New and determined

I went shopping for the first time in about a year. Had to go and train people for work and realized that I needed some new clothes. I knew this day would come, was postponing it for a long time, probably more than a year but still in kind of a denial stage. Why? Hate the thought of looking in a mirror when I know I've gotten so big I have to wear pants bigger than size 16 or blouses from the big girl section. I'm now over 200 lbs and am scared that the number will continue to rise if I don't do something. Hate the word obese when my weight is showing on some website in comparison to what it should be at. They say the first step is acknowldeging the problem.

So this is my first step. Hoping I can be strong enough to take this journey. Hoping I can do this not only for me, but for my children. That I can run around with them and not need to stop for a break after running around for a minute or two with them. Wanting to one day look in the mirror and not dislike what I see. To get back into that size 8. The time is now. I am determined to change my lifestyle and do regular exercise along with changing my eating habits. Hope that I can inspire as well as be inspired by others on this site. Good luck to you all! Good luck to myself.


  • deannaallen3
    deannaallen3 Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined myself, good luck! We got this! (:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Good for you, that is why most of us are here. I started out at 174 and I am now at 149..........a long journey but I am determined and I will not stop til I get what I want! you can do this, you took the first step now set a goal and a plan. Lots of support on here, feel free to add me as a friend and also feel free to ask me questions!
  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck to you too!
  • neesey918
    neesey918 Posts: 11
    You've taken the right step by recognizing what you need to do and going forward with it. Congratulations - you can do this!:smile: