Cheat days?? naughty are we talkin?

I'm always hearing about people who are working out and eating healthy during the week but allowed themselves 1 day a week to rest from the gym and cheat on their diet. Does anyone else do this, and how far are you takin the cheat day? Chinese food? Pizza? Brownies??


  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I eat pizza and Chinese food on regular days if it fits my count. Brownies not so much, I don't like chocolate much.

    Everyone has a different version of a cheat day. For me, it's a meal or two where I can slack off on logging (not weigh or stress the measurement). I usually still do a run or something that day because I want physical activity to be a daily thing when I go into maintenance. Plus it's my quiet time :).
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    A couple times a month, I'll have a refeed day. I eat at 30% above maintenance for the day, but still hit all of my macros. It's amazing what you can fit into your macros at 30% above maintenance. I usually eat fairly normally earlier in the day, possibly a little protein heavy, and will pre-log what I intend to eat that night so I can work around it (last time, it was pineapple pizza, breadsticks and skittles). When you eat at a deficit long term, refeed days can help keep your metabolism from starting to drag and can also help break up any possible monotony of diet by giving you more room to play with to eat something that is difficult to fit in other days.
  • jsmiel01
    jsmiel01 Posts: 5 Member
    If I know I am going to want to "cheat," I exercise more so I have more calories available. I get what I want without cheating and have the added benefit of exercise.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    I have done an order of breadsticks and a whole large pizza from Pizza Hut on a cheat day before
  • If I know I am going to want to "cheat," I exercise more so I have more calories available. I get what I want without cheating and have the added benefit of exercise.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't get it... I honestly question the dedication of someone willing to lose weight and make a lifetime change if they try to find a way to cheat the 'system' from the get go. For me a cheat day would be something that happens maybe a few times a year, like Holidays, when you want to just enjoy yourself without worrying too much about calories. Otherwise to make it a successful lifetime change I'd think you'd just have to learn to integrate the things you like in your every day diet, so you know how to use portion control and not go totally overboard every time you get the occasion to eat the foods you love (but probably shouldn't eat too much of).

    Plus there's the fact that if you gorge yourself on 4000 calories on the week end, you'll just have ruined all your week's effort.

    Personally, I've had three cheat days in 6 months when I ate more junk than I normally would, and I still managed to stay under my calorie goal. I think it's very important not to deprive yourself and enjoy special occasions, but you got to keep your eyes on the prize... it's not just about losing weight, but learning good eating habits, and that includes portion control and not binging... that's why I think cheat days are so dangerous. A cheat meal once a month? Sure... but a weekly cheat day? Defeats the purpose, IMO.
  • cindy326
    cindy326 Posts: 70 Member
    yeasterday sure felt like a cheat day to me (deep dish pizza) but I made it under my calorie goal! I knew we were having pizza and I saved a few extra caloies for dinner. Its all about planning for me. I plan in advance to adjust for days like yesterday :)
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I usually indulge on Saturdays (today Yay!) because I do my long training runs where I'll burn 1000+ calories. Gives a lot of room to enjoy. That, I'm not one to go crazy on junk anyway. I'll relax and enjoy brunch or go out to one of my favorite West Village restaurants where I'll end up ordering something like salmon anyway.
  • I don't get it... I honestly question the dedication of someone willing to lose weight and make a lifetime change if they try to find a way to cheat the 'system' from the get go. For me a cheat day would be something that happens maybe a few times a year, like Holidays, when you want to just enjoy yourself without worrying too much about calories. Otherwise to make it a successful lifetime change I'd think you'd just have to learn to integrate the things you like in your every day diet, so you know how to use portion control and not go totally overboard every time you get the occasion to eat the foods you love (but probably shouldn't eat too much of).

    Plus there's the fact that if you gorge yourself on 4000 calories on the week end, you'll just have ruined all your week's effort.

    Personally, I've had three cheat days in 6 months when I ate more junk than I normally would, and I still managed to stay under my calorie goal. I think it's very important not to deprive yourself and enjoy special occasions, but you got to keep your eyes on the prize... it's not just about losing weight, but learning good eating habits, and that includes portion control and not binging... that's why I think cheat days are so dangerous. A cheat meal once a month? Sure... but a weekly cheat day? Defeats the purpose, IMO.

    i totally agree
  • misskriz
    misskriz Posts: 5 Member
    I typically use Friday nights as my cheat/rest day/night...... I treat myself to a couple of cocktails or indulge in ice cream/pasta dinner or the like.
    If I peak over my calorie intake without exercise for that rest day, I don't freak out or beat myself up... I make sure to work extra hard at the gym weights/spinning the very next day. I'd never survive if I didn't allow myself to be bad and/or reward myself for my hard work/efforts :-)
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    My Cheat Meal or Day is once a week or once a month :) ,,
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm always hearing about people who are working out and eating healthy during the week but allowed themselves 1 day a week to rest from the gym and cheat on their diet. Does anyone else do this, and how far are you takin the cheat day? Chinese food? Pizza? Brownies??
    I've never had scheduled "cheat" days (I have of course had days where I have exceeded my calorie goal for one reason or another) but then again, I don't consider pizza, brownies or Chinese food to be "naughty" or unhealthy, within the context of a balanced diet. It's just food. Not that I eat any of those three things every day, or even every week (chocolate - that's another story), but I'm not going to feel guilty about it when I do.

    1 day resting from the gym should certainly not be labelled "cheating".
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I have been doing this nearly 40 days, and today I am taking a cheat day. Because of my PCOS I'm on a ketogenic diet, which basically means low carb. So today I'm not too worried about my carbs, although I am tracking everything so I can see just how bad I am. It's my friend's birthday and I made him a delicious cheesecake, and we have a tradition on birthdays of going to the Japanese Steakhouse down the road. So I made today my cheat day so I could enjoy it and not have to worry. Although I have to say that most likely I won't be going to crazy because 1.) my stomach is smaller and I physically CAN'T eat as much, 2.) After 40 days of low carb sugar is extra sweet to me and 3.) I'm already sick of sweets and I just woke up and had coffee. :P
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Or you could try this approach and enjoy everyday...

    Edited for: If you are unaware of macros this will also help...
  • I don't use cheat days at all. I have found certain things in my diet that afford me to still eat the things that I like. If I want pizza, then I'll generally have a Lean Cuisine deep dish pizza, which clocks in at 380 calories for the entire thing, and that's generally enough to fill me up for lunch or dinner.

    I like having something sweet a couple of hours before I go to bed. To do this, I try to eat light in the morning, eat a normal lunch of around 350 - 380 calories, dinner, I'll try to eat light at around 270 calories or so, then I'll have a bowl of cereal.

    For breakfast, I like to have Fiber One bars. I'll normally have a chocolate fudge brownie first around 9am, or so, then I like to have a peanut butter bar at around 11am which also makes up another 90 calories. That's usually enough to get me well into lunch.

    My wife and I decided that we weren't going to be going out to dinners unless we had to, and when we do, we get things on the menu that are still good and within our budget. I like to go for roasted chicken, and she goes for steak. What I try to tell people who talk about cheating is this...Every single time you cheat, it's going to take you that much longer to get to where you want to be, so what's more important to you, having that meal you were craving, or looking good and feeling great?

    3 years ago my triglycerides were over 1100. They were so high that my doctor wanted to put me on medication for it. I opted not to, with no plans of what I wanted to do yet. I knew that was dangerous, but I just kept telling myself that I would change. I hadn't had any blood work done since. I used to eat fast food for every single dinner and would have pizza at least 2 times a week, if not more. I was living off of 1 to 1.5 liter bottles of Mountain Dew a day with no exercise, and no signs of stopping.

    I haven't had a piece of junk food, fast food, or a sugared drink in 35 days. I've been working out at least 3 times a week and swimming at least twice a week. I've dropped 28 pounds as of today with another 37 pounds to go. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I wasn't severely overweight to the point that I was afraid I couldn't change, but I was large enough and fatigued enough, that I finally wanted my old life back. Other than getting myself healthy and staying that way, my motivation now is walking into my Doctor's office when they last saw me at 5 foot 7 and 230 pounds, and weight 165 and being healthy. The first thing I'm going to ask for is a full blood panel to see where I stand now.

    You're talking to a guy that was eating at least 100 grams of fat a day, if not more. Now I typically come in at around 20 to 25. Everything has been cut, and I feel so much better. I also don't believe it's because I lost weight, I mean sure, that plays a part, but the lifestyle change that I made in the way that I eat has made all the difference in the world. Take my advice, make changes in your diet that will afford you to eat some of the stuff you enjoy without actually cheating. Cheating is simply a gateway to going back to where you started. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I don't get it... I honestly question the dedication of someone willing to lose weight and make a lifetime change if they try to find a way to cheat the 'system' from the get go. For me a cheat day would be something that happens maybe a few times a year, like Holidays, when you want to just enjoy yourself without worrying too much about calories. Otherwise to make it a successful lifetime change I'd think you'd just have to learn to integrate the things you like in your every day diet, so you know how to use portion control and not go totally overboard every time you get the occasion to eat the foods you love (but probably shouldn't eat too much of).

    Plus there's the fact that if you gorge yourself on 4000 calories on the week end, you'll just have ruined all your week's effort.

    Personally, I've had three cheat days in 6 months when I ate more junk than I normally would, and I still managed to stay under my calorie goal. I think it's very important not to deprive yourself and enjoy special occasions, but you got to keep your eyes on the prize... it's not just about losing weight, but learning good eating habits, and that includes portion control and not binging... that's why I think cheat days are so dangerous. A cheat meal once a month? Sure... but a weekly cheat day? Defeats the purpose, IMO.

    Instead of judging someome why not answer the question? This reply just makes you look rude. No **** its a lifestyle change. You were obviously to quick to lecture me that you didn't bother to even read the question. I never said I did this, I asked about OTHER people. Now you just look ignorant and like a douche.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    The other day, I found myself really wanting a small ice cream. I decided to treat myself, but I came home and did enough exercise to cover it. That was the first treat I've allowed myself in a month.
  • bvw665
    bvw665 Posts: 7
    Here is the simplest way to have a cheat day. Eat what you want BUT, keep your calories at your required maintenance level or below. You can lose weight and still enjoy these foods. If you go crazy, you do lose all the progress you have made for the week. Remember that 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    In a way, I think the term cheat day is a misnomer. If it really is a lifestyle change, then in my opinion, some days will be strict and others loose. For example, right now I'm craving coffee ice cream, a milkshake and a banana split. I probably won't have all of those things today but I will have some and I'm OK with that. Just because you relax, doesn't mean you've fallen off the wagon.
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    i think to maintain sanity, you should eat naughty things, just in moderation. maintaining a calorie deficit is important