

  • The online calorie maintenance calculators are usually inaccurate as they usually provide calorie maintenance for a comatose person. Try finding a formula and working it out.
  • Your calories are extremely low to begin with. Then you add exercise with that and your net carbs are sub 1000. Your body is pretty much in starvation mode. You need to recalculate your calorie maintenance and go from there.
  • You are burning a ton of calories by producing breast milk. You have to add about 500 calories just to be at maintenance.
  • Sometimes we fall off. Its normal. The biggest mistake is when people say that they need to make it up the next day by extreme exercise or not eating enough the next day. Its a new day. Just do as you were doing before.
  • Here is the simplest way to have a cheat day. Eat what you want BUT, keep your calories at your required maintenance level or below. You can lose weight and still enjoy these foods. If you go crazy, you do lose all the progress you have made for the week. Remember that 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat.
  • Those online calorie maintenance calculators are usually inaccurate. Those calories are probably for you being comatose. You need to find out your BMR, activity level etc. to find your maintenance level. 1400 calories is extremely low.
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