For the Parents - Anatomical Terminology



  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Our kids know the proper terms for their parts. They're 4 and 2, both are boys. They still refer to what they have as pee-pee which is still miles better than some of the names I've heard.

    We do not walk around naked, though we do co-shower with them from time to time. It's a lot less time consuming.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I always called them by their proper names. I had no issues with it but it always amazed me how uncomfortable the words vagina and penis made people. As for being naked in front of them, I stopped in front of my son when he was around 3 or so because the questions and staring made me uncomfortable.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I personally think nudity shouldn't be so taboo. Yes, my 5 year old son sees me naked. It doesn't even phase him. If I'm getting out of the shower and haven't yet put on a robe, he KNOWS he'll see me naked. He has that choice. He knows not to come in if he doesn't want to see my fat *kitten*. I do not, however, walk around the house naked. It's only when changing in my room, or out of the shower in the bathroom. That way, HE has a choice not to see it. He is starting to catch on to that and no longer barge in the bathroom with some toy I need to fix, but rather wait for me to come out with my robe on.

    And we call his a penis and mine dirt.

    Wait, you refer to your vag or penis as "dirt?"

    Maybe, maybe not...
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member

    And we call his a penis and mine dirt.

    Erm.............. what? Dirt?
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    My kids (boy & girl) are 4 and 5. We use Penis and Vagina. Though my daughter can't ever remember the word Vagina, so she ends up calling it a venus half the time, as it rhymes with penis! When I'm talking to both of them about their parts, i call it their "business." Not sure why... "No one can touch your business except the Dr, if Mommy or Daddy is there."

    As far as the naked thing, i was SHOCKED at how many people said they "can't" sleep naked since they have kids. Our kids have seen us both naked. We sleep naked, we walk to the bathroom naked, they know, they don't care. We also shower with our kids, though my husband doesn't with my daughter anymore, now that she's in school. cause the last thing we want is her to say something about showering with Daddy and having someone get the wrong idea. To us, it's no different than her and her brother bathing together. They'll continue to do that until either they're too big or one of them isn't comfortable with it. Right now, they get upset if they can't bathe together.

    My $.02
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Ahem, I believe the correct term is "gentleman vegetables".
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'll walk between the bathroom and bedroom in my tighty whities but thats about it. Dont my 13 year old son or 16 year old daughter seeing my junk..

    for terms

    its junk, the circus, bumpin uglies, try to keep it light and humorous.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have 2 sons. My oldest is almost 6. All of us have seen each other naked, it happens. My oldest is getting to the point that I don't feel it is appropriate for him to see me anymore, and we are teaching him more about privacy and what is appropriate to share within family and outside of the house. They know the proper names for some things and others have words that most other kids would probably be using commonly. Even though they know the proper names, they usually use the more common 'kid names'.
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    We let the kids call it what they call it, if it sounds ugly or offensive, we'll correct them.

    Nudity isn't an issue with us.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    DIRT: Ok, it's an inside family joke, we don't actually call it dirt *LOL*

    When a little boy we always used to babysit and have over all the time, he would always walk around saying "I've got a penis! Dad's got a penis! Mom's got DIRT!"

    It was hysterical.... Inside joke. Y'all can relax now. My vagina is not literally dirt. :bigsmile:
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Ahem, I believe the correct term is "gentleman vegetables".

  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    We say privates and some how my daughter (turning 4 this month) calls it her bum. Nudity has not been a problem but my daughter is starting to stare lol.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have 5 sons (5-17) and 1 daughter (2).

    I do not walk around naked, but I might have just my bra and panties on, or a tshirt and if I have get something. Or, if they walk in while I am changing, I don't freak and hide. So, I guess I am in the middle. I breastfed all of my kids, so they saw plenty of boob. I didn't overly hang it out there, but in my house, I am not using a blanket to cover!!

    I do still co-shower with the 5 year old boy and the 2 year old daughter, and so does my husband.

    As far as genitalia names....goodness, we call it everything. Penis, wiener (sorry that really is my favorite), junk, gooch (the area between the balls and butt hole...boys, did you wash your gooch?), we do ball and nut jokes....I mean honestly, we can use any word to reference their fandangles!! Haha...yes, I am a very gross mom!!

    Now, my daughter, I do call it her tootie and her bootie! I do not even call mine my vagina...again, I call it whatever i feel like calling it at the moment!! And the same with boobs....we could go on and on about those words. I guess we do not take our bodies too seriously, we just have fun with it!

    I think that parents can do whatever they choose. As long as you have an open dialogue with your kids...then when something happens and they need to ask you , it is all cool because we joke around about our privates (genitals) .
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Call it what it is. I hate to hear 13 year old kids using baby language for their private parts and various body functions. It drives me insane.

    As far as the naked stuff, I think we all worry too much about the naked body as a society. Being naked is not a dirty thing. It's not about sex or sexual gratification. Those are two different things.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I have two daughters, 6 and 2. I'm too self conscious to walk around the house in the buff. When it comes to the human body however, my wife and I believe as the OP does that the correct words are the best to use. No holds barred.
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    We're a naked house. In the mornings i will walk from the shower to my room, to the kitchen, back to the bathroom without getting dressed. My daughter is used to it. I don't want her to think nudity is a big issue. But in the privacy of our own home.
    And we call it what it is. Vagina and Penis. And now that she's in grade 4 with a bunch of 9 and 10yr old boys who are gross-her words-she's learning all kinds of other names for it. She shakes her head and says it's "inappropriate"
    If there was a male living in our house it might be a little different. And if i had a boy i'd probably close the door more often.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    My kids give me NO privacy, despite all my attempts.

    I sometimes will have my 2 year old daughter jump in the shower with me. Otherwise the most they see is me in a t-shirt with panties underneath or me in jeans and a bra.... but never just a bra and panties. I figure if it shows no less than my swimsuit (i.e. a standard bikini.... I guess mine is a halter style that covers a bit more than the normal bikini), what's the big deal? Then again, they are pretty young, as I mentioned, and I cannot get away from both of them at once unless they are at daycare. Then I can change/pee/get dressed in peace.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    gooch - the area between the balls and butt hole...boys, did you wash your gooch?

    Favorite term of the day.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member

    As far as the naked thing, i was SHOCKED at how many people said they "can't" sleep naked since they have kids. Our kids have seen us both naked. We sleep naked, we walk to the bathroom naked, they know, they don't care. We also shower with our kids, though my husband doesn't with my daughter anymore, now that she's in school. cause the last thing we want is her to say something about showering with Daddy and having someone get the wrong idea. To us, it's no different than her and her brother bathing together. They'll continue to do that until either they're too big or one of them isn't comfortable with it. Right now, they get upset if they can't bathe together.

    My $.02

    My husband sleeps naked. I'm not brave enough to, though. I figure that's for two reasons - it's often freakin' cold in this house and I get up a few times a night, and it is a sure thing that if I do sleep naked my house will start on fire. I'm just that kind of lucky.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Reading is fundamental.

    I totally just saw naked and blanked out.

    I do use and teach my daughter the correct terms but for some reason...tiddes is used for breast in my house. Even though she know the correct term......:smile: