mikesa3 Member


  • Yes,If not, it will be close to 20 plus you will look great from strength training. I started at 144 in Feb and lost 14 lbs in 5 months by eating 1440 net calories plus most of my exercise calories (use heart monitor to have good count) Then I stalled for a couple months upped my net calories 1525 and lost 2 more lbs in…
  • Way to go!!! I can't wait till I can jog/run a mile. I can't do more then a 2 minutes jog and I have been working on run/walk for almost 3 months. Nancy
  • That's awesome. I can't wait to be able to post that. I've been trying the C25K for a couple of months and still can't get through week 3 without walking part of the run time. How long did it take you to do it? Nancy
  • Congrats. I hope to do my first 5k in the Fall. I have a long way to go but women like you keep me motivated to keep working towards it. I can't get over how exercise has helped with the mild anxiety that I use to get. I feel so much calmer now. It took me 48 years to discover the joy of excercise and I never want to stop.…
  • Congrats. I hope to get there someday. I'm working on week 2 for a second time before trying week 3. Nancy
    in I made it! Comment by mikesa3 June 2012
  • Just tried them. Very good. Thanks for the directions. Nancy
  • Big difference. Great job. I've never liked large tattos but I think your back tattoo is beautiful.:) Nancy
  • LOL thanks for the laugh. You are very good at telling the story too. Nancy
    in Awesome NSV Comment by mikesa3 May 2012
  • Spoon but it's usually called pear shaped. Nancy
  • I've only been working out since Feb (weights and cardio) Three weeks ago I weighed 138 and had 38.5% body fat. This was tested in a Bod Pod. That was down 2% from 6 weeks before. That is skinny fat. I've always been told how slim I am but knew I was unfit. Just didn't realize how bad. :( I'm 48 and never really exercised.…
  • Drink water. I was feeling the same way a few weeks ago. I was getting out of breath easily and ready to take a nap all the time. My blood pressure was even high and had never been before. I'm not sure how I figured it out but once I started drinking a cup of water as soon as I wake up and another about 1/2 hour before…
  • You look great and so happy. I know what you mean about not liking pictures of yourself. I've always been the same way. Great job ! :) Nancy
  • You won't be able to gain muscle til you eat way more calories especially protein. You can get protein bars or protein powder to make shakes to help get enough protein in. I just bought powder at Walmart called Body fortress. It has 26 grams protein per scoop. Eggs are great protein too.You have to feed your body well to…
  • That is a neat website. It's way off for me though I have 38% body fat but look more like the 25% maybe thinner and no I'm not in denial. LOL I will keep working to lower my % though since I know it's very unhealthy. Nancy
  • I had my body fat done with a Bod Pod then compared it with the online tests. The military one was the closest if I measured right below my navel. I will be using that test to keep track till my next Bod Pod test in 6 weeks. HTH Nancy
  • But how much body fat % did you lose? Maybe you had a high lean body mass already but it was under the fat. Also was the test a year ago with a bod pod and were you wearing the same thing? The Bod Pod can be dissappointing when expecting better results. I took one test 6 weeks ago then just had another. I'm still at a high…
  • Are you drinking plenty of water? Since I started drinking 2 cups of water in the morning before I work out I feel a lot more energy and don't get out of breath as easy. I haven't done much running yet (want to start c25k soon) but I drink 1 cup when I wake up and another about 20 minutes before I work out at the gym and…
  • MFP has it listed under cardio. It's always less then my HRM says but I just go with it. Nancy
  • Thanks for information and to others who have posted tips. I've never been able to do more then one push up and that was 25 years ago. I've always just used the excuse of not having any upper body strength but I'm going to work on it. Nancy
  • I did the Bod Pod. You sit inside for 50 seconds 2x and it gives you body fat% and your resting metobolic rate. Mine was 40% 4 weeks ago but I hope it's lower when I go back in 2 weeks. Nancy
    in body fat % Comment by mikesa3 April 2012
  • I'm reading this book too. It's so good. I haven't tried reading on the elliptical ,not sure if I'm coordinated enough. LOL I think I will try on Monday. Nancy
  • I found and printed this a few weeks ago because I thought it was good article about body image. http://www.doctoroz.com/blog/katie-rickel-phd/refocusing-your-body-image (for those that are anti Dr Oz, I know it's from the Dr Oz website but it's not written by him) I hope you like the article. Nancy
  • I'm sure each person is different for what works best but I've found Zyrtec to be the best for me and my ds. Nancy
  • Maybe allergies. I've been working out for 7 weeks then last week I was feeling really tired and out of breathe so went to doctors they put me on blood pressure meds since my pressure was high. Then this week I still didn't feel right. Went back and was told it's probably allergies. I took Zyrtec the past two days and I…
  • It's called being skinny fat. When your weight is good but everything is soft with low muscle tone. Usually look good dressed so no one thinks you're flabby. That's what I am. My body fat was 40% when it was checked though I'm not overweight .My middle is flabby which is the worse place to carry fat since that means it's…
  • Great job. I feel the same after losing 5lbs. I feel proud of myself for sticking with the exercise and cutting out most of the junk food. It's a great feeling. Keep it up. :) Nancy
  • I came here to look for info on sugar so will be following this thread . I had a nutriutionist look at my food diary and she said everything looked good except for I need to add fiber and cut down on sugar. I really didn't think I was bad on sugar but I go over my limit so I guess I need to cut back. I only eat 1 cookie a…
    in Sugar Comment by mikesa3 March 2012