what made you decide to lose weight?



  • Well, I crawled up over the years from 260lbs without paying attention. I honestly never cared for a long time, because I'm extremely antisocial and interact more with people on the Internet rather than real life. And what opinion busybody relatives held of me was of no importance to me whatsoever. But when I hit 300, it became clear to me that I was at risk of getting diabetes, I had high blood pressure, I made it uncomfortable for people to sit by me in an airplane. I knew that I would have to do something. So from last February to October I lost 68 lbs, and now that the holidays are over, I'm renewing my effort to push myself below 200 for the first time in ten years.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Want to look in the mirror and say to myself... wow, great body for that age. .... and not look like my fat friends from school.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I've always been fat since the age of 5-6. They even tried to put me on a diet when I was 7 or so (1400 kcals... and I thought it was nothing!), but nothing worked. When I grew up I was just a chubby teen ager, I didn't think that much about it, I didn't care because I didn't focus on my self perception yet. It was like my body and my mind were separated. I finally started to realize I didn't like to be like that when I was around 14... but nothing changed. I honestly didn't know that "dieting" or "working out" was anything close to whatever I'm doing now. When I turned 20 the situation got out of hand, I was fatter then ever, emotional eating was my biggest comfort and I couldn't take it anymore. I got involved in bad habits and 1 month later I joined this website. If I am where I am now and if I can finally look at the mirror and bear my own sight it's because of MFP.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    I was upset that my butt could not fit in the slide at the park with my little girl. I realized that this is just going to be the first challenge of my life as a mommy if I didn't change things.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    My family and I are going to Disney this summer. My parents are paying for our trip. Chances are we will not return for a very long time, if ever. I do not want to be camera shy because I hate the way I look. Hopefully I will be posting some great pictures in August!
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    When I had to start buying 18W pants. What happened to my size 8's!
  • I'm going to agree with you. I've been seeing pictures of myself and I'm saying "No way that's what i look like?"
  • Great motivation, also know that with less weight you'll be able to be in the heat and not be so hot.
  • geddyp
    geddyp Posts: 94 Member
    After looking at pictures from a vacation. It helped that I got engaged on the vacation, extra motivation :)
  • Hm.. I was just always unhappy with my body and I realised the only way to be happy with it was to stop complaining and actually do something about it!
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    None of my pants fit! And I realized I was avoiding looking in mirrors because I was afraid of what I would see
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    My clothes didn't fit. And they were my fat pants.

    Aso, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I'm 43. I want to be able to walk when I'm 60.
  • F1953
    F1953 Posts: 21 Member
    I was having lots of pain, developed sleep apnea and some mild heart murmurs. Before joining MFP, I lost and kept off 40 pounds the first year after retirement. I eventually lost another 7. After that, it didn't budge for a long time. I joined MFP almost 2 years ago, reached and reset my goal (lost another 21 since joining for a total of 68), but manually changed the calorie count to a slightly higher one. Most people think that I am at least 10 - 15 years younger than I am.

    I am not losing as fast, but most of the time I feel so much better. The apnea resolved, although I still have the murmurs. But I don't breathe too hard unless I am out in bitter cold weather.

    Being nagged has never helped me. Have a good attitude and associate with supportive people.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Realized my baby was almost 1 and I still hadnt lost all the baby weight n I had a closet full of clothes that didnt fit n we cant really afford to buy more. It was cheaper to lose weight. Lol
  • I caught my reflection in a shop window and through *kitten* you look awful! I burst in to tears went home and got working on what to do about it. That was 2 years ago and 58lb lighter it was the best thing i have ever done!
  • MamaKie
    MamaKie Posts: 2 Member
    My mother. She has so many health problems and I take after her in a lot of ways. She pointed out that I was getting a double chin and she didn't want me to have all the problems she has had. I took a look in the mirror and realized she was right. I guess you just get used to looking the way you do and don't always notice the point where you've gone too far. I knew I had recently crossed the line from overweight to obese on the BMI scale, but I never noticed that I looked any different until she pointed it out. There is nothing healthy about multiple chins.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    I want to turn heads. :wink:

    J/K. I've been putting my fitness on hold during college and decided that now I have no excuses and I need to become healthier. At the moment I'm 10 lbs more than I was in high school but as long as I feel healthy I'm not too worried about what the scale says.
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    My decision came in two phases. 1st my heavy cousin(the chef) had gastric sleeve surgery and lost almost all of her weight in 6 months. So I consulted with a doctor about lap-band surgery. I decided against it but was given a meeting with a dietitian in his staff and she helped me to make some changes to my habits.

    The second phase was when I saw a picture of myself. I am a band director and all of the photos seem to be a "rear view". Well I was shocked at how large I was. I blocked the view of at least 3 kids! That's when I said enough is enough and started hear on MFP while following the 17 day diet
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    The moment my self esteem hit rock bottom and realized the only person that was coming to save me was me.

    Bravo .. I love what you've said here. It resonates with me too. x
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    My decision came in two phases. 1st my heavy cousin(the chef) had gastric sleeve surgery and lost almost all of her weight in 6 months. So I consulted with a doctor about lap-band surgery. I decided against it but was given a meeting with a dietitian in his staff and she helped me to make some changes to my habits.

    The second phase was when I saw a picture of myself. I am a band director and all of the photos seem to be a "rear view". Well I was shocked at how large I was. I blocked the view of at least 3 kids! That's when I said enough is enough and started hear on MFP while following the 17 day diet

    What is the 17-day diet?

    ETA: Well done on the massive weight loss. I'm always inspired by huge losses as it gives ME hope I can do it. x