still quiet and low self esteem...



  • Yokazulooly
    Yokazulooly Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, yes, yes!!!

    I know exactly what you're saying. I haven't been too overweight since middle school, but still being ridiculed so much especially then at such a young age. I have grown a lot since then, in fact this year, I was president of a student organization (something I never thought I could be)... but still, every time a meeting is over there's this voice in my head, "you were so stupid. You didn't make any sense. Everyone hated it. No one is coming back, and it's because of you." I've learned to expect that insecurity to rise up. Sometimes I just can't believe that anyone else could possibly be as insecure as me. Even through this process of growth, it's been difficult trying to gain social skills I never developed as a kid... but slowly I am.

    Man I don't have an answer for you, but I can tell you that it's only by the grace of God that I am where I am today. It's not my intent to get religious or weird or something, but it's the only way I have found an answer. Self talk just never held water, and I couldn't look inside to find any redeeming quality that could make me think higher of myself. I know how sick I am inside. I struggle with what you're describing alot, but through the process of realizing my value to God and that he considers me his son because of what Jesus did just blows my mind.

    I find that I flee from relationships because I just assume they won't like me, or even that they will ridicule and reject me (even because of something so superficial as my weight)... and that this comes because I so highly value what other people's opinions of me are. As I've grown in relationship with God, it's not like I don't think people might dislike me... it's just that I don't care so much if they do or not, because I know what God thinks of me.

    This wasn't some sort of band-aid or fix for the weak. I've come to learn that your and my question and struggle is not rare. EVERYONE carries it, in some way or another. Even some multi-million dollar actor who's loved by the world. He would probably fear that nobody REALLY knew him, and that if they did, they wouldn't love him for HIM... and there again, God knows completely, and loves completely anyway.

    I don't know if my response helps you out at all. I just saw your topic, and want you to know this has been a life-long struggle for me too, and continues to be. I know how that uninvited, unwarranted sense of shame just takes your legs out from under you. I just wanted to briefly share my personal story and the realization that the external things our culture says will fix us just don't work. In all my searching, I've found there's only one answer. If you like, check out Romans 8:28-39, you may have heard it.

    Congrats on the weight loss success, and good luck as you keep walking through this junk. I know it well.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    You know what? There's nothing wrong with being quiet. I've been shy and quiet since I was born. It's an aspect of my personality, something that makes me uniquely me. It's also a part of you. If you can, embrace it. In some cases it can make someone look aloof and interesting. Personally, I'd rather hang out with a quiet person than an obnoxious loud person.
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow... thank you all so so so much for your feed back, comments. I can not tell you how overwhelmed I am... I have more friends now than I have ever had; but for some reason i still don't feel a connection... everyday I wish I could hang out with someone who I could relate to and its nice that I can come on here w/ people who have been though what I have also. I think another really big thing about my low self-esteem is that I've worked so hard to lose my weight (still losing) and it just bothers me a lot... everyday that I never had girlfriend... That's another thing that bothers me alot... I just always thought by now after my weight loss... I'd have a girlfriend.. IDK... but again I am soo overwhelmed by you guys comments... its so nice knowing i'm not alone... I just wish I could relate to someone outside of the site haha :p
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Well, look at this this way: you've looked within and voiced these things "out loud". That has taken self-reflection and the courage to step out and say "hey! I matter!" In some small way, you've taken a step out of your shell already, and that's a great step. Sure, we're all online here, but we are humans and it still takes courage to speak up like this.

    So, my advice, which I think was said more or less: fake it till you make it. Continue to take small measures to act confident even if you're not. Maybe it's in looking a cashier in the eye and saying hello, or talking about the weather with someone in line at the post office. Small steps. And the more you fake it, the more you make it.

    Good luck. Keep talking.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's one of those wierd things in life isn't it - we change one thing and expect that everything else will change too.

    For most people I think the reality is that you are still the same person, just carrying a lot less physical weight around. It doesn't necessarily mean that the emotional weight will drop off at the same rate, and sometimes I think it can be even harder because you and other people probably expect something great to happen now you are thin. I really hope great things do happen - but maybe you will find it easier to get on that path with some professional help to talk about all the changes and how to go forward from here.

    Good luck in the next steps on your journey - you look great. By the way, not everyone has to be loud - all those people who love to talk REALLY like to have someone to listen :)
  • I too remember what it was like to have incredibly low self esteem. Until I reached adulthood, I was never the one anyone talked to, or, if I was, I was the one they poked fun at only. It gets to the point where you are actually afraid to approach people, or, to even have people approach you, as all the bad experiences make you weary of people’s intentions.

    It took a long time and a lot of healing to finally come out of my shell, and begin to have any type of self esteem. It is something that takes a very short time to beat down, but a very long time to build back up. I think the one thing that really helped me was realizing that you only have one life, and if you spend it afraid of what other people think, and thinking low of yourself, man, you miss out on some of the most incredible experiences and opportunities.

    Believe it or not, jumping into a conversation at a party and being shut down a few times is totally worth it for the other times that you jump in and suddenly find yourself with new friends!

    As far as being upset that you aren’t in a relationship, even after losing all of your weight, remember that a relationship is pointless unless it’s with someone who actually loves you for you. If you think you’re not in a relationship because you’re kind of shy and a quiet person, would you really want to be in a relationship with someone who didn’t like those traits in you to begin with?

    I think you have a lot of self-acceptance and self-loving to do. Being someone who is a quiet person isn't at all a negative thing, but please don't be afraid to start thinking highly of yourself.

    If you need a friend, feel free to add me!
  • haha i think we're on the same boat. i grew up being the typical chubby kid who ballooned once he hit high school. ever since i've lost all this weight people, particularly girls, smile at me as i'm walking on my college campus for no apparent reason. in my case, i'm the one who decides to ignore the attention b/c quite honestly, i'm still a tad bitter that i had to change my outer appearance just so that people would pay attention to me instead of them noticing me for the person that i am. either way we both have psychological scars we need to work on healing so if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to feel free to add/message me :)
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    The better you feel about yourself, the more outgoing you will get. One day a switch in your head will be flipped and you'll come out of your shell! It will just take some time :) You're an inspiration to so many and you should be SO proud of yourself!!!!
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    wow thanks you guys... i really wasn't expecting this kind of support... I understand what you guys mean... it's just hard ya know
  • lrobs1986
    lrobs1986 Posts: 15 Member
    You look amazing and you should be sooo proud of how far you've come. it took me until I was in my early 20's to start to break from shy shell. it takes time and you will get there. keep your head up! =)
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Just gotta step out there man. It's scary and you feel dumb and you'll make an *kitten* out of yourself once or twice, but it pays off in the long run.

    Well said, Zach!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Hey OP - how was the Spanish party the other day?
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I've always been that way.... I've been larger, and I've been thin, but the one constant is that I am socially akward at time. I just deal with it... sometimes I make a fool of myself, sometimes I'm the life of the party..... and when I am in the moment and notice that i am actively being shy, I try to remind myself to speak up and be social.... sometimes I just like to be shy...

    My boyfriend calls it my "mysterious" side :)

    congrats on your weight loss! I think you look great! and very mysterious :)
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Wow... thank you all so so so much for your feed back, comments. I can not tell you how overwhelmed I am... I have more friends now than I have ever had; but for some reason i still don't feel a connection... everyday I wish I could hang out with someone who I could relate to and its nice that I can come on here w/ people who have been though what I have also. I think another really big thing about my low self-esteem is that I've worked so hard to lose my weight (still losing) and it just bothers me a lot... everyday that I never had girlfriend... That's another thing that bothers me alot... I just always thought by now after my weight loss... I'd have a girlfriend.. IDK... but again I am soo overwhelmed by you guys comments... its so nice knowing i'm not alone... I just wish I could relate to someone outside of the site haha :p

    Just want to say, I saw your other post, and you sound somewhat like I was a couple years ago before I had my first boyfriend. Very shy, very unsure of yourself. One thing you should do is look in the mirror and say "I love you." It's hard at first, but when you have a breakthrough there you can have a breakthrough anywhere. Loving yourself is the first step to learning how to love other people, and when you love other people, they'll notice and love you back!

    ETA: Also, don't jump into a relationship just because you're lonely. I did that and it did not help my self-esteem at all, in fact I almost committed suicide while I was with him because he made me feel so much WORSE about myself. Don't force your life, let it happen to you!
  • margielewis
    margielewis Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with the concept of fake it until you make it! I was probably the most shy person growing up and today, most people who knew me then are surprised when they meet me later. Those who know me now, do not believe I was ever shy at all - I haven't loss the weight you have but I speak in front of hundreds of people at conferences and facilitate learning sessions without even blinking. This could not have happened if I didn't force myself into doing things that I felt uncomfortable with - simple things like saying hi when you pass someone while you are walking; talking to sales clerks etc.. If you want to build confidence doing the physical act of speaking in public in front of a crowd, although the scariest idea actually leads you to feel even more comfortable on a one on one basis. Perhaps there is a group like Toast Masters where you live?
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    IDK if this belongs here or not... if it doesn't sry.

    See even after my 110lb weight loss I'm still quiet and have low self esteem... IDK why. I keep telling my self that I'm not the person I use to be... I still find it hard to talk to people and I am still really quiet. If someone starts talking to me a lot of times I don't what to say... I pretty much grew up by my self not talking to really anyone cause everyone would just put me down and treat me really mean. So I think that's why I'm having a problem now talking to people cause I never really had friends or had a normal conversation w/ people growing up. I get intimidated by people A LOT. I look at a person and just assume "Naah they don't want to be my friend" or "Naah they'll think i'm bothering them..." Anyone else have these kind of feelings also?

    I read this a was like do you know me:) I am the same way. Or i used to be...this last year i have found it a little bit easier with all my great friends on MFP but talking to people face to face is hard. They def intimidate me too!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've always had self esteem issues myself. I've never made friends easily, had pretty much, the same attitude you had about them. It never really mattered how I looked. I had issues with everything about myself, and never felt I fit in anywhere. There are a lot of people who feel the same way. I don't know what the answer is for you. Good luck.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Wow... thank you all so so so much for your feed back, comments. I can not tell you how overwhelmed I am... I have more friends now than I have ever had; but for some reason i still don't feel a connection... everyday I wish I could hang out with someone who I could relate to and its nice that I can come on here w/ people who have been though what I have also. I think another really big thing about my low self-esteem is that I've worked so hard to lose my weight (still losing) and it just bothers me a lot... everyday that I never had girlfriend... That's another thing that bothers me alot... I just always thought by now after my weight loss... I'd have a girlfriend.. IDK... but again I am soo overwhelmed by you guys comments... its so nice knowing i'm not alone... I just wish I could relate to someone outside of the site haha :p

    Of course you will have a gf but you have to come up to girls and strike up conversation or it won't happen

    Grab life by the b*lls my friend! :)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Im very shy and hate attention, I never been confident or a talker...
    Its not easy if we have always been the same
    I have 0 personal friends, maybe thats y im always here bugging, lol
    And its tough to find a job for me because I just cant talk!! I feel so judged all the time.
    Its sad but I gotta deal...
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow... thank you all so so so much for your feed back, comments. I can not tell you how overwhelmed I am... I have more friends now than I have ever had; but for some reason i still don't feel a connection... everyday I wish I could hang out with someone who I could relate to and its nice that I can come on here w/ people who have been though what I have also. I think another really big thing about my low self-esteem is that I've worked so hard to lose my weight (still losing) and it just bothers me a lot... everyday that I never had girlfriend... That's another thing that bothers me alot... I just always thought by now after my weight loss... I'd have a girlfriend.. IDK... but again I am soo overwhelmed by you guys comments... its so nice knowing i'm not alone... I just wish I could relate to someone outside of the site haha :p

    Of course you will have a gf but you have to come up to girls and strike up conversation or it won't happen

    Grab life by the b*lls my friend! :)

    Yeah but I just don't want a girl to think "great not this again, another guy hitting on me get lost" ...ya know?
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