198601 Member


  • I am 5' 9'' and had a starting weight of 166 - now 150 - My profile has always said 1200 calories??????? If I am short and I am not hungry I don't eat BUT if I am I eat and go over! I listen to my body and it has worked.
  • I just started having knee pain too so you are not alone! I was told by the doc to get a knee brace and see if that helps... going to get one tomorrow and hopefully that helps! good luck!
    in Knee pain Comment by 198601 May 2012
  • I hate "Settle Down" - it makes my blood boil when it is said to me :noway:
  • I have always found bald men sexier! My suggestion is to men is if you are going bald just shave it off! Shows confidence -and confidence is hot :)
  • Make it a part of your life and you will not even think about it anymore! It is a life style! Also, when you start seeing results you will be motivated trust me! You will not want to stop. If you fail for a day - no biggie - just remember the big goal and be happy with the small results too!
  • Squats!!! Squats with toes pointed outward - use a cattle bell or small weight! The trainers always have me do these! It helps firm up the inner thigh.
  • I am a firm believer in heavier weights. I have people comment on my arms and shoulders - they are very sculpted. It is due to heavy weights. I used to do the lighter ones with tons of reps - now I do the heavy ones and wow what a difference! There is a girl at my gym who looks amazing - very fit. I watched her work out…
  • I am feeling the same way! I dropped the first 10 very quickly and seemed to have stalled a bit too. I have another 10 to lose and I just cant seem to get away from that stupid number on the scale. I am working out more and nothing! I am not goning to quit, but boy this gets frustrating!!!! Good luck to you!
  • I do the vodka and water with a splash of something for taste! But be careful I have found that with a 1200 calorie intake (like me) it hits me a lot faster and worse then usual!!! Have fun
  • Big difference!!! You look great!
  • Being pregnant is a wonderful gift and a miracle! Only you experience the baby kicking etc. Believe it or not sometimes I miss it :smile: Not everyone can get pregnant so if you are able to remember it is a gift - may not always be easy, but a gift either way! I have had two children and I wouldn't trade my little belly I…
  • I found that a ton of cardio is working and core work. After two kids I thought I would never get it back, but I am! I have not done one crunch (I hate hate hate them) - I also do boxing punching side to side & that seems to be helping too. My husband went to put his hand over my stomach today while we were laying down and…
  • I have the same problem! Since I eat mostly healthy things now I hardly ever get enough calories. I eat all thoughout the day and never feel hungry, but at the end of the day I am always short - and when I go to they gym forget it I am not even close! The only time I come close is if I am going out and have cocktails or…
  • You Go Girl! You look fantastic...
  • I know!I asked a question too and got a few people that were rude with their answer..... don't leave..... too many positives to gain - I guess those people know it all - oh wait they are on this site too so they can't know everything!!!! lol :laugh:
  • My mid section!!!! I love it :) After two kids I never thought I could have a flat stomach like I used to - it's not there totally yet but it is getting there and I could not be happier!!! Oh and my butt :smile: it doesn't jiggle :wink:
  • The "suggested" age for the parents to stop being naked around their kids is about your daughter age - especially the opposite sex parent. I am sorry but I think it is time to cover up! Plus she is 3 1/2 what is wrong with calling it by a nickname! There is plenty of time for kids to use the correct names. This is so wrong…
  • You can do this! Get something out that is healthy and snack on that... when I want to eat for emotional reasons I get out my bag of carrots and eat and eat .... you will feel so much better after doing this then cheating! Remember you are only cheating yourself. You will see results and believe me you will be so happy you…
  • I agree! I am great during the week, but on the weekends I work at a restaurant which is sooo hard. I give myself a little break on Saturdays. Usually I dont eat my calories back from working out but on Saturdays I do! You have to live :wink:
    in weekends Comment by 198601 April 2012
  • While I know that it is not rocket science - that if you just ate something this is a pound you will be a pound more, I guess what my real question should have been is how do you judge what your real weight is then? From the majority of the answers I am going to say that it is the morning weight! So that is what I am going…
  • You are all so right! The scale was my motivator in the beginning, but now it is making me crazy! I will work on once a week! Thanks!
  • My Edocrinologist told me that as long as you are on the correct dose for your body and your levels are fine then there should be no problems losing weight. With the right dose your body should function just as a person without any thhyroid problems! I blamed it for a long time, but no more :)
  • I Do too! Been on meds for over 5 years. Nice to meet you all!!!!!
  • You look fabulous!!!! Great job!!!!
  • Saturday is my cheat day - not with food, but with allowing myself to have a cocktail (or two or three). I just make sure that I hit the gym in the morning... as I am on the elliptical I keep thinking "that's one more" every 100 calories I burn!! LOL.
    in Cheat Days Comment by 198601 April 2012
  • Still bummed here too - so I ate my salad for lunch then some chocolate covered almonds and I feel so much better! I best go to the gym later :)
  • I love the scale because it encourgages me, but this morning I hated it due to the same thing!!!!! Put me in a bad mood :( up 2 pounds from yesterdaty - really??? but reading all of your postings makes me feel so much better! My jeans are still lose and that is what matters :)
  • Have the same issue! Found that even with some chocolate could still be under limits. I think there is a reason we crave it so we should give in and enjoy it with moderation. I think I saw those pretzel M&M's were actually recommended for dieters compared to other chocolate candy and they are great!
  • If you can - bring a large salad - tons of vegetables and cut up flavored skinless chicken breast. Minimal calories! I know it doesn't sound like it will fill you up, but it does and not a lot of calories.... just a thought!
  • Dont do it! Once the day is over I don't bank anything from day to day. Dont get me wrong I will save calories for an evening with friends from that days total calories. I have found this is a way of life now that I will need to continue when I reach my goal. I feel almost sick when I eat too much at a time now that my…