Getting tired of this *kitten*

Hi I am 203lb (now) and I'm training to run a 5k next month using the Zombies Run!! smartphone app, which I love. What I do not love is that whenever I go out on a training run I have to deal with with men and boys who I don't even know making fun of me, shouting comments at me about my breasts and/or nipples and even for the first time this week taking pictures of me with their phones.

Sometimes this makes me want to cry, other times scream and roar and stamp my feet when I get home and talk to my husband about it.

I seem to be able to avoid this by getting up really early to go out and train or very late at night but why the chuff should I???!! Today it is a perfect sunny Spring day and I went out to enjoy the sunshine and feel good about myself. Thanks to a group of bullying twunts shouting obscene comments at me and about me across the street I don't feel good I feel upset and angry. Worse than that I felt like giving up - I won't because I value myself above them and their nastiness.

And they wonder why fewer women do sport!?!!

Rant over, thanks for listening.


  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Don't let a bunch of a$$es stop you from doing what you want to do! Put on some music and tune out the fools of the world. You should be proud of what you are doing and I know you will get the last laugh!! Hang in there!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    That is disgusting! Do you live in the UK? If so this doesn't surprise me at all, it's full of dirty little hood rats who have no respect for anyone.

    Personally, I haven't encountered this problem as I didn't run whilst living in England (probably this is the reason why as people are *kitten* holes!) but I do get self conscious about my chest and have had a few lingering stares/smiles from men which have made me feel a little uncomfortable. But I just try to remain focused on my goals and speed my pace up as I pass them in order to forget about it sooner, so I try to use it to my advantage any of the times I have been made to feel uncomfortable.

    May I suggest a different route? Maybe there is a proper track close enough you can walk to and run around that so everyone else is running too, where I run is where a lot of people run so you don't tend to get people even noticing you as they are too busy running too.
  • jenniferwren
    jenniferwren Posts: 189
    wtf is wrong with men :explode: my only suggestion is to maybe join a running club, my husband did last year and it's full of men and women who train together for different events, he started with a 5k in the rookie running group. Huggies xxxx
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ugh this is really horrible. I'm sorry :(
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    If you are top heavy, it may help to invest in a really good sports bra. This is not just for the observers, but your own comfort, if your breasts are "unstable" in your current attire. Kudos to you for even trying a 5k. I'm lighter than you and limit my running to beating the cross traffic at intersections when I'm out walking (but not feeling as unwieldy doing it as when I was 25 pounds heavier).
  • Hazel0096
    Hazel0096 Posts: 34 Member
    I feel your pain. I was "moo"ed at one day while I was out running.

    Now, I've been having trouble with my knees so I can't run right now so I either just stay in and do a video or the stationary bike.

    It sucks and I don't have any advice about how to make them stop or accept it. There is no reason you should accept it.
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    Keep blocking those negative comments out of your head! You are doing what they can only dream of doing!
  • That is just sick!! I say you just go out there and do what makes you happy! Don't care what they say/do. You will be the one laughing when you are running circles around them! Keep it up, dont let them get you down!
  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    I'm sorry, people suck.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Ignore them is my best advice or use their comments to fuel your desire to change your body. I often had men shouting "You're fat!" as I ran (my heaviest was 190lbs). Whenever I see a larger woman running, I think to myself, you go girl! I know it took a lot for her to get out the door and run on the street because I'm sure they have to endure douche-y comments. It speaks to their mental fortitude.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I can't believe people behave like that! I've never seen or heard that where I've lived, and I've run from 215 lbs all the way to 155 lbs. If my kid ever behaves that way I'll be taking care of it. :grumble:

    Here's a little encouragement for you - don't mind the title... it's not meant to be mean:
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    You are about to run a 5k. I'm sure they haven't. You have had to work hard for something that they probably have never had to think twice about. You are better than them. Remember that. You are stronger and more than likely healthier. Use this as motivation to keep going. They will see the change day after day. They will see that you have not given up, along with the improvements you have made. Soon, they will get bored because they get no reaction and move on. You are doing this for you, screw everyone else!! :drinker:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I would start running toward them like a maniac and pound them in the face... or at least I'd like to think I'd do that.

    Can you find another place to train that is more zen like? What about a trail? If ignoring them is impossible and I don't want you to get arrested for attacking them (I prob would), so I'd move the workout.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    that's horrible :/ maybe you should try some ear phones and loud music? :P don't let them get to you!
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Whenever I see a larger woman running, I think to myself, you go girl! I know it took a lot for her to get out the door and run on the street because I'm sure they have to endure douche-y comments. It speaks to their mental fortitude.

    Seriously, F**K them. Get some music to listen to while doing it and ignore the hell out of them. Keep up the hard work!!!
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    What a bunch of *kitten*. Kudos to you.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    These are not men, these are a subspecies known as manchild and quite a few expletives. Forever caught in a immature loop trying to impress their mates of other manchildren with this behavior...Their sad remarks, comments a display of their very limited understanding of women and anything else more intelligent/complicated than their unevolved peer groups or brains.

    I know it is hard but try and not let it discourage you and if it is the same people say workers or locals in the area maybe photograph or film it so you can report it, as this is harassment.
    FTSTL Posts: 260 Member
    You can change your shape if you want to, they can't change their soul... You win.

    Hear us shouting for you and drowning those jerks out.

    Don't stop training.

    Good luck.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    What a pathetic life they must live.

    Is it the same people? You could bring your phone and take pictures of them, so you can identify them later when you go to the police to report sexual harassment. Unsolicited comments about your breasts qualifies, and you're probably not the only woman they yell at.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    That is disgusting! Do you live in the UK? If so this doesn't surprise me at all, it's full of dirty little hood rats who have no respect for anyone.

    Personally, I haven't encountered this problem as I didn't run whilst living in England (probably this is the reason why as people are *kitten* holes!) but I do get self conscious about my chest and have had a few lingering stares/smiles from men which have made me feel a little uncomfortable. But I just try to remain focused on my goals and speed my pace up as I pass them in order to forget about it sooner, so I try to use it to my advantage any of the times I have been made to feel uncomfortable.

    May I suggest a different route? Maybe there is a proper track close enough you can walk to and run around that so everyone else is running too, where I run is where a lot of people run so you don't tend to get people even noticing you as they are too busy running too.

    Unfortunately, the UK does not have the corner on arseholes. There are millions of them in the US. I would have expected Brits to be more mannerly than us, if anything.