Sabotaging Myself

Does anyone else do this? I had a great food day and I rewarded myself by getting a shake at Checkers! I was still under my calories but isn't the point to not give in to the little voice in your head making you be bad? I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy and sad and in love and heartbroken and . . . well, you get the idea.

Anyone have any tips on how to break the cycle of giving in to that voice? What do you guys do when your little voice is telling you that you've "earned it" to be bad?


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm struggling with this right now as well. I know i'm an emotional eater so as soon as I'm having a weak moment, I journal it. I write down exactly what i'm feeling, why i'm feeling that way, why I want to eat etc. By the time i'm done writing & reviewing what I've written I realize that it's not worth it. I visualize myself skinny and know that the pizza i'm craving isn't going to get me there.
  • NYJetsFan
    That's actually not a bad idea at all. I had considered starting a MFP blog. Maybe I'll use it as a journal and try to break my bad habits. Thanks for the idea!
  • krystallynne
    everytime I think I want something like that, I drink a full glass of water. It will fill you up and help you forget about the craving. If you are still dwelling on it after that I will try and eat something sweet but healthier. Maybe a piece of wheat bread with a little honey drizzled on it. If you are out, maybe get the bad item and split it with someone else but only take a half of a half.
  • mkpeacock
    I am this way as well I find that having something small to reward your self with Like pre-wraped chocolate squares there calories are lower them splurging and having that shake and you still get a little chocolate in return! you just need to take one out and nibble not scarf it when you feel that urge.. the Russell stover's sugar free's are really good and better then reg ones but they are both low on calories as long as you eat just like 1-3 of them package has info on it so just check it and remember if they are pre-wraped you can just through them in your purse or something and get one when you feel like you wanna sabotage your self!!!

    Another trick I use is keeping Trident White in my purse because it give you the taste like you just brushed your teeth and lets face it no food tastes just right after brushing your teeth!!!
  • yescobosa
    Well, my friend...I spent years doing this and feeling very sorry for myself. Was not until I hit rock bottom and was 180 lbs, and could not stand to see myself in pictures that I decided to change. This site is a great start with lots of support. Start by making a goal at least day-by-day if not weekly and log, log, log! Food and excercise. It takes an average of 66 days to make something a habit, so you need to stick with it. I have been working out now for over two months and feel bad if I don't work out. Because I work out daily, I don't feel the need to eat crap anymore because I am working to hard to make a difference. I do treat myself, but not like I used to and I don't miss it. You have to do this for you AND NO ONE ELSE!. Be good to yourself, tell yourself you deserve to be happy, to be fit and healthy. Be proud of each day that you accomplish your goal to work out and eat better, don't rely on others to do this. And if you happen to miss a day, don't slide back, just tell yourself its ok and get right back into it the following day. If I can do it so can day at a time and log, log, log! Can't say that enough. Best of luck to you.
  • NYJetsFan
    @krystallynne: I can't drink water. I don't know why. I've tried using lemon in it and nothing helps. Any tips on how to make it taste better? Does it still count as "water" if I use those flavor packets by Crystal Light in it?

    @mkpeacock: The chocolate is a great idea. I just need to hide them in the freezer or something so I don't eat them all at one time!!!!

    @yescobosa: I'm making a point of coming to the site every day. I come for the message boards and log while I'm here.

    Honestly, I need to be accountable to myself and that's the part I'm having difficulty with right now. I need constant motivation because if I don't see instantaneous results, I get discouraged. Does that happen to you all, too or am I just being codependent or something?
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    I have a bit of a different take on this. You say you were under your calories and had a shake so what? I had carrot cake for dessert last night and on Friday I split a tiramisu with my friend . I also drink wine and beer and eat cheese and crackers. As long as I am under my calories and getting enough healthy nutrients I dont see whats so bad about eating what I want.
    My goal is not 100% clean eating (been there done that) My goal now is to continue to lose gradually while still living my life and eating whatever I want , just not as much of it.
    I do have "trigger" foods that I only get occasionally , not becasuse they are "bad" but because I will eat the whole block of cheese or the whole jar of olives in one sitting lol. I just make sure I only buy them when I plan on having more calories that day and then I just enjoy them no guilt im not doing anything "bad" just eating some food. :) Yes its slowed my weight loss sometimes but I dont see that as a failure, this is something I have to keep doing forever if I want to maintain and so I had better be able to live with it without it being a constant battle or struggle and not use it as a tool to beat up on myself.
    Just my take on things...
    Keep up the good work and be kind to yourself...if your friend did the same thing how would you treat her?...shouldnt you treat yourself as well as you would treat your friend?
  • NYJetsFan
    I agree that a treat is not bad if you work it into your goals. You're absolutely right about that! My issue is more about constantly giving in. I'm definitely not looking to be perfect. I just need to know that I *can* say no to myself. That's the problem!