For the Parents - Anatomical Terminology



  • timherrmann
    No issues with nudity....My 6 year old son (now 10) once came in and told me he had been wrestlig around with another kid at school and accidentally hurt his "cash and prizes"...I laughed for a week....
  • 198601
    198601 Posts: 33 Member
    The "suggested" age for the parents to stop being naked around their kids is about your daughter age - especially the opposite sex parent. I am sorry but I think it is time to cover up! Plus she is 3 1/2 what is wrong with calling it by a nickname! There is plenty of time for kids to use the correct names. This is so wrong in so many ways. Sorry this is just my feeling about it.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't walk around naked, but I change in front of them and keep the bathroom door open when I shower. They walk in to say hi usually. I use penis and vagina, but MIL uses a Chinese slang word for penis and doesn't mention the vagina. My kids are 3.5 and 2. I will keep doing what I am doing until my kids show that they are uncomfortable or embarrassed.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I was born in Germany, and there are plenty of nude beaches there. I went with my dad and stepmom when I was 3. My stepmom had no problem being nude and neither did I, but my dad was kind of shy. He quickly realized I didn't care who was naked and was more concerned with being in the water. I'm not scarred for life after that and I have always been taught the proper word. I think when you portray nudity as something bad/dangerous/guilt-associated, your kids can have a tendency not to feel as comfortable with their bodies or with asking you questions about it. I think they should know what's going on or they'll hear the wrong thing from a friend.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Use the proper names. It saves the kid a lot of problems later. As for being nude - I wouldn't be naked in front of my kids, nor would I want my husband to, but I also don't think it's anything shameful if you want to do it. It's just my personal choice.

    just curious, what problems would this create?

    I just think it's confusing for kids, especially when you're learning the real body parts. Giving them a nickname to me implies that something is wrong with them and the real names are shameful. I wish my parents had just said the normal names instead of nicknames. I grew up scared of that kind of stuff - when my mom tried to give me the period talk, I ran away. If we'd had open conversations growing up it wouldn't have been like that.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Vulva is the correct when the girl is taking a bath she needs to wash her vulva...the vagina is actually inside the body and doesn't need washing....I thought ding dongs were a kind of donut?
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    One way of protecting kids from sexual abuse is by teaching them the correct scientific terminology...also the younger we teach them the easier it is..the kids have no baggage with any's the adults that have a problem with all the words related to s...e....x...
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im one of the ones that said something about sleeping with my 3 year old still so I sleep clothed. But, my kids see me naked too. I nearly never shower or use the restroom alone. Someones always got to barge in and tattle. lol. Im only just getting more modest in front of my 6 year old boy and thats not for any reason other than I just felt I should.
    I grew up in a 'we dont talk about any bodily functions or parts' household. I taught my kids to use proper terms though. A couple of years ago, my daughter got in trouble for telling on a little boy for kicking another boy in the penis. I got a note saying she needed to not use the word PENIS at school anymore as it might make other kids or parents uncomfortable. I made a phone call that day. *eyeroll*
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Yes vulva is correct for girls and penis for boys...the vagina is inside the body (and doesn't need cleaning in the bath...the vagina is where the penis goes in and the baby comes out (usually).
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Not only does teaching the correct terminology for kids helps them to put the bad guy into jail..if they get touched innapropriately.... sexual predators stay away from kids who use the correct terminology.
    The most important thing is to ALWAYS belive your kids if they report innapropriate touching...90%of sexual abuse is done by an adult that the child knows - 50% of the time at home, 30% of the time at school....ALWAYS belive them.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Use the proper names. It saves the kid a lot of problems later. As for being nude - I wouldn't be naked in front of my kids, nor would I want my husband to, but I also don't think it's anything shameful if you want to do it. It's just my personal choice.

    just curious, what problems would this create?

    I just think it's confusing for kids, especially when you're learning the real body parts. Giving them a nickname to me implies that something is wrong with them and the real names are shameful. I wish my parents had just said the normal names instead of nicknames. I grew up scared of that kind of stuff - when my mom tried to give me the period talk, I ran away. If we'd had open conversations growing up it wouldn't have been like that.

    got it.

    my daughter talks to both of us about those things. to the point my husband gets a bit embarrased but he always answers her and never lets on that he is.
    the kids seem to find the actual terms a bit goofy. but they do know what they are. once they were singing the words. aye dios mio. :huh:
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Im one of the ones that said something about sleeping with my 3 year old still so I sleep clothed. But, my kids see me naked too. I nearly never shower or use the restroom alone. Someones always got to barge in and tattle. lol. Im only just getting more modest in front of my 6 year old boy and thats not for any reason other than I just felt I should.
    I grew up in a 'we dont talk about any bodily functions or parts' household. I taught my kids to use proper terms though. A couple of years ago, my daughter got in trouble for telling on a little boy for kicking another boy in the penis. I got a note saying she needed to not use the word PENIS at school anymore as it might make other kids or parents uncomfortable. I made a phone call that day. *eyeroll*

    that just makes me so mad. how irritating. i wish i could have heard that phone call.
    how about Hey Mrs whomever, Joey kicked Billy in the cahones! How would they like that one? Sheesh! Poor kid.
  • KristysLosing
    Yes vulva is correct for girls and penis for boys...the vagina is inside the body (and doesn't need cleaning in the bath...the vagina is where the penis goes in and the baby comes out (usually).

    You said that...and while I admit completely forgetting about the word vulva, I don't know about anyone else, but I do know what a vagina is and what it is for. Thank you.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I'm not a parent, but I gotta weigh in on the whole nudity thing. I come from a very open family, hell on Easter Sunday we were talking about the Everything To Do With Sex Show, this was three generations - my grandparents, aunts uncles and parents, and the kids. No biggie. But to be nude in front of your children (especially the ones that have pre-teen kids) is quite odd, in my opinion. Or being scantily clad in front of them. I do not have any awkwardness about nudity, but no one needs or wants to see their parents half naked, or fully.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    My son is 6. When I nursed him (till he was 13 months), he saw me naked all the time but he was a baby and nursing so it was no big deal. Then, til about 3 or so, I had no problems changing in front of him while we traveled in the hotel room.

    But just before his 5th birthday, he saw a huge woman's chest in a forum I was browsing (some guy's avatar) and asked me to go back to it because, "I like chestes." It was not long after that when I heard, "come here mommy! I wanna show you something! My pee-pee isn't a pee-pee's a surprise!"

    So, no. My son no longer sees me naked. We call chests chests and other parts privates/boyparts/girlparts/ or just "my pee-pee." And he's learned that mommies and caregivers (like doctors) can see his boy parts if necessary, but he is not to look at others privates. And mommy doesn't need to see his "surprise."
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Penis and Vagina is what it is called. It is my son who tells me the nicknames that the other boys at school call. Like a dollar and two 50 cents pieces for a boy. a coin slot for a girl. Go figure what 4th graders come up with. Cannot wait for when they have sex ed in a few weeks the jokes the boys will come up with after that class. GOOD GRIEF
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    The "suggested" age for the parents to stop being naked around their kids is about your daughter age - especially the opposite sex parent. I am sorry but I think it is time to cover up! Plus she is 3 1/2 what is wrong with calling it by a nickname! There is plenty of time for kids to use the correct names. This is so wrong in so many ways. Sorry this is just my feeling about it.

    I'm sorry, but I have to say that telling another parent what is appropriate in his household is just way out of line and frankly makes you look very uptight.

    I understand if nicknames work in your family, as well as keeping bathroom time private for everyone, but the wording of your post implies that you don't just respectufully diagree, you think the OP is doing something wrong by teaching correct terms and fostering a household where nudity is just natural as opposed to something to be embarrassed about.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    We are pretty relaxed about body parts in my house. DD came up with kiki. I don't know how she came up with it, but it stuck. My mother-in-law calls testicles scoogies and that has stuck, too. The Boy currently prefers the term weiner. He finds it hilarious. They are both well aware of the proper terms, but like the nicknames better.
  • KristysLosing
    It was not long after that when I heard, "come here mommy! I wanna show you something! My pee-pee isn't a pee-pee's a surprise!"

    And mommy doesn't need to see his "surprise."

    LOL-that is great! My son is 3 and I'm sure I'll be hearing this before long. He's already told me that his "Mr Winky" is bigger than his cousin's, who is also 3. He saw me changing him and was thrilled that his cousin has one
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Yes vulva is correct for girls and penis for boys...the vagina is inside the body (and doesn't need cleaning in the bath...the vagina is where the penis goes in and the baby comes out (usually).

    You said that...and while I admit completely forgetting about the word vulva, I don't know about anyone else, but I do know what a vagina is and what it is for. Thank you.

    What I wrote (the definition of vagina) was the words I use to tell my kids what that body part is called and what it's for. Just a suggestion for other parents who might be shy talking about it when their kid asks 'mom, what's a vagina'?:smile: