

  • I advise you to go very slowly with the VFF's. They are wonderful, but many people have had small fractures in their feet from the lack of cushioning. Basically you need to strengthen the muscles, tendons, and bones in your feet first, and it can take some time to do that.
  • I have some, and I love them BUT go very slowly, and I mean it, yes you can hurt yourself if you don't take it slow. I started out just wearing them around the house, and over the course of a year I very slowly worked them into my daily routine and then finally into my exercise regimen. You have been wearing shoes for a…
  • in my opinion you have got at least 2 problems you can solve. 1. you're trying to force change in another person. and you can't .... no matter how much you love someone or harangue them, you can't make them change. You can encourage and support them through whatever choices they make (unconditional love), but that's it.…
  • would love to know WHERE the article came from, what website, journal, etc, who wrote it? Thanks
  • In short, yes, eat your exercise calories, there are lots of people on here who have gone in depth as to why you should eat the calories, do a search, you'll find it all. MFP builds in enough of a deficit to lose your desired amount of weight per week when it gives you your calories. For example: I burn roughly 2100…
  • I always eat my exercise calories and have lost 6 pounds since starting Jan 3 (just about 2 pounds per week). I am not looking for fast weight loss, just permanent, and I know my body will just stop losing if I don't eat enough. ;0)
  • I wouldn't go under 1200, but I'd switch it up, one day eat 1200 and then have a day where you eat 1400. ALSO try doing measurement, sometimes you won't see a difference on the scale but you'll be dropping inches. What type of exercise are you doing? You could be dropping fat and gaining mucscle. The composition of your…
  • Just be aware that regular tea has caffeine, which is a diuretic. So it's kind of working against yourself. Try teas that are not caffeinated. A good rule of thumb to tell if you are hydrated enough is the color of your urine. If it's clear then you're drinking enough, the yellower the pee the more you need to drink.
  • They could be lying, OR they could be working their way into an eating disorder. Obviously one day of not eating 1200 is not a big deal, but readng some of these posts I see some huge red flags. Alot of people here do not have a healthy body image, or know how to do self care without food. Often it seems like they're…
  • Tate FTW Stop being so snarky, so you disagree, nutrition is not a perfect science and even the experts don't agree. No reason to disparage others for giving helpful advice.
  • LOL not for me, I know in my past efforts that even once a month fast days can really take a toll on my metabolism. The days I did best as far as weight loss are when I had gone slightly over the day before.
  • Going under 1200 calories can put your body into starvation mode = storing fat. Your body needs fuel to do it's work, and 900 calories a day is very little, especially if you're exercising as well. Try having an apple, or something like cottage cheese, or yogurt as a snack.