Yesterday - When I saw my GF last. WWTLT you texted someone?
You look familiar . . .
I say "no" at the end of sentences. "It'd be better if we took an alternate route, no?" It's my way of asking if you agree with me. My parents are both from Italy so maybe it's a European thing.
Also, it's not EYE-talian (Italian). And Fixin' drives me nuts . . . I'm fixin' to make dinner.
My girlfriend lives in VA and she's informed me of this. I had no idea.
It's the same sandwich minus the swiss? Hmm, maybe create a sandwich using those nutritional values but subtract the nutritionals for a slice of cheese? Sorry. That was the only thing I could think of.
Tracking all the food you eat is a great way to start! It's really eye opening when you figure out how many calories you consume in a day. I tend to treat my calories like money in the sense that I try to get the most bang for my calorie buck. At the end of the day, try to "spend" all your calories without going into debt.…
Hi and welcome! Feel free to friend me. I can use all the support I can get!
Well, I don't have a spouse in the military but I'd like to thank your husband AND you. Without support from you, he couldn't go there and protect us the best he can so you should both be thanked!!
An entire pizza? Over a year ago, for work. WWTLT you slept after 10am?
A week ago. I told the woman getting a manicure next to me that I loved her ring. WWTLT you drank beer.
Last Halloween? WWTLT you went to a concert?
Yes, so my answer is: Flaxseed
8/31 WWTLT you had a song stuck in your head?
Yesterday. My mother was being supportive with a problem I was having. WWTLT you dusted.
Tonya, Thanks for clearing that up! I had no idea that the recommendation for sodium changed. Never too old to learn!
About a year ago WWTLT you got a haircut?
Lima Beans
When Michael Jackson passed away. WWTLT you diced an onion?
Jerusalem Artichokes
4tth of July weekend! I went to a minor league baseball game. WWTLT you did your laundry?
Always eat your calories! You just need to make wise choices. Don't trick your body into thinking that it won't get food soon otherwise it won't get rid of fat, etc for fear that no more is coming! 2500 is the norm for sodium. I also find that the protein goal is lower than what I should be eating. Also, consider your…
A few months ago. Glad that's over! WWTLT you were good to yourself!
I agree that a treat is not bad if you work it into your goals. You're absolutely right about that! My issue is more about constantly giving in. I'm definitely not looking to be perfect. I just need to know that I *can* say no to myself. That's the problem!