Losing weight with no money?



  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I work out without the need of a lot of money. I don't go to the gym, you can get your workouts from TV, DVDs, You-Tube, Video Game, Running/Walking, etc. As far as food shop around, find the stores with the best produce prices. I am sure we don't have the same stores or i would share more. Good luck! BTW I lost 15 pounds doing this.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    fitnessbender.com is an aweeessooommeee website that has plenty of high calorie burning moves! u don't need a gym to lose weight i'll tell you that. I lost 30lbs using my basement as my gym and running around in circles as a start. and did strength videos from the website.. eating defiantly doesn't cost more.. check different stores in ur area on who has the best prices..
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    With 3 men in the house and me changing my eating habits, I still find I am spending less on the groceries each week than before when buying loads of junk food "for the guys" or so I said. They are pretty adaptable and will eat what is in the house and instead of cooking double-size meals for dinner, we are each allotted a portion of the meats and then the veggies and side dishes they can have extras of if they are left.

    I don't spend any money on my workouts. I bought a used exercise bike about a year and a half ago for about $30 and that's what I use. There are lots of videos on YouTube that you can access as well.
  • F1953
    F1953 Posts: 21 Member
    If possible, do more activities while standing. That will also help you burn more. In addition to having lost some weight, and mine fluctuates too, my sleep apnea resolved itself. As long as I keep the weight off, I don't have to go back, and don't have to use a CPAP machine or dental appliance, or have surgery.

    The fact that you are posting shows that you haven't given up. Look up some of the general exercises and chores listed in the data base.
  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    Try breaking the addiction from sugar/carbs which is in a lot of junk food. Good healthy nutritious food will then begin to taste much better and you'll be surprised how much more filling it is. You will get by on much less food. I know that it sounds difficult to impossible but it really isn't. How to break the addiction? Two to three admittedly tough days of abstinence from it will take care of the physical part. The rest is all mental, which is what we're here for. :smile:
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    I wondered where you lived that it is too cold to walk in early October, and see that you are in Ontario. I lived there for 20 years, and my sister is there now. Put on a coat. Not to be mean, but it's not that cold.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    Quit meat with the exception of fish. Learn how to cook Asian food such as Viet Namese and Thai. Viet Namese and Thai food doesn't tend to use any dairy and catfish and talipia is cheap. dairy and meat will cost you the most, not to mention cost your health and the health of the planet.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Would Insanity be good?

    Insanity is expensive. It's $150 if you find a good deal.
  • 67butterfly
    67butterfly Posts: 76 Member
    I'm also pinching pennies.. i'm so used to being able to just grab something at the store and buying it without thinking of the cost. Now i have to think about it before hand. It can get costly when you buy things singular rather than in bulk. I have to bring my lunches or snacks from home now. Planning ahead also helps I have to make sure the things i'm buying will also feed my family for the week. Use leftovers for the next days lunch. If you can, make or bake the things you might buy from the store- such as bread, or sweets. bump
  • mimigyal
    mimigyal Posts: 53 Member
    I wondered where you lived that it is too cold to walk in early October, and see that you are in Ontario. I lived there for 20 years, and my sister is there now. Put on a coat. Not to be mean, but it's not that cold.
    I don't like the cold :( lol
  • http://www.bodyrock.tv/

    FREE and only 15 mins a day.
  • Sprmc47
    Sprmc47 Posts: 82 Member
  • jworb
    jworb Posts: 146 Member
    contact your local grocery store and find out when they do "manager's specials" on meat/etc. that is reaching its sell-by date. I usually grab a few things that are marked down and freeze them so that they last. Everyone on here has such great ideas - I second the library as a source of workout videos!

    good luck!
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    I do a lot of calisthenics as part of my work out. Push ups, crunches, leg raises, walk in place....minutemen. You can do it on the cheap.
  • uhhuthatsright
    uhhuthatsright Posts: 26 Member
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    go to costco and buy in bulk

    then go to allrecipies and have a ball.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I get most of my food when home from the 99 cent only store. Frozen veggies, fresh veggies, fish, chicken, etc. Bodyrock is a great 12 minute a day program I used to do, it's online. Don't mind the creepy camera angles of late.
  • JRaeZins
    JRaeZins Posts: 171 Member
    I work at a national christian "gym" part time and I get a free membership and my dad cleans a church on the weekends that has a gym and they gave him a free membership. You could check out gyms in your area to see if they have any deals like that so you could have a place to go and work out if you don't like doing videos at home.
  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    You say you don't like the cold? Try walking at a mall, nothing says you have to buy anything.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    If you have internet connection, you can do fitness videos from YouTube. I like the Fitness Blender ones but there are others if those don't fit your style. You can download them to your computer with Freecorder and play them on iTunes. As far as food goes, it may seem that junk food is cheaper --but get raw ingredients, meat and vegetables and cook from scratch. This lasts longer than anything you can find in a package providing more meals over the long run. You just have to change the way you think about meal planning.