when I find people of size who are active and love to keep fit because it shows others out there who doubt us, think we're just "fat and lazy", that we can…
  • I actually have mine set at 1800 which to me seems like a lot but it's way less than what MFP had me set at initially. On a regular basis I don't eat anymore than 1200 getting in mostly all of the exercise calories I put in that day. My doctor explained to me as long as I'm getting full (not stuffed) and not starving…
  • Hello I'm Amoure (new here). I'm 37yrs old and 4'10. I've always been in the plus-sizes but decided that was no longer for me so I'm on a journey to be fit and fabulous...well fit i'm already fabulous :). I'm really excited about this group because almost everyone I know is taller than me.
  • My goal for this month is to get in a variation of veggies. Being a vegetarian I want to start incorporating a lot of veggies I've never tried before and different recipes using them.
  • Oh ok Tatya. Thank you so much for your input as well. I had placed mine at 2lbs but I wanted to be more realistic for myself so I decided to take it back down to 1.5 which I'm pretty sure I can do if I keep at it and stay positive about it. I know either way it goes I've already beaten it because God said so.
  • I've never been much of a scale watcher because that darn thing frightens me so much. I also felt I'd become addicted to it so I'm always celebrating some NSV. This morning I looked at my face head on in the mirror and although I have a rather small face for someone my size if I turned to the side my double chin would pop…
  • Oh ok because mfp has a recommended of 1lb per wk and I thought that was pretty low. I'm going to try the 1.5 lb per wk and see how that goes. Or I may just try the 2lb.
  • Hey all I'm Tonya but a lot of people call me Amoure (or Amour...basically love). I adopted the name from one of my favorite movies and have been using it ever since. I also have been told it suits me and I can't argue with that; I'm a very loving individual. Which is why I want to lose weight. I adore my friends, family…
  • Only keeping track of my calories because i had been taking in too much water so now as per my doctor I drink when I'm thirsty just making sure I at least get in 4 bottles of water a day.
  • Keep your head up sweetie (queues Tupac). No but seriously I know the feeling and we're definitely here to continue to keep you lifted in prayers and loads of encouragement. I have my moments to where I feel like all this tracking and exercise is in vain; that usually happens when I neglect to exercise or am too ashamed to…
  • I wasn't able to find the sugar free chocolate mousse cups because they no longer sell them at this particular location so I'm on a hunt. As for the Fiber One bars I found them 2 for $5 at my grocery store which was awesome. I am also going to get the Nature Valley Protein bars as advised by my future because he said I…
  • I have yet to eliminate reg. sugar from my lifestyle and use a little in my oatmeal and coffee (very little if I can stand it). I have not gotten any agave nectar because surprisingly I didn't even remember when I went to the store but I also did a little research and it's basically no different than table sugar…
  • Those jello mousse cups are definitely on the list. I was going to get some last shopping trip but forgot all about them but not this time. I can't believe I forgot about those things because I use to get them all the time. I'll look into those fiber one bars also.
  • I have seen the 'Skinny Cow' products and know of some that have tried them and say they are pretty good. I'm going to have to look into those because I completely forgot about them. Please keep coming with snacks ladies any you have tried or want to try. Thanks.
  • I've used protein shakes before but wanted something different.
  • Thanks for sharing hun. She gave some really great tips that I know I can implement into my journey.