Totally lacking in motivation >:(

Ok so I am feeling really really crap today. Full of excuses. Feeling like I can't do this PROPERLY.

I'm dead broke for another 2 weeks, so I can't afford to buy decent food, and enough food to get me to my calorie targets. (I have $40 for food for 2 weeks:?)
I need new shoes, my current ones are ****, every single time I go running - even walking - my legs and knees KILL after 30 minutes.
I need an HRM to accurately monitor my calorie burn because MFP isn't accurate.
I need to join a gym because I need variety.
I'm sharing a house with someone and can't do workout videos in front of the tv, because they've set their bed up in the lounge room.
I have a TINY bedroom which leaves no space to workout along to YouTube videos.

I KNOW these are all just excuses, but they ARE a hindrance to my progress. And I don't want to give up, but I feel like I can't do this properly yet, not until I'm back on my feet and can get shoes and groceries and everything. I'm trying really hard to do what I can but I still feel like I'm falling WAY short of what I know I'm capable of.


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    The only thing you need to achieve this is to burn more than you consume.

    You dont need gadgets or an expensive diet or anything else at all, $40 for two weeks food doesnt sound like a lot so this problem might sort itself out!
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    $40 for food:
    Frozen peas are very cheap - get 2 bags for 2 weeks - $3.
    Canned Tuna / Fish is always on special offer.
    Whole Chickens are usually quite cheap.
    Tinned 'meals' aren't always so bad - I have Chilli in my cupboard - perfect combination of carbs/protein.
    Brown Rice is cheap.
    Dried Chick Peas are also quite cheap!

    Running shoes can be a pain - run on grass instead - will help the knees.

    HRM won't accurately measure calorie burn I'm afraid. Nothing will ever be accurate. Just exercise for now :).
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Yeah, but it means I'm not getting anywhere near enough protein, which is important.
  • flab2sixpack
    Hang in there, Silver!! What looks like a "bad day" today is just a memory tomorrow...

    Priorities: you HAVE to eat, that's #1 and where your money needs to go. I'm not an expert at grocery shopping on a tight budget, sorry. The shoes can be put off for 2 weeks, yes? The gym membership can wait a little longer right?

    Today I did a totally free workout. I went jogging around the lake trail by my apts. After each lap I did jumping jacks and burpee's. After the last lap I ran up and down the hill by the lake. I burned around 600 calories IIRC. I know your shoes are cooperating right now... have you tried putting on 2 pair of socks?

    Whatever you do, just don't give up!
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    $40 for food:
    Frozen peas are very cheap - get 2 bags for 2 weeks - $3.
    Canned Tuna / Fish is always on special offer.
    Whole Chickens are usually quite cheap.
    Tinned 'meals' aren't always so bad - I have Chilli in my cupboard - perfect combination of carbs/protein.
    Brown Rice is cheap.
    Dried Chick Peas are also quite cheap!

    Running shoes can be a pain - run on grass instead - will help the knees.

    HRM won't accurately measure calorie burn I'm afraid. Nothing will ever be accurate. Just exercise for now :).

    LOL where do YOU live? I want to do my shopping there! One small bag of frozen peas is $3 here. I'm allergic to seafood. Whole chickens are around $10 here. Tinned meals are full of sodium, and $4 a can.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I could hug you Louis, I really could. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything.

    I have no intention on giving up, EVER :smile:
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Yeah, but it means I'm not getting anywhere near enough protein, which is important.

    Several supermarkets in the UK stock reduced salt and sugar baked beans for <£0.50 a can, loads of protein.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Yeah, but it means I'm not getting anywhere near enough protein, which is important.

    Several supermarkets in the UK stock reduced salt and sugar baked beans for <£0.50 a can, loads of protein.

    Great for the UK, but I'm in Australia, cost of living is effing ridiculous here.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I'm sorry, I really don't mean to sound ungrateful, I know you're all just trying to help. Which is after all what I wanted :)
  • cinnamonswing
    I would say just try to make the best of it, the coming two weeks may be a "start up" phase where you can take short walks/runs (as long as you can make them without feeling pain) and eating as healthy as possible on the limited budget (I would agree, dried beans are usually dead cheap and good for protein. Don't you have any discount stores available somewhere?) and then start up properly once you get the money. Shoes are important. If you are still on a restricted budget, maybe go swimming if you have those facilities where you live? That's usually pretty cheap (at least in Sweden where I live...) and you won't need expensive shoes or any equipment apart from swimsuit to get a good workout. Hang in there!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    It’s called rip-off Britain for a reason.

    Basically there are answers, to any and all of the excuses you listed and acknowledged as excuses in the OP.

    There is no reason whatsoever to allow the situation described in your OP to hinder your progress barring a lack of imagination, if you are convinced that these things are standing in your way then they will.

    No money for food has never caused anyone to gain weight.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I hear ya...Groceries are higher than ever and we are always short on money! I have been squeaking by for the last 2 weeks with no groceries either. I have been eating at Subway a lot though with their $5 footlongs. Turkey, veggies and honey Mustard is low cal and healthy for the most part. I don't have anything good or dietetic in my frig. right now either which makes it difficult to stay on course, but I am doing the best I can, that is all I can do. Like other poster said, just exercise and eat the best you can for cheap, but don't give up. Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. Just eat when you are hungry and go for a walk everyday. I know money is tight but just try and make the best choices you can. Hang in there with the rest of us. It's never easy i know. :)
  • addykins1
    addykins1 Posts: 16 Member
    Make up big pots of soup! Use tinned tomatoes, and cheap seasonal veg or cheap tinned/frozen veg. Buy bulk beans, chick peas and lentils and soak them yourself and add to the soup to account for protein. You can make your own low sodium baked beans for next to nothing :)

    Ohh and frozen chickens are often much cheaper, I get mine for like $6 and they would last 6 or so meals.

    For exercise, why not look into day to day things, walk that bit extra, park further away, take the stairs, go for a 30 min walk after dinner. You could buy a skipping rope for like $5.
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    I'm sorry, I really don't mean to sound ungrateful, I know you're all just trying to help. Which is after all what I wanted :)

    No worries - didn't know Australia was so expensive!

    Perhaps go out hunting kangaroos .... ? good cardio workout chasing those buggers & lean protein at the end. Genius!