No energy whatsoever

This was supposed to be my 4th week of working out @least 4 times a week. its friday and the last time i did some kind of a workout was on monday. The entire week i didnt even have the energy to wake up. Im running so low on energy. I tried to do something last night because i felt so bad. I didnt last even 10 minutes, i was out of breath, tired and finished.

How do i get back on the wagon? i still have 3 days before the week ends so i can still do my 4 x 30 min workouts per week. I dont want to fail but i dont have the energy


  • Florand69
    Hi Venetianz,

    The same thing happened to me today. I had to take a nap before hitting the gym. I was told that dehydration can cause you to feel lethargic as well as having a vitamin deficiency. I do have a vitamin deficiency myself and i have a hard time drinking water. I find myself drinking more water at the gym.

    Do you usually stay up late at night?
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    I hate to ask but is your period coming? I have very low energy and feel tired all the time several days before my period shows up. Either way, even if it's not coming, don't stop altogether. Try doing something, anything so that your body doesn't get used to being sedentary. When I feel tired and don't want to do anything, I don't force myself to work hard, I just go light. I'll walk really slow on my treadmill or take my dogs for a short walk.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Try opening your diary. For me personally, the lack of energy is usually because of (a) Lack of rest or (b) Not eating properly. Are you eating too much of the greesy stuff? Are you eating too little?
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise here is why you should

    Here is a guide for setting weekly deficits, and on top of this when you workout you should eat those calories back. So if you are on 1200 cals and burn 300, you should eat 1500 for the day.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    It could be a medical issue too. I have anemia and am absolutely exhausted. Getting a simple blood test could tell you what you are lacking in order to get your energy back again. I recommend it highly. I cannot obsorb iron and will be getting infusions once a month. I would have never found this problem without the blood tests I took. Good luck.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Try opening your diary. For me personally, the lack of energy is usually because of (a) Lack of rest or (b) Not eating properly. Are you eating too much of the greesy stuff? Are you eating too little?

    Second this. When I used to have low energy levels I realized I just wasn't eating enough. I wasn't hungry either so it was hard to tell.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    I agree, I think having an open diary for everyone to see helped me a lot in the long run! I felt like I was held more accountable for what food choices I made/make. =)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thyroid, adrenal fatigue, anemia, so many medical reasons for this - I would suggest seeking medical advice.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I hate to ask but is your period coming? I have very low energy and feel tired all the time several days before my period shows up.

    Gah! TOTALLY!
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    I usually have no energy at all, and this has been going on for almost a 2 years. I recently changed my supplements and upped a few and have noticed some changes. I also made sure not to eat late or go to sleep starving.

    I increased my B-12 from 10mcg to 500mcg, my Vitamin A from 3,500UI to 10kUI and my Vitamin C from 60UI to 250UI. I also go to the gym 4 to 5 days a week. I personally have had more energy in my day for when I work out and through out my work day, I even go to bed earlier and wake up pretty refreshed and usually before my alarm clock.

    My breakfast is actually my biggest meal of the day ( calories and fats ), followed by my lunch and than my dinner. I make sure to eat dinner before 8pm most nights and usually fall asleep around 10ish.

    So far for the past few weeks this change has worked, I even purchased a Nike+FuelBand and it's given me some extra encouragement. I also make sure to input my daily foods and exercise I've done on MFP.

    I would see a Nutritionist if your food plan is off, I know mine was. Since you workout, do you go to the Gym, if so I would see if you can find a trainer that knows what ways to help boost your energy levels. When you workout have you tried to workout in the morning and not late in the day, maybe change when you do this may help. When you workout did you also have a full meal, I know when I tried working out after having breakfast, my energy can be kind of funky. I usually just snack on a fiberone bar and drink a propel energy drink.
  • mikesa3
    mikesa3 Posts: 28 Member
    Maybe allergies. I've been working out for 7 weeks then last week I was feeling really tired and out of breathe so went to doctors they put me on blood pressure meds since my pressure was high. Then this week I still didn't feel right. Went back and was told it's probably allergies. I took Zyrtec the past two days and I feel so much better. I've felt this way for years when the weather changes and never thought about it being allergies. Hope you feel energized soon. I hate that tired fatiqued feeling.