

  • I usually don't eat back my calories. Easier to "save them up" and go out with the family once in awhile and not worry about what I eat. IMO, eating back calories is probably a good idea for someone who's doing major exercise throughout the day. That's not me though. :wink:
  • I use the Body by Vi (Visalus) protein shakes at least once a day. It's a great source of protein without the icky chalk-like taste. 90 calories for 2 scoops; 12g of protein. I know a few people who take two shakes a day to increase their weight loss, and a couple have even gotten off their diabetes meds using this. You…
  • My c-section overlap is almost 10 years old. I trained hard after DD #1 but never could lose it. DD#2 is almost 2 and it's still there. >.< Thankfully I had a VBAC with her and not another C-section. I still have 31 lbs to lose. I have a girlfriend who had a C-section 12 years ago and lost a lot of weight (80+ pounds). No…
  • I'm a shortie at 5'3" and the % are way off for me too. I'm a bit on the tubby side still (37.7% body fat), which puts me in the Obesity 2 class. Personally, I think using Body Fat and BMI aren't very accurate. What matters is how you feel and how your clothes fit. I'll probably never get down to the 125-141 range that…
  • I've had that issue these last couple months. I work out really hard, watch what I eat, and barely lose anything. While at a weigh-in, a friend of mine suggested I up my calories by 250 for a couple weeks and see how I did. It worked! What also worked was me adjusting my goals on MFP to Lightly Active instead of Sedentary…
  • I used to be a working mom (9 years). Now I'm a stay at home mom. We do a lot of the same things you've already seen listed: Cook in batches or a couple times a week. Pre-pack meals Get the kids involved with chores Do a load of laundry each night (or once a week, whichever works best) Get your dishes done before you leave…
  • I'm 5'3" and weigh 183.5 (now). Back in December 2011, I was 209. It's been rough losing this much. My current goal weight is 160. After that, we'll see. I work out 4-5 days a week, lifting weights and running/jogging. My last "sprint day" (when I really try to push it), I jogged 4.5 miles in 60 minutes. I couldn't do that…
  • You can use unsweetened soy milk and add a tsp of almond extract. Gets about the same taste.
  • Tai chi is a good option. Paul Lam has several DVDs that work well with seniors, people with severe arthritis or those who are disabled. Tai chi is based on slow and controlled movements, so nothing fast and jerky.
  • One of the things I saw in your diary was a regular coke. Full coke products alone can account for up to 40 pounds a year due to the sugar in them. My husband stopped drinking them about three years ago and he lost 35 pounds just from removing that from his diet. It might be just one but that sugar adds up after awhile.…