

  • I'm not a 2nd timer, but I am always looking for more friends to both help and support each other, I was always ashamed of how I felt, I have a long journey ahead of me, but I am determined to do it, people will see me walking and stopping for a deep breath and always ask me if my car broke down, I kindly say no, thank you…
  • so true, that is what I had to realize so that I could finally lose the weight!!
  • I try to keep my butt parked in bed or read a book but I've started buying the smart ones - weight watchers desserts and skinny cow ice cream, 120 calories and it satisfies any cravings I might be having from chocolate to ice cream to strawberry shortcakes, but I first head for water if that doesn't cut it then I have…
  • I agree don't use the scale, I go for a weigh in at my doctor's only just so I'm not tempted to step on it, besides mines is way off from my doctor's I like mine better so will not step on it.. Once your body gets used to the changes the weight will come off, go by how you feel. Also I've found if your under stress you…
  • peanut butter or a nice glass of ice cold milk, that's what I do. I was told you should eat at least 1200 calories or your body goes into starvation mode!
  • that is awesome, congratulations, bet that made you feel awesome!!! keep up the great work!!
  • So true I have done this a couple of times also, not a big milk drinker so I add Jillian Micheals triple chocolate whey protein to eat with milk and crushed ice!!
  • Hope is right Avacado is very high, I must admit at first I didn't like it but I always tell my grandchildren, try a bit each time, and soon you'll not just like it but love it!! That how I had to do it with the avacado, baby bites, now when i'm really low I can eat a whole one, also I love chicken. Try chicken salad with…
  • First off good for you for realizing your having a hard time sticking to your plan of losing weight, most people won't realize or admit this. We all have times where we feel this way I have done this several times myself why because I was losing weight people told me I looked good, so I said well I look good enough then…
  • Welcome and great job on that 8 lbs in 1 week, I too tried ww and just couldn't stay with it, been here only 2 weeks and lost 8.4 lbs and I love it!! The people on here keep you motivated, inspired, but most of all the encouragement you need to keep you going! They are my rock!!! :drinker:
  • I have 100+ lbs to lose, add me together we can all do this I'm always looking for more friends, I have only been using this for a week, but down 4lbs.
  • thank you I just started a week ago, I only ate once a day because I wasn't hungry, and if I did eat when I was hungry I'd be violently ill, so I didn't eat if i wasn't hungry. Now I am up to 3 meals a day and 1 snack I have lost 4 lbs. I try to avoid sugar because diabetes run in my family. I can do peanut butter thank…
  • I've only gone over my fat intake once and that was a cheat night. Shame on me for not exercising that day either! But normally I am under on everything I am trying so hard to at least eat my calories but holy cow they give me too much, Just starting 2nd week and down 4lbs, had to many people tell me its water weight. But…
  • not getting married, been married for 23 years, starting 2nd week on here we can do this together!! Good luck and congrats
  • what is 7 Keto, don't watch Dr. Oz but I did start taking CLA
  • add me I'm always looking for more friends and support, and remember on exercises here there is one for walking carrying a baby, so don't forget to add that in, I've had to go through it and actually found things I've been doing that is considered exercise,
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that was a great one made me laugh like crazy!!! you guys are great!!! Every time someone picked one up I'd sing heart attack heart attack fat fat fat
  • you look amazing I have over 100lbs to go and you've inspired me, thank you for sharing
  • I'm not in your area, but I'd be glad to have you as a buddy to support you on your weight loss journey. I live in NC and have tons of weight to lose
  • Good Morning, I joined a week ago today and I'm down 4lbs. The people on here are awesome, they keep your motivated and encourage you in so many ways. I too am trying to add more exercises into my life style, please feel free to add me to anyone who needs more friends.
  • I am living proof of that I would eat once a day or every other day, I have all kinds of health complications because of that life style, I am not up to eating my daily calories yet, but I am losing weight because I am actually forcing myself to eat 3 times a day which is a heck of a lot more than I was doing. But I have…
  • hi, we all could use some help I new to this also, please feel free to add me
  • I hate, hate, hate, scales, I have one at home that lies but to my benefit, so that I'm not tempted to step on the scale every day on Monday's when I drop my grandson off at school on the weigh home I stop at my DR. office which is on the way and weigh in there. Since no matter what my scale says its different than his.…
  • yes my knees click or crunch, or ankles click and when I rotate my head I can hear the crunching in my neck, has been doing that since I was teenager :wink:
  • I don't judge anyone, we all have our demons and health issues. I'm handicapped, but plugging away at it I have tons to lose and mine came opposite yours I got sick 15 years ago and couldn't eat if I did I'd vomit, so I stopped eating I would eat once a day my body went into starvation mode and retained it all as fat. I'm…
  • I'm not trying to lose baby weight, but am trying to lose a lot of weight. Congrats on your baby, good luck with your journey, you can add me as a friend
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey feel free to add me as a friend,
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