

  • Thanks guys for all the suggestions. It's easy to get carried away w/all the fat issues that you totally forget about the importance of MUSCLE. I will definitely keep all of you posted on this new step in my regimen :)
  • I became so obsessed w/the cardio that I totally neglected weight/resistance training. Not to mention I'm not very knowledgeable regarding these types of exercises...besides crunches of course :P What would you recommend?
  • haha i think we're on the same boat. i grew up being the typical chubby kid who ballooned once he hit high school. ever since i've lost all this weight people, particularly girls, smile at me as i'm walking on my college campus for no apparent reason. in my case, i'm the one who decides to ignore the attention b/c quite…
  • It's terrible that the people who are supposed to support you are scoffing at you! But I just love you're attitude. Continue like this and when you reach your goals you can rub it all over their smug faces! :tongue:
  • I was hoping a tummy tuck wouldn't be necessary b/c I'm only 25 but I suppose I'll know in due time. Thanks for the advice hozik. Playing the "wait game" sure is tough but it's true that one's body does need time to readjust after such a huge change. Your brother's story is inspiring and I hope I'll be as lucky as he was…
  • personally i do it after my morning jog and i always strip down to my boxers. as long as you always do it on the same time and day and wear similar clothes you should be able to keep good track of your progress. i would also recommend doing it only once a week.
  • I agree with NeuroticVirgo. I purchased the male version of this in order to keep my lower abdomen from flopping around and it fights very tightly yet is also light. It made my morning jog alot more enjoyable although you'll have to purchase additional ones as you lose the weight of course.
  • First of all, Welcome! In the past year I have lost a little over a 100lbs and I'm currently working on my remaining 22lbs. I can tell you from experience that you should simply listen to what your body is telling you. I have found times when I simply didn't feel like I needed to consume the amount of calories stated in my…
  • I know what you mean. You hear about all those products but then you can't help but wonder if they're not just too good to be true. I'm sure there's several other people here that are going through this same situation. Let's hope they have some advice too.
  • Thank you for your advice. Although I'm a bit saddened about the possibility of this being permanent I would be more than willing to try the topical lotions you mentioned. Would you be able to recommend any off the top of your head? Thanks :smile: