futmom Member


  • I just did W1D1 and even though I am out of shape I finished it without much of a problem. Looking forward to doing more running and being able to run farther/faster. I was just wondering if anyone is having a problem syncing the app with MFP. I can't see to get it to link
  • I was off it for years, got back on last year because I was at that point where the doc said I'm on the brink of getting diabetes. Scared me. Was doing so well with the pills then went on a week long biz trip and messed me up. Have been off it since November. I need to get back on and after reading your messages I am going…
  • I should join this club, and hopefully be below that 200 lb weight in a year or less. Any type of motivation from people would be appreciated.
  • I'm up for finding friends on S Health. More motivation! But how do you do it?
  • Thank you so much! I was trying to figure that out last night and didn't know about the data sharing part.
  • Thank you all for your input. I'm still trying, and won't try this yet. For the ladies that are using it, please friend me and let me know how it goes with you. The price tag alone right now is stopping me, plus I want to try and improve my exercise and eating habits before I try a pill. I would rather say I lost it…
  • Nicol, my story is just like the other ladies here. I got pregnant with no problem with my first child. We tried close after for the second and it was then, after 4 years of not being able to get pregnant, that I learned I had PCOS. I thought for a while I would never have a second child. After being on metformin for a…
  • Thank you all for your info. I'm going to try to work it off naturally, but always looking for a plan B. Jessica, I'll watch the show on Lifetime to check it out. I don't see Jessica advertising, just offering me info without trying to sell me anything. Unless that was deleted since I am a couple of days behind :smile:…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago and have gained weight since then, a lot of weight. All my fault of course, I haven't been good about trying to manage my condition very well. This new year I want to start right and manage myself better as far as food, exercise and maybe get back on the meds. Could always use…
  • Thanks all for the good ideas. I've found some stations on Pandora that works well and creating a playlist on Spotify helps stop the repetitive songs that is sometimes played on Pandora.
  • After I found out I had it I asked my sisters and they both have it as well. Not sure about my mom as she never had issues with infertility and doesn't have the other symptoms. Most of my family is in Mexico so don't really know where we got it from. Have been on and off the metformin, don't like the side effects. But…
  • QC near the Target plaza.
  • Hi Sandra! Sounds like you and I can both help motivate each other. Don't eat very well, but trying to get better at it. Let's try to lose that weight together!
  • I'm there with you. Very active life w/kids and sports. Leaves little time for healthy foods so always doing fast foods. Maybe we can help each other out.
  • Was diagnosed about 7 yrs ago. Have been prescribed with the metformin, but like everyone else its not a fun med to be on. Especially the days I feel like eating any pasta, might as well put my work computer in the bathroom. Sorry, TMI. Mom of 2, had the hardest time getting that 2nd baby, but she is the greatest gift.…
  • Us mom's with active kids need to stay together. Let's help each other out and win this battle.
  • Well said!!! Totally agree.
  • Good luck to you too!