Losing weight with no money?



  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Food on a budget is easy. I buy chicken a pork in bulk. Once a month I buy a huge roast, it last me about a week. Sweet potatos are cheaper than you think. Get a couple of large ones, cut em in half. Fruit, apples and oranges in bulk in the bags. Same with onions.
    Coupons are your best friend, as well as sales. If it is on sale and healthy, I buy it if I can afford it, especially if I can freeze it. Soups are fairly cheap too. Eggs are good for you, buy them in bulk. I buy them 3 dozen for about 4 bucks, or I can get a dozen for 2 bucks. Which is the better deal.

    You tube is a wonderful source for exercises and videos. Get on line girl. You can do this. If I can do it, anybody can.
  • Losingweightforgood2019
    This website has a listing of exercises you can choose from....


    Also since cutting out junk food/fast food I have found eating healthy is cheaper....frozen veggies are very cheap. Just as others stated find items on sale. I purposely got a deep freezer to keep meats that are on sale, that way they are always there. Chicken is not expensive here at all, but I don't know where you are. I also notice fast food did not fill me at all....yeah I got a burger/fries/drink BUT within an hour I was "hungry" again...so that defeated the whole purpose of having that high calorie meal. Now, I just fill up on the good stuff and I am more full.
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    oops, double post
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    frozen meat frozen veggies and shop the deals of the week, thats the best advice. dont give up just because you're broke. trust me its tempting but dont do it, you are worth so much more than putting crap into your body. sometimes it takes a little patience and practice but you CAN eat healthy on a budget. if they have a grocery outlet near you definitely hit that place up, even trader joes is cheaper than a normal store. crazy huh?
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    You can get home workout DVDs from the local library.
  • addaline22
    rice and beans, yoga, dancing like crazy and walking. 'junk food is cheap' is not an excusse
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Just keep it simple then. My grocery list this past week consisted of chicken, eggs, tilapia, frozen veggies, and a couple things like almond milk and a couple sweet potatoes. Keeps the diet simple and clean as well as cheap. I also keep frozen meat for just incase. You don't have to buy all the fancy 'diet' foods or prepackaged healthier foods. Find what specials your grocery store has, buy meats and pay attention to those deals, and bags of frozen vegetables are a good alternative if you don't want to buy fresh or afraid of it going to waste.

    As far as exercise goes, bodyweight routines can go a long way. I would find an exercise dvd or something and maybe a few things like a kettleball, etc occasionally when possible. Use stair where available and you could get a good 30 minutes in of walking up and down stairs. There are tons of creative/free ways to get exercise in.
  • addaline22
    You can get home workout DVDs from the local library.
    so true!!!!
  • fatsopig
    Lentils and tofu are other cheap protein alternatives. Tons of good recipes online depending on your taste. Amazon has exercise DVDs super cheap. I picked up Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for less than $7 and a Pilates workout called Fat Burning Fusion for about the same.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    someone already mentioned You Tube, but also try your local library. I was able to check out everything from Zumba to Jillian Michaels. Last week I checked out a Bob Harper dvd, didn't like it, though I was able to get a few new exercise ideas to supplement my workout program. It's a great way to try different workouts. Also if your library system is like mine, part a consortium, you are not limited to just what your branch has.
  • Caiii
    Caiii Posts: 27
    Some healthy foods are super inexpensive, especially if you buy them in bulk! Things like oats, quinoa, dried beans, canned beans/veggies (but always give them a rinse before preparing, since they contain quite a bit of sodium), frozen vegetables, wheat bread, peanut butter, etc.

    Also, for KILLER workouts, go to www.blogilates.com. The "pop" pilates instructor, Cassey, gets me every time. Trust me, you'll get amazing abs from doing a few of her videos every day--and she also makes HIIT and cardio videos. Try it!! :) Good luck with your weight loss dear!
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Agree with all of the suggestions. I live on zucchini and frozen vegetables. Love those veggies. One can of 98% Hormel Chicken makes 5 dinners with 3 cups of vegetables and a little mozzarella cheese. I use 2 oz of chicken and its like $3.50 at walmart. Because my husband and son have no weight issues and really don't want to eat light sodium or light I still cook them normal and then throw mine in the microwave. Also I buy frozen fruit. Huge bag is like $3.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    it is getting cooler weather start making alot of homemade soups they are inexpensive to make YUMMY and low in calories, frittatas are also inexpensive to make and egg scrambles, buy what is onsale as far as meat and produce

    WALK WALK WALK and use workout videos off the internet there are a ton of them and drink water good for you and free
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    Shop at Aldi if you have one nearby. This morning I got boneless chicken breast for $1.79/lb, sweet potatoes 3 lbs for .89, oranges 5 lbs. (I think?) for .99, kiwi 5 in a bag for $1.19, etc., cucumber for .50, etc.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am having financial problems right now, & it seems so much harder to lose weight with so little money :( Junk food is cheaper than healthy food & now that i have no gym membership it sucks. It's freezing where i am so it's not like I can run outside.
    Idk what to do....
    Any tips?

    Actually, junk food is extremely expensive when you consider that there is little nourishment there---so you are paying a lot for empty calories. If you consider nourishment per food dollar spent, healthy food is much cheaper. Try going to your local farmers' market. You can usually score a lot of nourishing food for little money because you are dealing direct with the producer. Your local food bank is another source. Put on the radio and dance to the music in your home. I bought some inexpensive free weights at a garage sale. You can do it! :smile:
  • feather314
    There are already some great suggestions noted. I can only agree with them.

    Check out youtube and the library for exercise.

    Food wise: frozen veggies, rice, pasta, beans, etc are all typically low cost. Not sure how many people you need to feed but a rotisserie chicken (4.99 at Costco) can be used for a variety of things. Eat it, shred it up and put in casseroles, sandwiches, wraps, gravy and rice, etc. Pizza can be made at home on the cheap - Jiffy Pizza Crust mix 58 cents, Great Value All Natural Pizza Sauce 98 cents, the cheese will be the most expensive part and probably run you about $4 to $5. This makes about a 12 inch pizza. (probably won't want to eat it all the time but once in a while wouldn't be bad).

    Good luck!!
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 44 Member
    Bump for later
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 188 Member
    Coupon, Coupon, Coupon..there are many sites you can go to in order to print coupons (use the library and print free) and then watch for those items on sale and alot of times you can get them for little or nothing, things such as tuna, frozen veggies, fruit cups, salad dressing, bagged salad, etc...i.e green giant steamed veggies are on sale at my local store for 1.00 and I have a coupon for ,50 which my store doubles so I can get green giant veggies for free...YOU CAN DO IT! Prepare, Plan and make good Purchases
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    When I had financial problems, I made a lot of soups. I'd stock up on veggies, potatoes, and chicken, make a huge pot of soup and freeze it in individual portions. It was cheap and I usually got 15-20 meals out of it.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    If you like yogurt, you can make your own in a crockpot. Need some yogurt for starter culture for first batch and that's all you have to buy.

    Put your milk in your crockpot, heat the milk to 180 (creates a sterile environment for the culture) then turn it off (approx 2.5 hr). Once it cools to 105 -110 degrees F (approx. 3 hours) stir in the culture. Wrap the entire crockpot in a towel or blanket and let sit for 8 hours. That's it! Recommended to cool in fridge for 6 hours before eating. But I always like to taste it before putting it in the fridge. :)

    Check out culturesforhealth.com: they have wonderful descriptions how to make yogurt. And if you have questions there is chat available.

    I don't have a gym either. I've lost about 30 pounds using mostly diet but also exercise. Making food from scratch is cheaper than packaged stuff. If pressed for time, I love using my crockpot. Just put it together in the morning (or even before bed the night before) and cook it during the day so in the evening a delicious home meal is ready with little effort.

    Youtube is definitely a good resource for free exercise videos.

    Hope this helps!