Body fat calculators VS BMI

I've plugged my info into all these different calculators... My BMI is 37- obese, but my body fat came back at 28.7%, which is 'acceptable'. I'm no where near acceptable in any aspect. The last time I was measured for body fat (at the gym with a fat pincher), I was told I had 209lbs of lean body mass. That was when I was 315lbs. So should my ultimate goal weight be higher than the 198 I am aiming for? That wouldn't even give me 10% body fat if these measurements are correct. I'm a big girl @ 6' tall with broad shoulders. All this stuff confuses me so...:huh:


  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    BMI takes weight into account, whether that weight be fat, muscle, bone, hair, whatever. Body fat %, when measured electronically, measures your actual body fat. I prefer the body fat % over BMI since it's a more accurate measurement.
  • peytonturk
    peytonturk Posts: 49
    So, in order for me to be @ 18% body fat, I need to weigh 234lbs? That just seems off to me. I hate being the dang amazon woman...:sad:
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    BMI is a crock. Does not adjust for body type, composition, etc.

    Body fat % is a good indicator of health/progress.

    edit - I'm a guy that's 6' with broad shoulders, and my gym people told me I had about 175 lbs of lean mass. I'm not all that muscular, but I'd say your 209 number sounds a bit high. In any case, you're better off just trying to lean up and don't worry so much about the ratios. Personally I'm trying to get down to 200 and then I'll reevaluate. Currently about 237.
  • peytonturk
    peytonturk Posts: 49
    I'm not all that muscular, but I'd say your 209 number sounds a bit high. In any case, you're better off just trying to lean up and don't worry so much about the ratios. Personally I'm trying to get down to 200 and then I'll reevaluate. Currently about 237.

    That's what I was thinking, but that's what i've been told and what all these dang calculators say... I still have a bit to go before I worry too much about it. I do have a lot of muscle under all this blubber, so we will see I guess. Thanks for the input!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Is it muscle mass or lean muscle mass? Don't forget you will lose some muscle mass while you are losing weight as well and I am 92kg and have 52kg of muscle mass. That is a good amount I have been told in order to get my BF% down, but then I have 40% body fat! I would sugest that you put together your own plan of what you want to look like and what your composition is! Then you can put together a plan of how you will achieve it! Mix BMI and BF% and any other ratios you can think of!!

    Good luck!! I'm sure you will be fab!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Why not get down close to there and then get rechecked to see how you've done? Maybe a marker for hitting the milestone of 250 lbs. Or just take a good look at yourself in the mirror when you get THERE. That's my plan.
  • Ifican
    Ifican Posts: 47 Member
    Dont over think it to many do. At this juncture dont worry about % this and range that. Use your scale as a trend identifier, is your weight stable, trending up or trending down. Outside of that you know how you feel at your current weight, go with that. If you feel you want to be leaner, go for it. At some point (many never get there) you would need to worry about your % of body fat. Remember what matters most, You being happy with YOU, Period.........
  • Vraicroyant
    I'm a shortie at 5'3" and the % are way off for me too. I'm a bit on the tubby side still (37.7% body fat), which puts me in the Obesity 2 class. Personally, I think using Body Fat and BMI aren't very accurate. What matters is how you feel and how your clothes fit. I'll probably never get down to the 125-141 range that puts me in the "Normal" category. The last time I was there was in high school and I was a scarecrow then. I prefer to be muscular and toned, even if I'm a little on the heavier side.
  • Psychoanalytic
    i agree that all the calculators are a crock. I'm 6' tall and have bones like a football player. My goal is 180ish. What's 175 look like on someone built like me, you may ask?

    (me several years ago)

    Calculators and charts say we're supposed to weigh 158-179 with a large frame. It's also a crock.

    Edit: point being, go with what looks and feels healthy for you. I say 198 is just fine for a goal. Especially if you're aiming to do lifting, etc
    Edit2: also, there's a totally tall women group. Look us up :) we're of all sorts of shapes and sizes and you might be able to find more help catered to you specifically