

  • Actually, it's really simple. Water weight. while you drink through the day, your body retains it and while you sleep, your body depletes it. It's nothing bad or anything of that sort. Just how your body functions. Your body tends to be "Dry" in the morning as opposed to the evening because of this effect. It's the same…
  • I feel like your fairly low on protein. Breakfast is only 4 grams. If you trying to stay/get lean, I'd aim for 1 gram per pound. aside from that, I think it looks good. And make sure to drink lots of water.
  • great thing about it is that when you start getting more fit, not only do you want it more. But the girls want you more too.
    in Libido? Comment by ctbloom January 2013
  • It's totally normal. Don't even worry about it. I worked on a farm so my right arm has a larger bicep and my left, a larger tricep. I'd say do exercises that use both biceps or both triceps at the same time and it should even things out. it did for me, atleast.
  • BTN barbell shoulder press. definantly. Love pressing movements and compared to everything else, my delts are superior when it comes to lifts and size.
  • It's possibly because your body feels a necessity for glycogen relplenishment or it's so addicted to simple carbs. Try orange slices. It's simple, cheap, and low calorie. good luck!
  • I've trained quite a few people and I'd say to start out, do a simple full body workout, every other day. It's good to get your core lifts down before doing other stuff. As simple as it gets when ya begin is what your looking for. A very good sample is: Bench press- 3 sets of 10 reps. Squats- 3 sets of 10 reps. deadlift- 3…
  • Any sort of compliment is great. My family isn't exactly supportive of my lifestyle so I don't get much support from them but when I do get a compliment, I'm like through the roof.
  • I just lift heavy and eat a lot. If I need to lose a bit of fat, I'll throw in drop sets or super sets but I generally stick to lift heavy and forget about cardio. Once your muscles get to a certain size, they tend to burn a multitude of calories, simply because your body has to put forth more effort. If you still need to…
  • I'm 6'1 and 205. I'm aiming for about 230 in the next year or so. I'm not sure what my over all goal is but I wanna be large and lean.
  • Bro, when I started trying to gain, I stayed away from fats as well. instead of getting big, I remained small, pissed off, and tired. Throw some peanut butter in with your meals or something of that sort. I'm 6'2, 205, and gaining about 1 pound per week at 5000 calories. You can do it. Ya just gotta find out how your body…
  • I'm sorry to say but no it can't. Marriage isn't just love between two human beings. It's the conjoining of their feelings, emotions, and falts. Once someone's cheated, your breaking out of everything you've worked so hard to obtain. Cheating should not be forgiven because in my opinion, is the worst possible thing one…
  • Had the same problem when I was losin weight. I hate cellery so whenever I thought about candy, I immediately went to the taste of cellery and I lost my addiction instantaniously. But fruit is an outstanding substitute. your body wants glycogen levels at a certain level, hence the addiction to fast digesting carbs.
  • I'm thinking that it's the soy lectithin. It's in both supplements you said you tried. just make sure it's not in whatever you take and you should be safe. soy allergies are common.
  • See, I love the results that you can get from it but I can't stand how I feel eating like that. yes, it's giving me good results but at the same time, you need to worry about micro's and not just macro's. I feel like I get an energy dip using it.
    in IIFYM Comment by ctbloom November 2012
  • A lot of proteins even whey have a content called soy lectithin. if you have an allergy to soy proteins or anything of the sort, that could be it. it could also even be high niacin levels if it's a special type of protein. may I ask what types they were??
  • Generally, I never eat pickles. Nothin against them but I don't. If your tossin them on somethin, feel free to use e'm but don't overdo it. if potasium levels = sodium levels, your body would be working optimally but if you over-do one or the other, you could get adverse effects. I'd just say to be careful.
  • Honestly, I had to think about it for a bit on deciding whether or not to put it up. I figure that it was necessary though because, the muscle was probably where the most weight came off. I do regret the decision. I feel that people do know it's possible but don't think about the dangers. It's like teaching a child not to…
  • I made some bad decisions losing weight. 500 cal. a day for 90 days. running up to 4 hours a day and walking almost all other hours I was awake. thanks for the support ya'll. I did lose a lot of muscle through all of that, thus, it was a bad decision but it's too late now. Now I enter physique competitions and have my…
  • You've got this. The first step is the hardest part. As with everything, as long as you don't give up, you can take on the challenge. If encouragement is needed, feel free to message me. I know that when I lost my weight, it would of helped!