Insanity vs. TurboFire?

Which workout DVD would be better for weightloss and toning? I just saw infomercials for both of these (yayy insomnia) and noticed all the posts about them on MFP, but I'm not sure which one would work the best for me. I need to lose about 30 lbs and tone up. Anyone tried both, and gotten better from results from one or the other? Opinions about each series? Maybe even a totally different series I should try? Anything would be helpful! :)


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    So far, I am pleased with doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred and Kettlebell Bombshell.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I'm loving 30 day shred, too!
  • nachoqtpie
    It really depends on your fitness level. Insanity WILL give you results, but it also will make you feel like you are having a heart attack if you aren't in somewhat of shape. (I always joke with my friend who did it {but quit} that it's called Insanity because you have to be insane to do it... and they have come out with a new one called Asylum as well!)
    TurboFire is really fun! It is another one that really works you, but it is less intense than Insanity.
    I personally have TurboJam which is alot like TurboFire, just not as much "fire" (LOL) TurboJam is also less expensive than either of the two you listed. I personally know a woman who lost 90 (yes 9-0) pounds using TurboJam and ChaleanExtreme.
    It all depends on how much you put in it, and how well you stick with it! :-)
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    I have tried both Insanity AND turbo fire. after insanity I could barely walk for a week! It showed me how UNFIT I was. I gave up on it and plan on doing it again once I get my body in better shape. I feel like I could get more out of it if I can actually perform the exercises! My sister does Turbo Fire. I have done a toning DVD with bands from Turbo Fire and I loved it. So i started with the calendar and on day 1 the video was a lot of punching-I was so confused I couldn't do it! I felt so WRONG! Plus I was shaking the whole apartment and it was the middle of the night so I quit. I think either one would be great for what you are trying to accomplish. I just know that Insanity-Really is INSANITY! Lol. You have to be VERY motivated and strong willed for that program. Good luck to whichever one you choose.
  • nachoqtpie
    Oh... another thing about TurboJam (I don't know that this is true for TurboFire tho...) It's a lot of the same moves over and over... they're just modified a bit here and there... it takes a lil bit to get the moves down, but after about a week, you got it! Overall.... Chalene Johnson is SO fun!! The music alone is enough to get me motivated to do it!! LOL
  • kateingram602
    I've used both and I think you can have great results from both. That being said I liked Turbofire better. The music just makes you want to move. It does take a couple of weeks to get the moves down. I liked that it switched between 10-12 (I don't remember anymore) discs so I didn't get bored doing the same routine. Insanity is definitely harder so if you feel like you're already in good shape I'd say go for it...but make sure you have a phone to call 911 close by. LOL
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    If you like more athletic drill type workouts, then I'd go with Insanity if you have to choose between the two.

    If you're more interested in a more 'dancy,' choreographed routine with great music, than Turbo Fire is your go to workout.

    I've done both, first Insanity (after a year of doing P90X) and then Turbo Fire 4 months later. According to my HRM, i burn more calories in the same amount of time doing Turbo Fire, probably because it incorporates more upper body movement compared to Insanity which is a lot of lower body plyometric moves.

    Insanity is very plyometric in nature. I ended up which really sore knees (although I focused on good form). I won't do another round because the wear and tear on my 40-year old body isn't worth it. It's not as modifiable as Turbo Fire.

    That said, Turbo Fire does require some patience with regards to getting the choreography down. Many people get frustrated b/c they feel like they'll never get the moves. You've got to do the new to class option, and keep going. It'll get easier.

    Turbo Fire is what inspired me to get my Turbo Kick instructor certification this's a workout that I just fell in love with and can't wait to share it with others.
  • timjm25
    timjm25 Posts: 7
    They are both really good at burning calories as you are always near zone 3/ zone 4 if you use a heart rate monitor. Insanity requires more of a cario base though, as the workouts rea really tough.

    I prefer Insanity myself, as I came off of a few rounds of P90X with runs thrown in to supplement for cardio.

    Note: If you have done P90X, or P90X2 and want to keep up you strength, you may loose them with this routine, as it is really focused on cardio.

    Note 2: If you are a marathon runner Insanity is the better choice, because it helps build endurance.
