F1953 Member


  • Thank you. Actually, I believe that I've been using the app since 2006 rather than 2012. I hope that you are also well, Healthydiner65.
  • Sometimes, what you get is a reflection of what you put out there. If you are meeting women who play games (and don't mean sports or board games), then you are probably putting out player vibes. If you don't like the answers you are getting, maybe you should try going places where people have the same interests you…
  • Who says that? People who have issues of their own that you wouldn't or shouldn't want to date anyway. If I want to see a movie, eat out, go to karaoke or exercise, I don't wait around for someone else! Do what interests you, and if you are enthusiastic, you may meet someone equally enthused about your interests. While…
  • Dezb64--Commendable weight loss! I have a friend who had surgery in the early years. She has developed other health problems since then as a direct result, and had to have the band removed. Now, she is in constant pain, and can't keep her weight up.
  • I commend you, everyone who is working on it. We are all works in progress!
  • When you are in pain just from trying to wash yourself in the shower, or walking. Although, it turns out that I may also have arthritis--in a hip joint and foot on the same side of the body. I picture my mom's wheelchair. She had two strokes almost 5 years apart, and died from the second one, as well as pneumonia. I am…
  • Sometimes most of my movement is from shopping. Although I am having back issues, I will try for 180/ week minimum. I do count just about everything that burns calories, just as 'I count just about every calorie I ingest. My weight training class started last week, but I will have to probably stick to mild chair stretches…
  • Everything! Sometimes I can't find a food, and don't know what's in it. If I can't find the calorie count for unknown ingredients, I guestimate additional calories. When my phone and desktop or MFP is unavailable, I write down food and exercise, and input it later. I have been tracking food and most stuff that burns…
  • I was having lots of pain, developed sleep apnea and some mild heart murmurs. Before joining MFP, I lost and kept off 40 pounds the first year after retirement. I eventually lost another 7. After that, it didn't budge for a long time. I joined MFP almost 2 years ago, reached and reset my goal (lost another 21 since joining…
  • In January of 2013 when I went back for my physical, I had gained back 11 pounds of the weight I had lost. I went back this January, and had lost back the 11 pounds I had gained. The doc was ecstatic. It did not take me the entire year to lose back most of that weight. However, I had food poisoning in December, so the rest…
  • If it has caffeine in it, that may be affecting your quality of sleep.
  • I think it's important to. Sometimes, at someone's house, a party or out to eat, it is difficult to judge what your intake is. I would like them to include a feature where you can drop out certain ingredients if you don't eat them (like the scoop of ice cream and the whipped cream that are often included, but that I never…
  • I think it's important to. Sometimes, at someone's house, a party or out to eat, it is difficult to judge what your intake is. I would like them to include a feature where you can drop out certain ingredients if you don't eat them (like the scoop of ice cream and the whipped cream that are often included, but that I never…
  • I try to log everything, even the stupid stuff. One of the things I have to get away from is eating pistachios--lots of them.
  • A good digital scale is better than non-digital. My problem with digital scales was that they didn't work for very long. Measuring helps more than eyeballing.
  • If possible, do more activities while standing. That will also help you burn more. In addition to having lost some weight, and mine fluctuates too, my sleep apnea resolved itself. As long as I keep the weight off, I don't have to go back, and don't have to use a CPAP machine or dental appliance, or have surgery. The fact…
  • Drink lots of water. Take (relatively) healthy snacks with you. It isn't easy. I go out alot, and often eat a salad or baked potato when others are not. You can make this work. You can also eat some things in moderation, but need to think about what foods trigger a major meltdown. I've lost in the neighborhood of 20 pounds…