er03bald Member


  • Its interesting you say this as my mother and I had a rowing machine 1000m race yesterday and she's crying out "this is only 30 calories so far?! I'm never eating again!!!"
  • I like the trick of if you want to eat, eat an apple. If you don't want an apple, you don't really need to eat. Gum helps too. I'm proud of myself so far todau , I've been doing great. My birthday is 6wks away and I've resolved to lose 10-15lbs by then as a present to myself.
  • Thanks everyone. There are some real good suggestions. But you're all right I need to just cut the crap and break the habit.
  • drinking water doesn't curb my appetite. Eating things that "make you feel full longer" for example nuts... yeah I can eat a 1lb can of nuts in a sitting if I allowed myself to. so the whole fuller longer this is bogus as far as my mind/stomach connection is concerned.
  • There is nothing wrong with Greek Yogurt. I used that as an example as I pack healthy options but I dont end up choosing them over the junk. I can plan my day and eat REALLY well all day long at work and then come home and while making dinner I'll eat an English Muffin with cream cheese or something. Or I'll eat while…
  • 5'2 current weight 177 my goal is 125-130. anything less wouldn't be sustainable for me without eating like a bird. (ive been close before lol)
  • My mother told me that when you put the ring on your finger your hips expand.. I thought she was joking!!!
  • I got married in June. Once the wedding day passed I gained probably 20lbs. So I'm right there with you :) add me!
  • Pasta and Cheese love them both and they both hate me :)
  • and it's not so much that I dislike the thicker legs, but it does make for difficult clothes shopping. :) you're all beautiful and inspiring. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Great suggestions, I do feel better! thanks guys
  • well, I obviously have fat to lose I'm not saying that I'm pure muscle or anything like that... but I know that at least 70% of my legs are muscle due to 13 years of martial arts.
  • You're photo is awesome! I was thinking of running or the elliptical, but I am so afraid of adding muscle. I'll have to give it a go and take what I get, any change is a good change. (but if my legs get any bigger I wont be able to even wear jeans lol
  • losing body fat does nothing when you're legs are mostly muscle. therefore any working out will only add More muscle and increase the bulk.
  • I haven't used my wii in a while, but it totally works. My husband and I played the tennis and baseball a lot when we first got it and i could barely lift my arms the next day.
  • Lacey- Those are great tips! however the problem is not so much the availability of healthy food as much as it is the abundant availability of fatty foods. I usually work 4:45-11pm. The cooks will grill me a piece of chicken if I ask, but then there is things like picking at the crumbled pieces of cheese cake when plating…
  • That all sounds like great advice. Thanks everyone! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • I'm down :)
  • I completely understand. I have been battling weight my entire life. My weight yo-yos from 135-160. I do really well and lose the weight then fall into boredom eating. I was doing Weight Watchers when I was in 9th grade. I hate low carb because I live for pasta. My thoughts as far as dieting are I want to eat the foods I…