Hazel0096 Member


  • Yes, I do realize I still have to be in a deficit, and I am checking where my calories are at the end of the day, but I am not focused on that number. I am not worried about how many calories are in my food which is a huge change for my past dieting. I am finding that I am hitting right around 1000-1200 a day for calories…
  • I am new to keto. So far I am really liking it. I am finding myself eating more cheese than I normally would. I am LOVING not counting calories, all I am paying attention to is that my net carbs are under 20g per day. I was thinking about watermelon on my way to work today though and thinking that it is such a hot day,…
  • If he is just getting back from San francisco, make Rice-a-roni - that's the San Francisco Treat! :)
  • I would like to be down another 13 - 15 pounds by Christmas.
  • I am a terrible dancer. Down right HORRIBLE!! A couple months ago I thought I would give Zumba a try and I found myself smiling and thinking how much I was enjoying myself during my class. I have been going 3 times a week since then. I love it! I am still a terrible dancer but I am learning the dance moves and I don't feel…
  • Michael C. Hall - Dexter! I would leave my whole family for him :)
  • My SIL had the same problem from BCP, at one point her hair was coming out in clumps. At it's worst she ended up just shaving her head and wearing a wig. Once her hair started growing back in her head looked like a globe, dark patches of hair that weren't affected and peach fuzz, blonde hair that was affected. At his point…
  • I love Larabars, I get them and have them for breakfast or lunch sometimes with fruit. So yummy and filling :)
  • I feel your pain. I was "moo"ed at one day while I was out running. Now, I've been having trouble with my knees so I can't run right now so I either just stay in and do a video or the stationary bike. It sucks and I don't have any advice about how to make them stop or accept it. There is no reason you should accept it.
  • Right now the only thing I watch is the calories.
  • I had stevia for the first time last weekend in a mixed drink and I would 100% agree with you! It was AWFUL!!!
  • I hate flax seed. Hate it, I try and add ground flax to baked goods and every single time I do, I regret it. I keep tying though. I love kashi, the coconut ice cream and lentils though.
  • there are no calories in tea so all you should be counting is your milk. Why don't you log 1 cup of milk each day, measure it out in a separate cup and once it's used up, don't have any more tea?
    in Tea! Comment by Hazel0096 February 2013
  • These message boards are so unbelievably mean-spirited. Why bother responding if it's not constructive? Sorry you hurt yourself OP. In my experience with my own ankle injury - less swelling, less bruising mean a broken bone for me. I fell going out my front door with my daughter in my arms. The people at the hospital…
  • diced and mixed into a salad with salsa makes a spicy, creamy dressing. I love it! Sliced on a BLT instead of mayo. in a wrap with chicken, sprouts, veggies on pizza
  • If I eat 30 calories worth of chocolate (lindt single square) I log it. If I eat 30 calories worth of grapes or milk for my tea, I do not log it. Eating grapes and drinking skim milk in my tea isn't what made me gain weight - not paying attention to the fact I was eating too much junk is what did it.
  • I've seen that show once and I was grossed out by it. I do wonder what the rest of his life is like though... does he work out an insane amount? Does he fast for the rest of the day when he is filming the show? Does he just eat whatever he wants all the time? So strange. And to be honest, it's been so long since I've seen…
  • Thanks for the input everyone. I got the One a day ones and I am going to give it a try. We have free access to a dietician through work so I am thinking I am going to make an appointment and see if there is anything I can do to help easily. Eating a head of broccoli a day is not an easy fix if you ask me LOL I like…
  • I should say I just got back from vacation and didn't journal during the week I was gone, but I have been tracking every day before then :)
  • According to Wikipedia there are 5 grades of this.... Sadly, I am at a grade 3. That makes me want to cry! :sad:
  • Thanks for the responses everyone. I know I don't get a lot of protein, my problem is partially carbs are easier to grab in my already busy schedule, and partially cost. I am not a huge fan of eggs but I could definitely eat more beans and nuts. I think my next plan is going to be adding eggs to my breakfast instead of…
  • Thanks for taking a look at my journal, anyone is welcome to look, it is open. I do find that I am leaving too many calories each day. I am really trying to get at least 1200 in each day though - but like I said - all I see when I look at food are numbers.
  • I am in Kingston, Ontario. I live right near the lake, only about a 5 mins drive away. I am a typical Canadian and measure distance by how long it takes to get there :)
  • Amazing!!! You should be so proud of yourself, you've done a great job!
  • I love the shape of my hips. I have nice, wide "birthing" hips. I'd just like them to be smaller, but the proportion to stay the same with my waist. I find humor in the little things - like questioning what makes "Super Eggy Scrambled Eggs" more eggy than regular eggs. Or wrapping - nice, with a bow - a black magic marker…
  • Thanks Lil! What a great goal to have set for yourself for the BMI, I just hope to have the 30 pounds off by then :)