

  • i have an overweight friend who i love but her lifestyle choices really get to me sometimes. she has tried numerous diets like soups/shakes or that chili lemon juice crazyness that was all the rage for a while. she says she wants to do it to kick start her weight loss, like if she can see some fast results she will be more…
  • i usually also consider it vegan if it's just been produced in the same facilities/machines and may contain traces of milk. however, a while back i discovered that a dark chocolate that had previously been labelled as just containing traces now said that it contains milk. it turns out they had not changed the recipe and…
  • pepsi max is the big one for me... i've been quitting it and starting it again for years. at the moment i'm fine with having just the occasional one like once a week at the most. a few years back i was in africa for two months and they sure didn't have pepsi max there. i was thinking about it a LOT and even dreaming about…
  • I don't know how you ate before but it's common when you do cleanses etc that the skin can act up, due to detoxing. If you are eating more "clean" as a vegan, that might be it? Looked at your diary and you don't seem to be eating a lot of sugar etc so that's good. Just drink a lot of water and give it some time I would say
  • edwige fenech...(french-italian actress who worked in giallo and sex films from the late 60's). gotta love those 60's sex kittens!
  • vegan freak is the main reason i decided to go vegan after going back and forth between vegetarian and vegan for many years. i just listened through all the podcasts and had all my questions answered. so great! too bad they don't do it anymore but i guess they had other stuff to do as well...
  • Monday nights, at the gym, in my underwear. I know it's better to do it in the morning but it has just become a ritual to do it Monday evening before I work out, and I don't have a scale at home (which is probably a good thing!).
  • hello, one vegan here at least! *waves*
  • I would say just try to make the best of it, the coming two weeks may be a "start up" phase where you can take short walks/runs (as long as you can make them without feeling pain) and eating as healthy as possible on the limited budget (I would agree, dried beans are usually dead cheap and good for protein. Don't you have…