jlohcook Member


  • Anyone tried Nike Training Club application? It is a killer on HIIT. Different levels provided, and definitely make you perspire a lot, although they look simple. Check it out.
  • That's a good strategy, let your body and mind rest a bit on this obsession of doing it right. You will feel renewed after a short break, just remember to come back :-)
  • I've lost it but gained back, though feeling frustrated, I'm now focusing on redefining, sculpting parts of my body that need a little bit more work. Saw a lot write up that building muscles may cause the up on the scale. As long as I feel that my pants are not getting tighter, in still going the right direction even…
  • Sounds like a good plan.
  • You can practically oven bake, grill within 30 mins for most meat items. If you like fish, bake in 20-mins 180 degree Celsius about 380 F, just add salt, a little olive oil, pepper, any dried herbs. Keep lots of vegetable salad, just wash , eat. But baby carrots, cherry tomatoes. Again wash only. Even chicken breast, you…
  • If u don't like tea. Drink water. Best. But if yo really want to try, There are different types of tea - black, green, flowers. So, lots of choices if u really want to try. If u don't like the strong taste, try the flower type - rose, lavender, crysanthemum, camomile, For green tea - try sencha- Japanese green tea,…
  • @Mangrothian. Kudos to your bento! Yours looks fabulous. ...
  • If you have iPad iPhone try applications such as NTC - Nike training club, popsugar excellent exercises for beginners, step by step. For yoga I like yoga.com on the iPad. They have different levels for beginners too. As a beginner - don't worry if you cannot do like what the video show, for any of the exercises, eg, they…
  • I bento my lunch as well. Usually leftover dinners and it's usually 1 portion of rice, 1 portion of meat, and lots of vegetables. I put them into the brand glassware from Lock Lock, very tight, won't leak, heat them up in microwave and there I have a good balanced lunch. It's glass, easy to wash. If no overnight dinners…
  • As a woman, we constantly struggle to look good. At different ages different challenges. So, yes, everyone will struggle if you want to keep yourself fit, healthy, looking good. But if you turn what you do to habit, part of your life, it may not seem like a big struggle. I'm not huge by many, but I see my mom struggled all…
  • Firstly - get a scale. You want to have a reminder how much you weigh and are you making progress. Secondly - take small step changes. You can eat mcdonalds pancakes, but can you cut off the butter? Or cut down to 2 pancakes? Or cut the syrup entirely or by half? Cut it slowly, you will get used to what you don't need. Or…
  • Twisted my ankle 1 year ago, didn't run for 2 monts. Did a bit of lifting, watched my diet. Went back to running but I was not fully recovered when I started running, and there's continous discomfort. Switched to light run, did more stretching, weights, physio on the ankle. Much better. So advice to u...let your injury…
  • I'm your twin here but older. 45 160cm, 54-56 kg. been trying to get down to 50-52, slimming my legs, getting the tummy down! Do add me!
  • I'm in. I managed to get down 8pounds and then it went all up again. I'm 5'3 and 123 and definitely will feel better 10 -12 pounds down.
  • I started running and my hips and thighs are slimming down. I also do lots of sumo squats, with weights, side lunges, target butt, abs, legs exercises, plants of them out there, check out fitness magazine or the app - NTC. Great exercises.
  • I'm mixing running and and weights ( dumbbells only), abs and core exercises, seeing some results, but ever so slowly. But it seems to work. I don't really go to the gym, other than run on treadmill. My dumbbell was 2 kg each, and recently I bought another set of 3 kg. hope to get rid of my flapping wings.
  • Thanks for making yourself available for questions. I'm 5'3, 53kg, 43 yrs, female, Asian, trying to tone up my thighs, arms and belly. Exercises include elliptical 2-3 times a week, 5-8km run 1x a weeks, Nike training club - toning/set strong routine 2x a week ( with 2x 2 kg dumbbells), and yoga when ever I can. Recently…
  • I'm currently using Nike Training Club program to build strength - they have beginner, intermediate, and advanced level, 30-45 mins and a routine that works with weights. I do this all at home. Purchase some dumbbells and a mat, you are ready to go. So far, I'm seeing good progress, especially the flabby arms, and waist. I…
  • I'm now 5'3, 116 -118. Lost about 5-8 pounds, now trying to tone certain areas, keep healthy. Target weight 110-112. I'm Asian, small structure. Started out with target of 1200, went up to target 1300 but usually intake includes about half of exercise, so ranges 1400-1700 intake per day. Target calories burnt 350 per day.…
  • I do put on weight if my fat goes over, I guess it's takes more to burn fat, try to keep within limits, too much of anything is just not good anyway.....
  • Yes. Per run - better to warm up muscles properly, ie, straight leg kick, lunge walk, knee high kick, brisk walk. I usually do about 5 min of the kicks and lunge, 5 mins brisk walk. Post runs, reduce speed of walk 5mins, and bring heart rate to 120, then followed by stretches, I do front lunge, side lunge, warrior post,…
  • You might want to switch out those Kellogg's bars to proper meals, although they give you the calories, but, not full balanced diet. And are you drinking enough water? Have you suddenly cut out certain food types? Eg, suddenly going to sugar free, All these might impact the way your body react. And could it be that you are…
  • For those with bad knee, strengthen up the thighs with sumo squats, that had helped me to get back to skipping and started running.
  • It could be some or all f the following. 1. Winter, tend to suck up all energy. 2. High carb diet, noticed you take quite a lot of carbs from rice, tortilla, change them out to some protein, carbs like these tend to make you sleepy.... 3. Vegetables, don't see a lt of green vegetables, it's energy booster plus all other…
  • All great posts on why you essentially need fats. The body needs them, so, not good to cut them out entirely. But too high in fats will clog your system, artery, that's why some people get stroke, or fatty liver etc etc. that's why people opt for low fat stuff but be careful, low fat does not equal low sugar. In fact many…
  • Are the shoes too tight? And these shoes more for off roader, I'm not sure if it helps cushion well when you run on concrete. i find running on concrete is harder on my legs than on tarmac (on the road). In the meantime, massage your feet from ankle to toe, rubbing it down. it might be just that you've strained your…
  • Try to practice the squeezing pelvic area exercise everyday or whenever you can, even while teaching. 10 times. Or as many times as you can. That will help to tighten the muscles around that area. As we grow older, muscles tend to loosen esp after giving birth.
  • Go see a doc....
  • Www.fitnessmagazine.com. Great workouts here. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/you-can-do-it/lose-10-pounds-workout/?page=1
  • If you are eating back your exercise calories, you are fine. For people like us who are not that tall, our BMR is only 1400 or there about at sedentary. The body just dont need so much food. So, with exercises calories added back, your deficit is effectively around 200 cal a day. It's ok.