aliceallure Member


  • I'm 19 and a first year at uni. I have to cook for myself. But healthy food is pretty expensive! I'd love some more friends my age to keep me motivated!!
  • I'm 19 with about 15 lbs to loose and the aim to start working out and get toned! I've done this before, then I went travelling and put it all back on, so I'm here for round 2!
  • I've always wanted to know how much my boobs weigh!! I'm a 32F, so I'm sure they must weigh a fair amount!
  • My aim for calories will be 1200, I have been off this for so long, went travelling for a year and gained back all i lost and more. I am ready to get stuck in again. Being able to see other people's diaries, i hope will inspire me to keep at it :) I'm 19, 5 ft 4, and I weigh 141lbs, My goal is 125lbs, but then again it is…
  • I'm 18 :D I am from England, but currently am living in Dubai :D
  • I am a 32FF, My favourites are the shock absorbers, You can get them at debenhams. I also have a really nice one from Marks and Spencers that zips up the front. Personally, I always always wear two sports bras on top of each other. Zero movement. :)
  • I am looking to loose another 20lbs, I have lost 10 so far. Feel free to add me :D
  • Wow, you guys know how to bring a girl up! Measurements before: Thighs: 25 inches Waist: 29.5 inches Hips: 38 inches Now: Thighs: 24 Inches Waist 27 Inches Hips: 35 Inches I hadn't looked at my measurements yet, Actually I guess they are not too bad. I definitely need to add strength training, but i just get board! Any…
  • Can someone fill me in on what insanity is? You look amazing, your before body is pretty similar to mine, so I am looking to try insanity, although is it doable for someone like me who hates exercise and hasnt done any proper exercise for many years?!
  • Prehaps it is to do with what your eating? I used to eat a good 3000 odd calories a day. I switched to healthier foods, like salads, soups, less red meat etc and now i struggle to eat my 1200 calories! Check out the food and nutrition board, it does has some good suggestions. Also remember the 1200 is the net calorie…
  • I wish there was some kind exercise that would focus on them. I have a pretty much washboard stomach yet my love handles are massive, and my thighs. But I guess everyone holds their weight in different places. The only thing that you can do is eat healthy and exercise. If any one has any exercises to help I'd love to know!