

  • I started on X2 but do not want to loose the strength I gained in X, so I am going to switch over to Beast Body. Hoya96 explained it well. I used to be a triathlete and a marathoner, and X2 will be great for that.
  • I would just try and match your target calorie total for the day, depending on you weight loss/maintenance programs and goal.
  • Great job!!! I feel the same way, so I grabbed some of the beachbody videos (P90X, Insanity) and started doing those at home. Keep up the great work!
  • Wow - amazing job!! Did you hit a wall at any point. I started at 207, and am having some difficulty around 185. Any tips!!
  • Sign me up! Its great to have a community.
  • They are both really good at burning calories as you are always near zone 3/ zone 4 if you use a heart rate monitor. Insanity requires more of a cario base though, as the workouts rea really tough. I prefer Insanity myself, as I came off of a few rounds of P90X with runs thrown in to supplement for cardio. Note: If you…